You advocated voting down a raise, personal days, double time, more holidays, stop thinking YOU are putting us behind the 8 ball, so what OH would have to work weekends, then with the pre-funding I seriuosly doubt anyone from the vote NO coalition is an expert on insurance, not even the experts know what ins will look like 15 years from now.
Well you were successful in giving up $9k to every mech at AA, lets see how this new contract during BK will work out for us.
You previously held that democracy in the TWU allowed the 2/3 rds rejection of the last TA for the M&R.
Posted 28 December 2011 - 08:58 PM
"NOBODY" on this or any forum knows anything about what is going to happen to the employees of AA until the section 1113 is presented to the unions by the company.
I don't know why all the animosity towards the TWU,
The failed to TA was voted down by the MAJORITY sounds democratic to me.
The negotiators for the failed TA were either voted out of office or were not part of the new negotiations, that sounds democratic.
The 1995, 2001, and 2003 contracts were voted in by the MAJORITY
The ATD is more then just AA, the TWU as a whole is not just the AA
There has not been overwhelming support for a new union, AMP started in TUL can't even get TUL on board with it. If I remember correctly AMFA was voted down by TUL. It seems to be less a TWU issue and more of a majority of the mechs want the TWU and there are a minority of the squeaky wheel type whiners complaining all the time.
And yes we don't vote on the international officers, but that would fall under no support for a new union, voting for international officers doesn't seem to be a considerable hurdle for the majority of AA mechs sense there is little support for a new union.
Duke 787,
The whining from you and others that wished the TWU M&R would continue to subsidize the continued mismanagement of our airline is a song with the same refrain since 1983.
The TWU M&R gave in '83;
The TWU M&R gave in '89;
The TWU M&R gave in '93;
The TWU M&R gave in '95;
The TWU M&R, thanks to AMFA at UAL benefitted in '01;
The TWU M&R gave in '03;
The TWU M&R quit giving to AMR in 2010;
AMR filed for BK protection in 2011.
A Southern saying is that it takes a 2" x 4" to get the attention of a mule.
Albert Einstein is quoted as stating Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I do not think you and others are bad people: I just hear fear in your postings.
I think the train has jumped the tracks; Little and company are seeking a path by which they will seek to spread the bites of the sh!te sandwich over the entire membership so as to retain the maximum numbers of dues members.
The significant event will be the posting of the cost-out for each article of the individual contracts versus the ask from each individual contract group.
If the TWU fails to post both the cost-out and the ask by contract group: we will know that the TWU International is managing the relative bite of the sh!te sandwich based on the retention of the maximum number of dues payors.