Bob and Chuck tell the truth? Really? I guess it is based on a person's perspective
If the TWU scope language was so bad why has AA not outsourced like mad? NWA started the outsourcing under the IAM and then completed the deal when AMFA decided that it was in their members best interests to strike a near BK airline. Well I guess the AMTs won if you say they got full pay to the last day. It is doubtful, of highly unlikely that all or most of the former NWA AMTs got new jobs at $34 plus an hour. But you could use the standard cop out that they would have gone BK anyway.
People like Bob, Pike, Chuck, Ken, JR, Peterson, and Schiable is that they made a error and judgment in over promising and now not being able to deliver. So now the only thing they can do is blame the Int'l and the company for their failures. They attempt to come out clean by saying the politically correct "union" answer that they are fighters and the company was going to claim BK anyway. If the company doesn't and the union settles then they again blame the Int'l as being soft and the company scamming the members again.
Wake up to the fact that these people have an audience and power only if the members don't pin them down and expose their BS. If not, then maybe we deserve whatever we get, good or bad.
Please quote the language that stops them from outsourcing "like mad". I don't know of any substantial improvements to scope from 2001 and back then we outsourced more than most of the majors. Most of them had to go BK to compete with AA and their OSMs, long progressions, pre- funding, employee contributions to Medical and loss of the first year towards the pension. Industry leading concessions that AA enjoyed for many years that competitors did not enjoy.
Please show us where any of us made any promises? I think we all realize that as Presidents none of us has the ability to deliver anything as far as a contract, that argument has been settled in several court cases. The fact is the International owns the contract, all we can do is keep the membership informed so they don't accept a bad deal, again. The fact is that the International could send us all home, the only reason they don't is because they know they could never sell the deals without the Presidents selling it. Any illusions as to who really negotiates the contract were dispelled when Don Videtich walked in with Spin off language that was accepted by the company before the negotiating committee ever even saw it.
The fact is this union is soft on the company. Look at what's going on with the pilots. They will likely have a deal soon, why? Because the company needs some changes to deal with the shortage of pilots and language to fly new aircraft. The APA said no side deals, settle the contract. A year ago AA was in a bind, they did away with the Junior Mechanic program in 2001, so when they needed mechanics on the line and contractually they had to offer the vaccines from within they were faced with the fact that the guy who was entitled did not have the experience required, so everything came to a grinding halt. Instead of telling the company too bad, let's settle it at the table the TWU settled the 29D by allowing the company to do change the QAM and lower the experience requirement to zero. Same thing with Anti- trust immunity. Whatever this company wants from the TWU the International makes sure they gets.
Now comes the BK scare tactics, no doubt the International will barrage the Presidents Council this week with doom and gloom about BK, the fact is that we have no control over that anyway and the $ 190 million a year we were asking for isn't enough to make a trip to BK worth it. The unions basically fell flat, all of them, during the 2002-05 BK frenzy. The AFA did challenge it, but never followed through by bringing the case to the Supreme Court. Maybe, if they do file, (which I don't think they will) we will be the ones to do it, then again if they do file the pilots will be the ones with the most to lose so we could ride on their coat tails, but no real union would tolerate allowing a Judge to order their members to work under terms they did not negotiate and were set with only the companies interests in mind.