Funny, Boeing predicted a lot more, still at 31400 and only with only 3000 A&P certs issued a year the industry will fall short.I see the different skills required , But I don't see us being called SKILLED LABOR. but i will look when I have more time.
and heres something for bob to chew onrojected growth (2008-2018) Slower than average (3% to 6%)
Projected job openings (2008-2018) 31,400
I think Boeing was closer to the mark.
AA alone loses around 500 a year. They employ around 9500 aircraft mechanics, So AA loses around 5% of their mechanic on any given year. 2008 employment for the industry was 122,000 and just attrition driven demand would require around 6000 new mechanics per year with zero growth, so just to make up for attrition they would need at least 60,000 new mechanics, with their projection of only 3% growth they would need another 3660 mechanics per year. So I would say, using their projections the industry will need around 90000 new A& Ps from 2008 to 2018, at least triple he number the FAA is certifying, keep in mind that not all the people who get licensed actually use it for a career. Many pilots get certified so they can work on their own planes, there are over 230,000 registered aircraft in this country.