You do realize that AMR Services was sold in 1999, right?...
I did not know that, thanks for update.
You do realize that AMR Services was sold in 1999, right?...
REPUBLICON= u get what u deserve,u can look at IAM pay scale at Boeing and see a grade 4 installtion mech tops out at more than an AA mech and u dont need a license! WOW !Frank, I had to come back because:
A) wife wouldve been miserable/didn't want to leave Tulsa
B) Puget Sound area WAY too liberal for me
C)" area way too expensive
D) ex-airline mechs are a bad fit at the lazy B(was told this before I went)
E) pretty much had to go to Boe-was a sch at AA before-no chance of getting mech posi
F)all the mech jobs at WN, UP, AK or DL are still fairly competitive. AA TULE apparently wasn't that attractive to many exp mechs.hence the long ext posting duration for TULE
G)at this juncture/age, I have to think about my retirement & getting a home paid off. Decisions are a bit more critical than say, a 30 y/o guy.-but the wife factor/ SEA thing was major issues.
You're only "stuck" because you choose to be.Btw, I agree completely.
I'm basically "stuck", & I'm not getting any younger :-/
REPUBLICON= u get what u deserve,u can look at IAM pay scale at Boeing and see a grade 4 installtion mech tops out at more than an AA mech and u dont need a license! WOW !
Again nice research......... 8 years ago when i was president, my kids were in school all day, so if there was a conference call with my kids in the background,it was most likely on my time or on the weekend. I held conference calls all the time to keep the board up to date. secondly, I did not start the construction business untill after I was removed as President. please stop embarassing your self and answer my question
what have you done in any failed attempt or successfully to help benefit the members?
Is that because the wages are depressed?Yes, but apparently it is in the top ten most depressing states according to a recent survey on depression...
Forced to stay? No one is forced to stay anywhwere, it is a choice.
REPUBLICON= u get what u deserve,u can look at IAM pay scale at Boeing and see a grade 4 installtion mech tops out at more than an AA mech and u dont need a license! WOW !
Yes, but apparently it is in the top ten most depressing states according to a recent survey on depression...
Not specifically directed at you, however as you say I have not had the "opportunity" to experience the industry as you have.If that's directed at me, easy for you to say. I choose to recognize marriage is a two way street Buck.
There's a little more to it-marriage trouble when I left for Boeing-but repaired while commuting back/forth. Besides, her folks are as my own. And both of mine are gone on to be with the Lord. Plus, just too many BS issues with the 787 prog/Puget Sound area. uh-uh....wasn't gonna work for me/us.
I sometimes think that some of you guys that have had the luxury of being secure in your employment with AA for the last 20+ yrs(or so), really have no idea of what kind of a jungle it is out there. In spite of the numbers posted/seen, AMT jobs in comml aviation is still quite competitve and your odds of landing a job start to drop when reach your 50s. It's not hard to figure your age & companys are keenly aware of the increased likelyhood of gimped knees, backs and a host of other ailments that accompany guys my age.
Not raggin on anybody. But I read this board a whole lot more than I post(in hopes of some good rumour control info 😉 ........just brings a snort/smile some of the stuff I read on here about the employment/opportunitys out there. I hope I/we don't have to find out-(again).
How could they acheive that kind of money if they don't work the line for a major airline?What are you doing at AA then? Go for it bubba...just be prepared for a HUGE increase in cost of living, housing & taxes for everything you use, do & enjoy. And stuck on stupid to no end(and a whole host of other lists of BS you must comply with at that corp welfare behemoth known as the lazy B, multitudes of clueless people that have no idea in the world how an airline environment operates)nor do they care. "We build the planes!" 🙄
AMTs at Boe are a grade 9(QA 10). They currently top at 37.07(1.50-wow lic prem, 2nd shift.75c, mids .10c-again wow). Good thing, they need every penny of it. There's a lot of OT hogs at Boe that'll lie to there mothers to wk every weekend. Scabs galore too. My feeling is, Boe will eventually bust the IAM up there-or very least transform it into another twu/AA sweetheart relationship. Almost there now...
Btw, a grade 5(unlic pos $32.74/hr, grade 4 $31.71)-not real sure, but I'm thinking that gr 5 is a QA pos in the factory that'll top an AA AMTs pay.(we're at around 32/hr top, right?-I never even was handed a twu contract book at new hire orien-(yes I know it's on jetnet)....the IAM at Boe gave us that at orientation)
But then....last time I checked, Boeing makes a little more money than AA. Of course, if the AMTs there actually had a craft union negotiating there contracts instead of another "catch all" union with every other group riding the AMTs, they probably could nego about $48/50 hr for it's pre-flight/delivery line mechs.Esp considering how few there are compared to the factory bunch. But that goes cross grained to the ind unions twisted logic doesn't it? Nevermind...
Like Informer eluded to....I've never felt like a union man had to vote straight party line Dem. I've never seen that bunch actually demonstrate to me there superior legislative powers for the "working man"....except of course, for there taxes. Which I get homicidal over, if button pushed.
Neither party represents the American party any more. But we don't need to get off on that rabbit trail....
How do you know what Timco charges ? Plus you throw in the bit about if it runs into extra days that Timco doesn't charge, well I doubt that's true. When I worked at AAR there was no set price for a repair, it depended on how many hours get put into it. Such a policy where they eat any delay would encourage them to not do the job right.Depends on how fast TUL decides to work... and no, I don't have the fully loaded cost-outs for AA or the TIMCO proposal.
Just guessing, at 22 days, it's probably cheaper to in-source.
If it takes 28-30 days (which is what I've been hearing), then the cost of TIMCO's 35 day turn is probably less.
And, if for some reason TIMCO winds up taking 40 days, (other than perhaps something like unexpected structural damage or excessive corrosion?) AA doesn't pay the overage.
Right now, AA's carrying the cost of those extra 6-8 days regardless of the cause.
How could they acheive that kind of money if they don't work the line for a major airline?