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TWU negotiations.........what?

Yeah ken, I had a dream once too, but dreams fade over time. I see May 5, 2010 as a doable date for retro....

You might see May 5, 2010 as a date for calculating what is owed you but I see May 1, 2008 as my date for calculating what is owed me. If you feel like working for free for AA/twu for 2 extra years that is your right. I prefer to stand my ground and demand what is owed me. That is not a dream but cold hard fact.
Because YOUR best friend STOLE from me, LIES to me, and now, Doesn't want to TALK to me!!!! That's Why!
I did not say anything about your or my best friend, It was an indication of the shared partnership of the company and the TWU
If the company thinks by throwing the same crap of a proposal back at us will make our working relationship and morale better, then they had better think again. In fact, it would be another huge insult to all of us and a bad decision at this point. Remember, this is another concessionary contract! What the company is offering is crumbs to what they want us to give up. There is a short term gain built into the plan and long term pain and suffering for us. You must read and apply all the language, the ramificiations of dividing our group, as well as not knowing how the language will be applied to screw us down the road. We will wait and see what will be thrown on the table at the next session. But don't get your hopes up as they are hopeful that we cave in and submit which would make the last 9 years worthless to us. This contract will decide our fate and our future you just may not realize it yet. This is why we can't let history repeat itself and let a contract we vote for over crumbs bite us in the ass after it is signed on the dotted line. It has happened too many times. We can only vote for a contract that benefits us in the short term as well as the long term! Don't be short sighted, hold out for a contract we can live withand not one we just agree to!

just my thoughts, what do you think?
If the company thinks by throwing the same crap of a proposal back at us will make our working relationship and morale better, then they had better think again. In fact, it would be another huge insult to all of us and a bad decision at this point. Remember, this is another concessionary contract! What the company is offering is crumbs to what they want us to give up. There is a short term gain built into the plan and long term pain and suffering for us. You must read and apply all the language, the ramificiations of dividing our group, as well as not knowing how the language will be applied to screw us down the road. We will wait and see what will be thrown on the table at the next session. But don't get your hopes up as they are hopeful that we cave in and submit which would make the last 9 years worthless to us. This contract will decide our fate and our future you just may not realize it yet. This is why we can't let history repeat itself and let a contract we vote for over crumbs bite us in the ass after it is signed on the dotted line. It has happened too many times. We can only vote for a contract that benefits us in the short term as well as the long term! Don't be short sighted, hold out for a contract we can live withand not one we just agree to!

just my thoughts, what do you think?
Agreed, the dynamics have changed with the 460 jet order, and the possibility of a full merger with BA. We waited this long, whats a few more months, I"m sure the AMR boardmembers, stockholders, and creditors, don't like seeing AMR at 4.16 a share nor do they like to see three unions without a contract.
Agreed, the dynamics have changed with the 460 jet order, and the possibility of a full merger with BA. We waited this long, whats a few more months, I"m sure the AMR boardmembers, stockholders, and creditors, don't like seeing AMR at 4.16 a share nor do they like to see three unions without a contract.

You would think that the stock holders and board members don't like quarter after quarter of losses to go with the lower than whale dung stock. But they must not mind since there is no call to replace the inept CEO and his band of thieves. If you remember back in 2003 Arpy stated that AA would make money after the give backs. He never said they would make money unless fuel went up in price or anything else. Also his answer to everything is to shrink capacity. I will admit that I do not have a business degree, but if the airplanes are flying full, and you cut the number of flights you fly, how are you supposed to make more money??? Lets get someone that wants to run an airline with airline people. We actually have a director of maint. in Tulsa that was a marketing guy at an acft manufacturer! Also remember our beloved board member David Boren, former U.S. Senator from the state of Oklahoma, now president of O.U. who stood in a hanger a few years ago and said. "The board members of this airline will never forget what the employees did to save the airline." Well I guess they all did. Meanwhile, management not only enjoys every benefit that we used to have, but they continue to get raises and bonuses. How come the company can afford to pay them but cry broke when we ask for a raise??? Also the article in Sunday's Tulsa World written by D. Stewart (bought and paid for by AA) was priceless. Chicken Little crying the sky is falling. We have been fed so many lies from AA that we don't know what to believe anymore. But if the board was concerned about the losses, they would get rid of the dumba$$ that can't figure out how to turn a profit.
If the company thinks by throwing the same crap of a proposal back at us will make our working relationship and morale better, then they had better think again. In fact, it would be another huge insult to all of us and a bad decision at this point. Remember, this is another concessionary contract! What the company is offering is crumbs to what they want us to give up. There is a short term gain built into the plan and long term pain and suffering for us. You must read and apply all the language, the ramificiations of dividing our group, as well as not knowing how the language will be applied to screw us down the road. We will wait and see what will be thrown on the table at the next session. But don't get your hopes up as they are hopeful that we cave in and submit which would make the last 9 years worthless to us. This contract will decide our fate and our future you just may not realize it yet. This is why we can't let history repeat itself and let a contract we vote for over crumbs bite us in the ass after it is signed on the dotted line. It has happened too many times. We can only vote for a contract that benefits us in the short term as well as the long term! Don't be short sighted, hold out for a contract we can live withand not one we just agree to!

just my thoughts, what do you think?

So what you're saying is your local president is agreeing to concessionary language. I've noticed a couple of recent TA'd articles that are in essence by the current 2003 book! So, TA'd to the 2003 book still makes them concessionary wouldn't you agree Chuck? Are you going to recall Bob Owens for not gaining back the full text of the 2001 language? What the hell Chuck? You and he said, "vote NO, its all or nothing!" You and he even posted youtube video's pimping rejection with a we can do-better agenda like "trust us, we know what to do".....LMAO :lol: :lol:
So what you're saying is your local president is agreeing to concessionary language. I've noticed a couple of recent TA'd articles that are in essence by the current 2003 book! So, TA'd to the 2003 book still makes them concessionary wouldn't you agree Chuck? Are you going to recall Bob Owens for not gaining back the full text of the 2001 language? What the hell Chuck? You and he said, "vote NO, its all or nothing!" You and he even posted youtube video's pimping rejection with a we can do-better agenda like "trust us, we know what to do".....LMAO :lol: :lol:

Obviously you have not read the proposed language by the company over the last 2 years? that Last T/A of August 2010 was full of concessions and I stated we should reject it. Why agree to more concessions? I will state again to turn it down if its the same crap and it is not "all or nothing". I would take the last Proposal that Bob Owens and the committee proposed or do you just take the company's side? you amuse me at your attempts to mock at your own expense!
So what you're saying is your local president is agreeing to concessionary language. I've noticed a couple of recent TA'd articles that are in essence by the current 2003 book! So, TA'd to the 2003 book still makes them concessionary wouldn't you agree Chuck? Are you going to recall Bob Owens for not gaining back the full text of the 2001 language? What the hell Chuck? You and he said, "vote NO, its all or nothing!" You and he even posted youtube video's pimping rejection with a we can do-better agenda like "trust us, we know what to do".....LMAO :lol: :lol:
Jeez, "The Cuttin' Oil Kid" is whining about more twu concessions in the next twu 2011 contract failure??? :blink: Really??? I thought you proudly voted YES on the 2010 twu Sellout (with the 2003 Shared Sacrifice language) as you were instructed by your handlers Phat Don and Jimmy Little???

Now you come on here and question the very concessions you voted YES on??? Seems like your mental capacity is kinda twisted in a sickly twu believer kind of way.

I'm sure the appointed CompAAny Union YES men who reside in Golden twu International Palace will include a new set of written instructions on how to vote YES with the upcoming twu Concession Package.

Maybe Phat Don or Jimmy will even autograph it for you as a frame-able keep sake.
News flash......Crude oil dropped to 85 dollars a barrel today, where is all the fan fare and optimism about how many millions of dollars the company is saving. Everyone is quick to remind us in negotiations everytime oil goes up a nickel and how much it costs the company.
News flash......Crude oil dropped to 85 dollars a barrel today, where is all the fan fare and optimism about how many millions of dollars the company is saving. Everyone is quick to remind us in negotiations everytime oil goes up a nickel and how much it costs the company.

Why did the price of oil go down? Could it be that demand is dropping because the best bet is the economy is heading for a double dip? It's not just oil. Remember SARS, Iceland volcano, the housing crash, the banking crisis, etc...? It's called being lean and have the liquidity to ride out the downturn. Have to look at more than one indicator or variable to get the whole picture. Do you diagnosis an aircraft problem off one parameter or piece of data?

Another parts changer.

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