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TWU negotiations.........what?


I have a better picture of you now after the above post. You are like that professor in the Harry Potter movies with a big bulging eye who can't see. I state this because you are BLIND to the differences between your beloved twu international and the locals.

If you have a problem with the salaries of LOCAL officers make a motion to change that local's by-laws and then vote on it. But unlike the INTERNATIONAL officer's pay we, the membership, do not have that ability. You sound as if you are defending Bobby "lower your expectations" Gless.

As for your mirror comment I am sure that Bob sees his reflection and is not ashamed of who he is. On the other hand, if you held up a mirror what would you see? Besides a fat, eye bulging limping professor that is. I think you would see a twu int. officer hiding behind an alias who is too afraid to be accountable.

Not blind, just more pragmatic than you apparently.

I do have a problem with the way the TWU is structured. I would much like to see Locals that have not adapted to the way the members they represent have shifted. Why are there Locals representing members in SJU that are much closer to MIA? Is that logical?

If I looked in the mirror I would see a person that got on this website to provide some other viewpoint other than your extremist one. Nothing more.
Not blind, just more pragmatic than you apparently.

I do have a problem with the way the TWU is structured. I would much like to see Locals that have not adapted to the way the members they represent have shifted. Why are there Locals representing members in SJU that are much closer to MIA? Is that logical?
Oh, and that's your problem with the twu? That's minor compared to the one's we have. RICHARD
Just look at other departments, like housekeeping.

Oh, and that's your problem with the twu? That's minor compared to the one's we have. RICHARD

Yep, that's my only problem. Other than that the TWU is awesome!

Chill out man. Of course I have more than that. While I disagree with your solutions, other viewpoints are good and in democracy, compromise is usually the end result. Rarely one ever gets all they want in a negotiation.
Yep, that's my only problem. Other than that the TWU is awesome!
Those of us that consider ourselves skilled amt's/professionals, think different. Your losing the battle D.W. and you have only one allie, and that's junior D.W./HSS.
Yep, that's my only problem. Other than that the TWU is awesome!

Chill out man. Of course I have more than that. While I disagree with your solutions, other viewpoints are good and in democracy, compromise is usually the end result. Rarely one ever gets all they want in a negotiation.

First off the TWU went in with way to low of a table position to start with. So yes the answer would normally be somewhere in the middle but from what I've seen AA hasn't moved anywhere near the middle.
If he held that mirror down low..........no lower.................no really low he might be able to see his penis below that prtruding, large, bought and paid for by the union belly!!! That is something he has not seen since he had a Krystal Ball! Keep looking for the balls but they are on Little Jimmy's desk!!!

Jerry I think it's time for another sailing trip. Very low class behavior.
No that's not all I've got. The formula you spoke of for your salary is exactly what the Int'l does in the TWU Constitution. Their raises are contingent on what the members they represent get paid. When I say members I mean all their members rail, airline, casinos, university workers, NASA employees. So under your formula you get a raise based on the highest rate. So if all the AMTs got a pay cut or if they all lost their job except one but he was paid double you would get a raise? Bad formula.

Cars? Don't they use those cars to take people like yourself around. How about instead of you renting your own personal car every time you are in DFW at $400 a week (that's the price of a lease payment hmmm...) to roll like a pimp. How about those steak dinners you Presidents eat and the after hours places you guys go. How's the champagne room?

A5 travel? So let me get this straight. You want to see your Int'l reps out on the floor, meeting with members, and working with Federal legislators but you want them to fly standby? Yeah...try that and see much you see your family. Try never. Bob, you only see your little corner of the world.

Free Admiral's Club admission? Don't know much about that but if your rants on this BB are anything like the emails you probably send out a person would need a quiet place with internet to answer them in between flights.

Face it Bob. There are reasons for much of the things you call perks. If you make it to more senior level I would want you to have those things so you could focus on representing all of us. Every union has items like that in place

Overspeed has got to be either Jim Littles secretary or bobby gless I just cant figure out which one...

Are you fn kidding me
Yep, that's my only problem. Other than that the TWU is awesome!

Chill out man. Of course I have more than that. While I disagree with your solutions, other viewpoints are good and in democracy, compromise is usually the end result. Rarely one ever gets all they want in a negotiation.
and in democracy

So is it a Democracy or a Republic?


I believe we compromised in 2003.
This said from someone just overflowing with class, as he steals food from our childrens mouths.

Stealing food from your children's mouth? Overreach there!

Negotiations are run by those presidents in attendance. They made recommendations and choices and now we are all, including me, waiting on a TA. So if you don't have a TA blame them, not me. Maybe you should email Bob, JR, Pike, and the gang about how unhappy you are. Could have had an extra $25K to $30K in your pocket already. You voted no based on their recommendation that they are going to get you full retro plus SWA wages. How are they doing on that promise?

Be prepared that when they can't deliver Bob, JR, and Pike will blame the Int'l, the Company, the mediator, and all the presidents that finally woke up when a new TA comes out without full retro. You at that point can heed their advice to vote down the TA and wait for release like the APFA and APA who asked over a year ago to walk out. It gets chilly when the NMB puts you on ice so better dress warm. A few years from now you will still post about how the TWU screwed you when it was really all the people who actually believed Bob, Ken, and JR's BS.
I believe we compromised in 2003.

I agree. I would have much more preferred letting AA run the company the Crandall way and layoff and shrink until you start making money again. Carty didn't want to go down shrinking AA after it was the biggest airline when he was given the keys to CEO bathroom. Unfortunately his bad timing and choices brought this company to its knees. The higher ups knew the industry was starting to head for a fall prior to 9/11. Any exec that blames 9/11 for the current state of the industry is lying. The freewheeling excesses of pre-9/11 left AA vulnerable so the higher ups paid for it off our backs. Kind of like the banking scam of 2008, the little guy takes the hit.

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