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TWU negotiations.........what?

I figure the company and the owners of our contract feel we have been beaten down enough to give in by stalling negotiations long enough that we will take what ever they give us even if it is no better than the one we overwhelmingly turned down. I believe stalling was punishment for turning down the contract. Only thing left is for the powers to be is to make small changes in the contract proposal that benefits only certain stations and then bring on the "BOO" factors to scare or attempt to convince everyone that we better take this or else worse could happen or threatened with being put on ice forever!
The same old play book, same old results
I am getting pretty tired of the same old thing and concessionary contracts

"you are either part of the solution or part of the problem"
Chuck, same size pie; same ingredients......just cooked a little longer, and cut differently .

It will be a deal everyone can live with ,or it will be all out war to get rid of TWU !!!
The TWU is as much a social club as it is quasi representation. Even those that are pissed at the TWU wouldn't vote against their friends.

The company isn't interested in booting the TWU as the "union", at least L514, performs many company function re: insurance and such while collecting our dues - it would cost the company money to get rid of them as they'd have to do their own work.

To paraphrase Eoleson, the company and union are so inbred at this point, one couldn't function without the other.
Only thing left is for the powers to be is to make small changes in the contract proposal that benefits only certain stations and then bring on the "BOO" factors to scare or attempt to convince everyone that we better take this or else worse could happen or threatened with being put on ice forever!
Gee....I just can't imagine what station you're referencing above???????????????? 😛 😛 :blink: :unsure: 😱 :angry: B) 🙁
Gee....I just can't imagine what station you're referencing above???????????????? 😛 😛 :blink: :unsure: 😱 :angry: B) 🙁
I have a small imagination today, so let think about that one.......................Got it! TULE!
I have a small imagination today, so let think about that one.......................Got it! TULE!

One shiny spot - I have heard people (in TULE) that I never thought would voice the slightest discontent with the company or its subsidiary, the TWU, saying many not-so-nice things about their company and "representation :lol: ". It may not be as easy for the union boys to ramrod this mess than they think, Lord willing and the creek doesn't rise.
How any TWU member can let the ATD earn 3 times what we do and not vote for change will never get anything but what they deserve.


Sign a card and get rid of these bums. Our future is of no concern to them they dont care but they will if you give them the paycut they gave you. Sign a card and give the ATD the paycut they deserve.
Unacccountable and unelected bums who live high on the hog off of your dues money. Get rid of the twu get rid of your unelected leaders.

Jim Little.............................................3.75% to $249,703.00
John Conley........................................7.1% to $186,500.00
Gary Drummond.................................4.7% to $173,481.00
Robert Gless.......................................3.5% to $171,453.00
Marlene Borisuck (Jim's Secretary)...........10% to $140,853.00

News Flash Gless sighting at JFK on Friday June 10th, he managed to sneek in to get some paperwork done, and escaped without speaking to the very people who pay his $182,886.00 salary. He did come out with these gems:
"If oil keeps on going up, they're going to declare bankruptcy"This line sounds familiar.
"I've been talking to mechanics, and they'd better lower their expectations"We have you representing us, Bob, therefore our expectations couldn't get any lower.
"Don't expect a contract anytime soon"
Chuck, same size pie; same ingredients......just cooked a little longer, and cut differently .

Kind of explains the all out blitz by my local leaders and the international together trying to keep Peterson out, and get a deal done before Zimmerman leaves. They don't want Bob O to have a true tag team partner at the table reporting back the ugly truth to the members.
Good-time Bob will give them anything they want in order to "make his bones". Keith Stewart will do the same. I do not know much about Peterson, but it can't be much worse than what we have had. It is truly sad state of affairs when the most attractive candidates are the ones who can distance themselves the farthest from the Intl. This seems to apply to AMP, AMFA, and TWU supporters across the board.
I figure the company and the owners of our contract feel we have been beaten down enough to give in by stalling negotiations long enough that we will take what ever they give us even if it is no better than the one we overwhelmingly turned down. I believe stalling was punishment for turning down the contract. Only thing left is for the powers to be is to make small changes in the contract proposal that benefits only certain stations and then bring on the "BOO" factors to scare or attempt to convince everyone that we better take this or else worse could happen or threatened with being put on ice forever!
The same old play book, same old results
I am getting pretty tired of the same old thing and concessionary contracts

"you are either part of the solution or part of the problem"

I don't understand? Didn't you and Bob say if we voted down the TA we would get a better deal? Now TUL is the bad guy because they may now get some changes to make them vote yes? Didn't you guys think about all these internal factors before you told us to vote down the TA? AA now knows that they need more TUL votes to drive whatever they want through regardless of the line. Awesome strategy TWU brain trust led by Bob. You guys only succeeded in giving AA the info they needed to tweak the contract to pass.

Keep blaming everyone else. If you know the factors you are facing, isn't it wise to either change your strategy or accept your fate? Otherwise, your fate will be decided for you.
I don't understand? Didn't you and Bob say if we voted down the TA we would get a better deal? Now TUL is the bad guy because they may now get some changes to make them vote yes? Didn't you guys think about all these internal factors before you told us to vote down the TA? AA now knows that they need more TUL votes to drive whatever they want through regardless of the line. Awesome strategy TWU brain trust led by Bob. You guys only succeeded in giving AA the info they needed to tweak the contract to pass.

Keep blaming everyone else. If you know the factors you are facing, isn't it wise to either change your strategy or accept your fate? Otherwise, your fate will be decided for you.
You probably ought to consider employment elsewhere such as one of those think tanks that come up with all the answers since you have nothing but all of the right ones.
I don't understand? Didn't you and Bob say if we voted down the TA we would get a better deal? Now TUL is the bad guy because they may now get some changes to make them vote yes? Didn't you guys think about all these internal factors before you told us to vote down the TA? AA now knows that they need more TUL votes to drive whatever they want through regardless of the line. Awesome strategy TWU brain trust led by Bob. You guys only succeeded in giving AA the info they needed to tweak the contract to pass.

Keep blaming everyone else. If you know the factors you are facing, isn't it wise to either change your strategy or accept your fate? Otherwise, your fate will be decided for you.

A. You understand perfectly.
B. They are still trying to squeeze AA into ponying up a better T/A for M&R.
C. The masses in TULE are blind TWU faithful, that many know they would'nt have a job if it weren't for the sweetheart TWU unlic mech give back.
D. AA knows how to play the TWU like Eddie Van Halen can play a Strat. With the TWUs consent, of course.
E. Everyone on this forum knows what the problem is....it's the passive, lazy and frankly, ignorant (I'm just glad I've got a job)TULE mechs that won't sign an AMP card to make a change that'll make a real difference in mechanics & there familys lives' at American. (no dis to those of you that desire change, of course)

Like I said before...I can't wait to get in AA, and sign an AMP card. And I will do my part discipling others. Won't be long now...
A. You understand perfectly.
B. They are still trying to squeeze AA into ponying up a better T/A for M&R.
C. The masses in TULE are blind TWU faithful, that many know, they would've have a job if it weren't for the TWU unlic mech give back.
D. AA knows how to play the TWU like Eddie Van Halen can play a Strat.
E. Everyone on this forum knows what the problem is....it's the apathetic, lazy, and frankly, ignorant TULE mechs that won't sign an AMP card to make a change that'll make a real difference in mechanics & there familys lives' at American.

Why do you come on this forum and stir the pot? Unless, of course you're part of the PROBLEM.
Like I said...I can't wait to get in AA, and sign an AMP card. And I will do my part discipling others. Won't be long now...

Hey 787 you remember at NWA it was always MSP that threw the vote just like TULE does..Well when the IAM brought back the POS after sucking hind tit for years and the 1993 paycut the IAM in the best and most profitable airline years brought back that POS contract it finally motivated the MSP bunch to come around and vote them out. Hopefully it wont take that to get the TULE sheep to come around.
I don't understand? Didn't you and Bob say if we voted down the TA we would get a better deal? Now TUL is the bad guy because they may now get some changes to make them vote yes? Didn't you guys think about all these internal factors before you told us to vote down the TA? AA now knows that they need more TUL votes to drive whatever they want through regardless of the line. Awesome strategy TWU brain trust led by Bob. You guys only succeeded in giving AA the info they needed to tweak the contract to pass.

Keep blaming everyone else. If you know the factors you are facing, isn't it wise to either change your strategy or accept your fate? Otherwise, your fate will be decided for you.
I read here daily and have yet to see anything but opinions. Just like mine and yours. I do not recall anyone guaranteeing a better T/A. Since 1984, the TWU has constantly pushed contract votes at TUL. It is about numbers after all. Numbers that will keep as many employed as possible, while wages are not a consideration. In other words DUES. After all brother we are all the same. Where is that "Loaf of Bread" when I need it?

Now TUL is the bad guy because they may now get some changes to make them vote yes?

Who is going to make TULE vote yes? Is the TWU that powerful?

told us to vote down the TA?

Are you indicating the way you voted?

Bob does not lead the Industrial International.

You guys only succeeded in giving AA the info they needed to tweak the contract to pass.

The company has had the TWU in their pocket as far back as I can remember. As a member of the "B-Scale", I am very familiar with the ways of the TWU.

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