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TWU negotiations.........what?

make it 100 days.....on every dock, and all MEL's to the last day and out of time!!!! 😀 😛 😱 🙂

managements face might look like this.... :angry: <_< 🙁 😉

Guaranteed Contract, boys!!!!
Sounds good S.F., but until the local presidents nut up and utilize the chain of command to spread and enforce unionism, we're dead in the water. Leadership is the common denominator, we have none.
one effective negotiating strategy....show our frustration on the line and not on this board. Some of the conversation between the company and union at the negotiating table should include "how horrible M&E dependability is, and how late the base schedule is getting". Then, a guy like Bob Owens can stand tall and respond by saying something to the affect "do something about it"!

This is the only way, guys!!! Let's all make management look HORRIBLE!!!!!!
one effective negotiating strategy....show our frustration on the line and not on this board. Some of the conversation between the company and union at the negotiating table should include "how horrible M&E dependability is, and how late the base schedule is getting". Then, a guy like Bob Owens can stand tall and respond by saying something to the affect "do something about it"!

This is the only way, guys!!! Let's all make management look HORRIBLE!!!!!!
Gotta remember Carmen, this board only reaches a minority of the mechanics and related, the only way you can reach all the members is to walk the hanger floor and line. Without an accountable union president at the international level to direct and lead the locals, we're lost. Most people want to be lead, but only a few can lead, do you think the international can get us through this, they own our piece of #### contract, yet they don't work under it. This is a joke, and if any of you so called professional mechanics can't see this, be happy with what you have and shut the fck up!
As is typical, calls to Tool & Die will begin starting Monday to get us to do the hanger's work, then blame us for making the aircraft late. We can look at a schedule and tell when the calls will start.

This happens base wide on a regular basis and it will continue until the hangar personnel are made to do their own work and not look for a scapegoat.
Actually the calls start any time the Tool and Die guys expertise is needed. Whether it is M-F, or Sat or Sun. Of course a call to the HOC is first. As for the blame, it is shared with Stores, Paint & Fiberglas and Manufacturing etc......
Gotta remember Carmen, this board only reaches a minority of the mechanics and related, the only way you can reach all the members is to walk the hanger floor and line. Without an accountable union president at the international level to direct and lead the locals, we're lost. Most people want to be lead, but only a few can lead, do you think the international can get us through this, they own our piece of #### contract, yet they don't work under it. This is a joke, and if any of you so called professional mechanics can't see this, be happy with what you have and shut the fck up!
I agree!

it doesn't help when our local president walks the hangar floor and is recognized by most members as "DOOM & GLOOM".

when was the last time you saw an INTL officer.....gless, videtich, drummond walk the hangar floors in TUL & AFW or the Line?????

Last time Videtich visited ORD...he acted as bodyguard for Bob Reding. That's when Reding & Videtich tried to convince the members that management's bonuses were necessary to retain "good managers", and our concessions were just "necessary". What a POS!!!!!!
Sounds good S.F., but until the local presidents nut up and utilize the chain of command to spread and enforce unionism, we're dead in the water. Leadership is the common denominator, we have none.

LOL, here is a funny idea how about the TASEL guys turn down OT (DOH) ! Just a thought since we are throwing ideas around.
LOL, here is a funny idea how about the TASEL guys turn down OT (DOH) ! Just a thought since we are throwing ideas around.
Novel idea?

How about extending that to everyone. Get off the list.
I'm sure a few people will use Bob as a figurehead to burn in effigy if the next contract proposal is worse or if "restore and more" can't be achieved after eight years.

But, Bob's been in that position before. He knew what he signed on for by choosing to take his positions public to the extent he did (e.g. visiting analysts, YouTube, these forums).

Actually the calls start any time the Tool and Die guys expertise is needed. Whether it is M-F, or Sat or Sun. Of course a call to the HOC is first. As for the blame, it is shared with Stores, Paint & Fiberglas and Manufacturing etc......

Our "expertise" is needed to pour a splash, drill, enlarge, measure a hole or remove a bushing? Many worry about certificated mechs doing the work yet have no problem calling someone else, not certificated, when their boys are too damned lazy to do their own jobs.

How in the world did the old guys, years ago, get things done without claming they "don't know how"?
Our "expertise" is needed to pour a splash, drill, enlarge, measure a hole or remove a bushing? Many worry about certificated mechs doing the work yet have no problem calling someone else, not certificated, when their boys are too damned lazy to do their own jobs.

How in the world did the old guys, years ago, get things done without claiming they "don't know how"?

pour a splash

It is something that we do not do enough of. I believe when you come to the aircraft dock and perform the work, that you should receive the appropriate compensation. Which if the machinist does not hold a certificate, a premium should be paid.
Bob Owens,

Scuttlebutt around the Bunn this morning is that we are getting a new pivot man for our monthly circle jerk because our current mediator is being laid off, and the guy we're getting is pro-company. Also, Jim Little flew in last week for one day of negotiations to tell the negotiating committee to LOWER their standards for the next TA. Care to comment?
Bob Owens,

Scuttlebutt around the Bunn this morning is that we are getting a new pivot man for our monthly circle jerk because our current mediator is being laid off, and the guy we're getting is pro-company. Also, Jim Little flew in last week for one day of negotiations to tell the negotiating committee to LOWER their standards for the next TA. Care to comment?
Not under the current administratioin, undoubtedly!
Bob Owens,

Scuttlebutt around the Bunn this morning is that we are getting a new pivot man for our monthly circle jerk because our current mediator is being laid off, and the guy we're getting is pro-company. Also, Jim Little flew in last week for one day of negotiations to tell the negotiating committee to LOWER their standards for the next TA. Care to comment?
As if the current mediator is not pro-company. That was a truly funny observation.

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