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TWU negotiations.........what?

Anyone on here that expects Owens to ride in on his white horse and save they day is delusional. Reality sucks huh?

I can't for the life me understand the discontent for Bob Owens. Had the previous neogitating committee proposed what he proposed in the BEGINNING, we might have had a higher standard to bargain from. Instead people are blaming him for the situation we are now in.
The TWU has been in bed with this company LOOOOOONNNNG before Bob Owens even hired on at AA.
So those of you who are ecstatic preferring the international take over negotiations and essentially take the POS the company last offered, you deserve what you get.

Bob Owens is only trying to better our profession and standard of living, instead you TWU lapdogs are happy with Little, Gless and Videtich making executive salaries while you settle for crumbs.
Maybe you're jealous of Little's secretary and her executive compensation....

Instead you blame Bob Owens for over 40 years of sleeping with the enemy instead of placing the blame where it belongs.

You all deserve what you get...............crumbs....
Anyone on here that expects Owens to ride in on his white horse and save they day is delusional. Reality sucks huh?

Who's side are you on? You may not care for Owens, I'm sue he and I differ on politics; however, there is no denying his efforts towards fighting for AMTs better pay and benefits. Gotta tell you, I have never seen another TWU representative attack the issues with as much passion as Owens does.

Unfortunately, these negotiations are not open. Which is not to say that some things do get leaked out. The leak I heard was that this "weekend coverage at the base" TA took up a lot of time. The feeling is that come August, a full TA will be reached. The driving force will be the need to secure financing for aircraft purchases. In addition, both the pilot's and FA's will have TAs in place as well. The FSCs and the rest, their deal is already done.
I can't for the life me understand the discontent for Bob Owens.
Wanting to know how the latest sellout occured isn't discontent for Bob, its the opposite. He is the only source of information coming from TWU negotiations over the past 30+ years. Most of us fully understand that this is the internationals show and that Bob is there to be a witness and thorn in the side to the calamity that is surely going to occur but never reported in detail in the past. At least now we get a blow by blow of it here.
If Bob and the negotiating committee don't go through the motions, the international will sell us out! They are screwed and their is nothing that we can do about it! The question is, IF the negotiating committee is truly on our side, when will they call it quits and support another union? I can't believe you would vote yes to get rid of amt jobs and retirement, for a signing bonus and small raise. Fu ck that!!

We were sold out to the internationAAl a long time ago.... <_<
I don't have any discontent for Owens, I appreciate his ideals and what he's trying to do with the contract. But all of you people think that he can overcome the entrenched company/union relationship by himself, and thats delusional.

These corrupt and evil people have destroyed a once great airline and many peoples lives without any reason except to sweeten thier own bank accounts. They have been doing it for decades and will continue riding their own personal waves of good fortune until the wave disappears into the beach and the rest of us are left in the unemployment line.

You want to sit there on your laptops or in front of the TV or playing dominoes or whatever it is that you do at work and let one man do all the work on our behalf. It isn't going to happen like that. Every single time you have oppurtunity to use their paperwork and the result is an airplane OTS, it needs to be done, no favors, no heroes. If that means working on the POS for 8 hours then so be it. Every chance that you get to extend and ETR while in OH by finding a problem it should written up and worked on by the book. I don't understand how any airplane makes it out of the bases on time in this climate. Right now 50% of their stinking fleet should be sitting on a ramp or hangar somewhere with guys working on it or waiting for someone to crap some parts or tools.

Go look at asom right now and see how few are OTS at bases and line, there should be 6x that. That would make a statement they would be forced to cave into, Bob wouldn't have to say a word. The int and the comp would be on their heels.

Thats how we'll get this done to one end or the other. Not by hoping one guy can overcome the sytem.
Who's side are you on? You may not care for Owens, I'm sue he and I differ on politics; however, there is no denying his efforts towards fighting for AMTs better pay and benefits. Gotta tell you, I have never seen another TWU representative attack the issues with as much passion as Owens does.

Unfortunately, these negotiations are not open. Which is not to say that some things do get leaked out. The leak I heard was that this
"weekend coverage at the base"
TA took up a lot of time. The feeling is that come August, a full TA will be reached. The driving force will be the need to secure financing for aircraft purchases. In addition, both the pilot's and FA's will have TAs in place as well. The FSCs and the rest, their deal is already done.
It has already started at 1D in TULE.
Every chance that you get to extend and ETR while in OH by finding a problem it should written up and worked on by the book. I don't understand how any airplane makes it out of the bases on time in this climate.
Go look at asom right now and see how few are OTS at bases and line, there should be 6x that. That would make a statement they would be forced to cave into, Bob wouldn't have to say a word. The int and the comp would be on their heels.

It doesn't appear you have been following the dock plans in Tulsa. Schedules have gone from bad to worse in just the last month with planes dropping dead on a weekly basis and heavy's have been suspended till lights can be caught up. You're right, it could be MUCH worse if everyone would follow the lead of once proud 1D, formerly 4D, that has been reduced to one of the most inefficient docks in base history. Buck, isn't it day 57?
I don't have any discontent for Owens, I appreciate his ideals and what he's trying to do with the contract. But all of you people think that he can overcome the entrenched company/union relationship by himself, and thats delusional.

These corrupt and evil people have destroyed a once great airline and many peoples lives without any reason except to sweeten thier own bank accounts. They have been doing it for decades and will continue riding their own personal waves of good fortune until the wave disappears into the beach and the rest of us are left in the unemployment line.

You want to sit there on your laptops or in front of the TV or playing dominoes or whatever it is that you do at work and let one man do all the work on our behalf. It isn't going to happen like that. Every single time you have oppurtunity to use their paperwork and the result is an airplane OTS, it needs to be done, no favors, no heroes. If that means working on the POS for 8 hours then so be it. Every chance that you get to extend and ETR while in OH by finding a problem it should written up and worked on by the book. I don't understand how any airplane makes it out of the bases on time in this climate. Right now 50% of their stinking fleet should be sitting on a ramp or hangar somewhere with guys working on it or waiting for someone to crap some parts or tools.

Go look at asom right now and see how few are OTS at bases and line, there should be 6x that. That would make a statement they would be forced to cave into, Bob wouldn't have to say a word. The int and the comp would be on their heels.

Thats how we'll get this done to one end or the other. Not by hoping one guy can overcome the sytem.

Ditto ! !
What cracks me up is how some of these post read as if we just now have a newly discovered revelation.

NO! the TWU has been an over powering company union for years.

This isn't new at all.
It doesn't appear you have been following the dock plans in Tulsa. Schedules have gone from bad to worse in just the last month with planes dropping dead on a weekly basis and heavy's have been suspended till lights can be caught up. You're right, it could be MUCH worse if everyone would follow the lead of once proud 1D, formerly 4D, that has been reduced to one of the most inefficient docks in base history. Buck, isn't it day 57?

56, 57, 58 of 63. 63 may be unlikely due to the amount of work left. Started as a RETRO, then a Light C rolled in. There was a lot of corrosion. AFT LAV Vent and Fuel Pump areas. Every one on the floor is doing what they can, but we do not have full support 7 days a week.
What cracks me up is how some of these post read as if we just now have a newly discovered revelation.

NO! the TWU has been an over powering company union for years.

This isn't new at all.
Brother, you have been out of order for as long as I have.
56, 57, 58 of 63. 63 may be unlikely due to the amount of work left. Started as a RETRO, then a Light C rolled in. There was a lot of corrosion. AFT LAV Vent and Fuel Pump areas. Every one on the floor is doing what they can, but we do not have full support 7 days a week.
make it 100 days.....on every dock, and all MEL's to the last day and out of time!!!! 😀 😛 😱 🙂

managements face might look like this.... :angry: <_< 🙁 😉

Guaranteed Contract, boys!!!!
56, 57, 58 of 63. 63 may be unlikely due to the amount of work left. Started as a RETRO, then a Light C rolled in. There was a lot of corrosion. AFT LAV Vent and Fuel Pump areas. Every one on the floor is doing what they can, but we do not have full support 7 days a week.

As is typical, calls to Tool & Die will begin starting Monday to get us to do the hanger's work, then blame us for making the aircraft late. We can look at a schedule and tell when the calls will start.

This happens base wide on a regular basis and it will continue until the hanger personnel are made to do their own work and not look for a scapegoat.

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