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TWU negotiations.........what?

Let's see here...

TWU International Involved in this round of negotiations.

TWU Benefits Coordinators involved in this round of negotations.

Look for Retirement Medical to soon become sold by the TWU and no longer company provided/administered, and thus an agreement coming soon. Just look at LTD and STD as example of why I suspect this to be in the works. TWU is very proficient in negotiating away an insurance benefit, then becoming the insurance sales representative, and soon over priced premiums are in your pocket book. They love to "negatively sell you" Where you are automatically enrolled unless you refuse.
after seeing what they agreed to this week I see why Bob is quite, like I said we will get the same T/a packaged a little differnent Should have passed the last one thanks no voters. And you can talk all tough about our profession and all that crap but in the end I will say I TOLD YOU SO they will bring back the same crap but we will have lost a year or more of pay and it will last longer so pound your chest all you want
We should have taken the last one! REALLY!!!!!!!!!! Whats a matter, lost out on that summer sale at Bass Pro Shop. Somebody (iluvaa) has has to prove the old saying " better to be thought a moron than open your mouth and prove it" Who knows what they are doing in negotiations. Why are they waiting until the end of the week to start talking about MONEY!!!! This record that the company and the union are dancing to has gotten way past old. The international needs to be inundated with questions and when they scream we need to ask twice as much. Remember maintenance is not a race and needs to be done by the maintenance manual, not the flight schedule. SAFETY FIRST WE MUST THINK OF OUR PASSENGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after seeing what they agreed to this week I see why Bob is quite, like I said we will get the same T/a packaged a little differnent Should have passed the last one thanks no voters. And you can talk all tough about our profession and all that crap but in the end I will say I TOLD YOU SO they will bring back the same crap but we will have lost a year or more of pay and it will last longer so pound your chest all you want
<_< ------iluvaa, I'm not going to try change your mind about anything.----- I just have one question. Did you sign a AMP card? :huh:
after seeing what they agreed to this week I see why Bob is quite, like I said we will get the same T/a packaged a little differnent Should have passed the last one thanks no voters. And you can talk all tough about our profession and all that crap but in the end I will say I TOLD YOU SO they will bring back the same crap but we will have lost a year or more of pay and it will last longer so pound your chest all you want
Your a big drippin' wet pu--y iluvaa! I would much rather work under this contract than give anything else back! Tulsa whimp!
Your a big drippin' wet pu--y iluvaa! I would much rather work under this contract than give anything else back! Tulsa whimp!
Look on the bright side, when they finally shut this place down, we can go to DWH and get days off in the middle of the week. :down:

The silence from Bob on this subject is rather frightening. I still want to know how this happened and what was the vote to T/A this.
Look on the bright side, when they finally shut this place down, we can go to DWH and get days off in the middle of the week. :down:

The silence from Bob on this subject is rather frightening. I still want to know how this happened and what was the vote to T/A this.
Bob and our negotiating committee were blackballed from the git go. Our union, the twu international, owns the contract, and we have no controll of our destiny.
Your a big drippin' wet pu--y iluvaa! I would much rather work under this contract than give anything else back! Tulsa whimp!
I expected the name calling but you miss my point the TWU will bring back the exact same deal just packaged a little different you will see, Bobs absence from this forum says alot to me, and yes I did sign an AMP card I hate the TWU but they are the ones doing this deal not AMP so I know from past practice what will happen so call me names all you want but I believe Jimmy is running the show now. So hate on me all you want but do you really see it any other way the truth is very painful sometimes. I support any union other then the TWU but let me know when that happens
Bob and our negotiating committee were blackballed from the git go. Our union, the twu international, owns the contract, and we have no controll of our destiny.
So why call me names for pointing that out just stated it a little different
If Bob and the negotiating committee don't go through the motions, the international will sell us out! They are screwed and their is nothing that we can do about it! The question is, IF the negotiating committee is truly on our side, when will they call it quits and support another union? I can't believe you would vote yes to get rid of amt jobs and retirement, for a signing bonus and small raise. Fu ck that!!
<_< ------- Hey, just remember, Bob is just one man on that negotiating committee! ------- And really? Did you expect anything other than a screwing to come out of this??? As long as those #@%$& in Tulsa sit on their backsides and do nothing, ------ That's what you'all will get! ----- A screwing!!!------- Hey! You can bad mouth the IAM all you want, and it was bad, real bad!!!! But this TWU has got it down to an art form!!!!! 😉
First give Bob a minute or two to get home.

Second, if you hate the TWU so much, then hit them in the political pocket. File for Agency Fee.

Do your own research, I have been there with a hand full of others and received no support from the rest of the TWU haters. So blame who or what you want, everyone is at fault for some reason or another. Not participating in this or that. Just stop fighting among ourselves.
Looks like they wont be able to blame Bob afterall.

After the e-mail he issued requesting that you ask James C. Little to assist in requesting a release, the door was opened once again for the International to take back the negotiations.

Now we are right back where we would have been over 1 year ago.

Don't look for Bob to be on here ranting anymore. He has been relagated to the back of the bus.

The power grab politics of this union is as evil as it gets.

What is even worse is that some members, including some that frequent this board think this is funny and without hesitation support the supression of information and anyone who might take a stand or attempt to do the right thing.

Nothing like paying 2 hours pay per month for corrupt representation and under handed dealings. Nothing like secret society negotiations and the black ball of anyone who stands in the way or attempts to expose the evil.

We are all fools and idiots that are simply manipulated by corruption. And they call us humans the intelligent species and as working class we have the gall to demand respect. If these policies were not so wrong, it might be laughable. But funny it aint.
565 does, and the word that I am getting from my local is that there lameduck president pushed this through. What did he get in return is the next question? Bob...Any comments??? Or has there been a media blackout on this sellout??? Also, what did we get in return for this major concession????
Does it really matter who's on the negotiating teams??????

bottom line.....when a T/A is passed for membership approval and the wage, benefits and work rules aren't any different than the previous POS......VOTE NO!!!!!!!! it's very simple guys.
Anyone on here that expects Owens to ride in on his white horse and save they day is delusional. Reality sucks huh?

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