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TWU negotiations.........what?

at what point do we give up on this joke of a negotiating committee? a YEAR now and we've made NO progress? when do we give up and do something? there's no excuse that we had a failed TA a year ago, and a year later we're no closer now than we were a year ago!! The TWU and the company are LOVING this, we're being made a mockery of everytime they get together as they cash in on us day after day with all their holidays, pay raises and bonus's in their pockets. Sign an AMP card and put some heat on the joke of a TWU that we call our union. They have theirs, there's no pressure to give us anything. this meeting every 4 weeks is a freaking joke, what do they do all week? there, i've vented. still wont help anything, some people are just dead set in 'staying the course'.
I feel your pain brother. Did we really expect anything else? This will go on indefinitly until, well I don`t know. Geez, I need a drink.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the twu international owns the contract, and they are the ones that ask for a release, and until that happens it's the monthly circle jerk tour cumming to a city near you. Tulsa, please wake up!
The TWU and the company are LOVING this, we're being made a mockery of everytime they get together as they cash in on us day after day with all their holidays, pay raises and bonus's in their pockets.
They only do so with the permission and blessing of those who refuse to fight. It's called the fat, dumb, and happy syndrome.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the twu international owns the contract, and they are the ones that ask for a release, and until that happens it's the monthly circle jerk tour cumming to a city near you. Tulsa, please wake up!

I can't wait to sign an AMP card when I get in, brotha. TULE is the hold up.
I'll ask Ken who the AMP contact is in TULE.
Ouch...major concession of weekend coverage with nothing in exchange. Bob Owens, how did this happen?

(i) The following rules will apply to the and AFW (excludes DWH) and MCI
Maintenance Bases—employees, excluding Line Maintenance at Tulsa, and apply only
with reference to the assignment of employees to work schedules that include Saturday
and/or Sunday.
(1) Crew Chiefs and Inspectors will not be included in these rules since they
bid for jobs on a seniority basis.
(2) Employees scheduled on shifts that start during the last hour of Sunday
(continuing into Monday) are not to be counted as Sunday workers in the
application of these rules. Employees scheduled on shifts that start during the
last hour of Friday (continuing into Saturday) are to be counted as Saturday
workers for the purpose of the application of these rules only.
(3) An employee may bid by seniority within his work unit for a five-day work
schedule that includes both Saturday and Sunday or one that includes a
Saturday or a Sunday.
(4) If insufficient number of employees bid, the Company may assign
employees to such a work schedule on the basis of inverse seniority within a
work unit.
(5) The Company will not establish five-day work schedules that include
Saturday and Sunday work for employees totaling more than one-seventh of the
employees subject to these rules.
(6) The Company will not establish five-day work schedules that include a
Saturday for more than one-seventh of the employees subject to these rules and
will not establish five-day work schedules that include a Sunday for more than
one-seventh of this same total number.
(7) Employees who work a schedule that includes just Saturday (oneseventh)
or Sunday (one-seventh) will rotate so as to share being off on a
Saturday or a Sunday during the week, unless fixed days off have been
established pursuant to Article 3(f) of this Agreement.
(8) The Company will continue to make every reasonable effort to arrange
work schedules so that, whenever practicable, days off will be Saturday and
<_< ------ Tex Mech, where did you dig this up?------- For one it refurres to "MCI maintenance base employees",------ well guess what? There aren't any!!! :blink:
<_< ------ Tex Mech, where did you dig this up?------- For one it refurres to "MCI maintenance base employees",------ well guess what? There aren't any!!! :blink:
It is in the T/A'd articles on the neogiations website. It was T/A'd this week. Looks like a complete sellout for the DWH guys with 7 day coverage. I would like to know who voted to allow this to be T/A'd.
It appears the TWU International is now involved and SECRET NEGOTIATIONS is in full bloom as a result.
It is in the T/A'd articles on the neogiations website. It was T/A'd this week. Looks like a complete sellout for the DWH guys with 7 day coverage. I would like to know who voted to allow this to be T/A'd.
<_<------- And why not?------ DWH,( also known as MCI south,) they're used to being handed the short end of the stick!!!! :angry:----- And for the sake of this forum, I'm being diplomatic here!!!
<_<------- And why not?------ DWH,( also known as MCI south,) they're used to being handed the short end of the stick!!!! :angry:----- And for the sake of this forum, I'm being diplomatic here!!!
It is not MCI south per the seniority list anymore. It doesn't even look like the MCIer are the majority anymore. It is what it is, a sellout of those working at DWH today, and when they sell AFW, it will be a sellout of a bunch more of us. I am glad that I turned down my transfer over there.
It is not MCI south per the seniority list anymore. It doesn't even look like the MCIer are the majority anymore. It is what it is, a sellout of those working at DWH today, and when they sell AFW, it will be a sellout of a bunch more of us. I am glad that I turned down my transfer over there.
...and which local and president represents DWH????
...and which local and president represents DWH????
565 does, and the word that I am getting from my local is that there lameduck president pushed this through. What did he get in return is the next question? Bob...Any comments??? Or has there been a media blackout on this sellout??? Also, what did we get in return for this major concession????

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