Steve, I'm going out on a limb to say there's two problems here.....yes, our union disrespects all members by bamboozling us and working to undermine the our craft. That's our fault for keeping the cancer around. I'm just in amazement that it's very difficult to convince the majority of our craft to get rid of the TWU. Look, there isn't a craft union out there that would argue against the company's credited experience for entry mechanics besides a union strictly looking at dues, and not the quality of talent. Correct me if I'm wrong, but WE don't need anymore bags of SH*TS working around the joint, do we?
I know it's too easy to blame the TWU, but something morally changed within our ranks about how we view our craft and class. The pilots and f/a's also took a beating in 2003, but I don't see the pilots changing there views towards their craft. They still go about there business as professionals. I attribute that quality on the person's attitude towards the profession, more importantly, on how that person was raised.
I view our craft, for the most part, as highly question, we have some very talented mechanics, whether it's structures, avionics, or systems....and don't get me wrong I blame the company for not utilizing the talent they have at the bases and line. And, although we took a beating in 2003, and now have gone 3 years of negotiating doesn't mean we just give up on the profession, and allow AA management & TWU members and officials to diminish the craft and class. Because that's exactly what's happened here.
I don't know what expectations AMFA and the Teamsters set for their members, but I'm sure they have expectations. I'm sure the bar is high, and they expect their members to act and work professional. What expectations does the TWU, or AA have our mechanics, besides showing up for work? That's the difference between TWU, AA, AMFA, Teamsters, and Fed Ex.
I asked before.....why is SWA, UPS and Fed EX compelled to pay their mechanics $45-52 per hour. It's not out of the kindness of their hearts, that's for sure. These companies farm out OH, but they don't have to pay their mechanics these high wages....they can follow other carriers and pay what we make $33. So, why can AMFA and Teamsters convince their management to accept these high wages and good benefits, and WE CAN'T? There has to be a reason why?
Strike, I've been in this industry since 1988, and following SWA since the early eighties; as I always thought Herb Kelleher was on to something with his biz model and had a great attitude towards his people. WN is a well oiled machine. They are the competitions absolute, most feared carrier in the industry. What was once the weakling on the block is now the bad ass, that has the physique of a Lou Ferrigno in his prime. And yes,
once again...WN does has several heavy check lines going in Dallas. Equally true they outsource to El Salvador(which is strongly disagree with btw), ATS and SAT 3 MROs. But WN has a very streamlined, efficient operation that makes that company money.
Big money. And last thing about WN...they operate lean on mechanics. There mechanics WORK too. If you're a slug, first of all, you'll not likely get past probation. But if draw the wrath of your co-workers. They don't like it, and will ridicule & ride your ass to no end.
FedEx is an easy one. Fred Smith tosses the mechanics a little more money everytime the rumble gets loud enough to hear from corporate, & he gets the feeling a card drive is back on. FX is "reactive, rather than proactive" when it comes to giving it's mechanics a raise. They are also in the freight hauling business. Which, contrary to what some here believe, is very profitable-if done correctly. No heavy maint, all components outsourced. Just B checks, and line maint. Pretty simple. And they make more money in a quarter than AA makes all year. Easily... I know all this, because I worked there for almost 4 years. Additioanlly, I don't know an outfit that HATES unoins as much as Fred Smith and most people in FX. You'll never see a mechanics union in FX.
UPS is very similair. Except they lag FX in overnight express shipping capability/lift. BUT... dwarf Freds ground service. Which is where the real money is. Ground shipping. Which is why Fred went on shopping spree and bought up all the smaller truck lines he could get his hands on. In order to better combat UPS grd ops. But UP has been steadily increasing it's fleet size and is another money machine. No heavys, B cks, no comp maint-all outsource.
Now...I don't know about the rest of you. But I see a pattern here. All 3 of these carriers, be it freight, pax...are more profitable than AA(or any other carrier)-with FX, UP dwarfing AAs earnings. They can afford to hand the mechanics a decent raise. They've got the revenue to justify it, more importantly, the NET earnings to
justify the raises.
To me...this is the nuts & bolts of the whole thing.
One other thing, barring a blatant/uncalled for, attack on someone, I really hate to see the bickering, arguing from one another. From the outside, it really does look bad. PM the issues/arguement if you want to banter back & forth. hu? 'bout it?
You guys desperately need to be pulling in the same direction. Just my 2 cents, fwiw...