- Jun 27, 2011
- 3,245
- 1,065
If cargo is so cheap to move why did AA dump much of their Cargo business? Why not go more into that business? They may not have frequent flyer programs but they serve door to door, not airport to airport and that brings their costs up. Not of the LBS that g into thoe planes walk on, they are all loaded.
I believe the deal at SWA was to bring more lines in house in exchange for being able to do what UAL, CO and USAIR were already doing. But because those carriers have Unions other than AMFA that fact is usually omitted.
All of the airlines, including AA, outsource some line maintenance work, have for years.
Prior to 2001 AA was one of the leaders in outsourcing. The CR Smith letter spelled out why, they would outsource and maintain a stable workforce. AA has indeed reversed the trend, others started outsourcing more and AA actually found that they saved by doing it in house.
Our line work is outsourced when its done outside the US. If a plane runs out of time they can and do accomplish Acks outside the US. In fact its outsourced to Non-TWU AA mechanics in Europe who earn around $45/hr and have much better work rules and benifits than we do. You may not consider that to be outsourced work, and the TWU does not have that counted as outsourced work and the work they do for other airlines gets added to our figures as insourced work, and its significant, but to me if its outside the contract group its outsourced. UPS also has aircraft that operate point to point outside the US, most are chartered and maintained and operated by the owners, kind of like how Eagle and One World partners fly passengers ticketed as AA. They only own 200 airplanes.
Wrong again, what we will not accept is BK based wages. We arent asking for anywhere near UPS wage of over $50/hr, in fact we arent asking for SWA wages, We are asking to be ahead of all the BK carriers such as UAL, USAIR and Delta, by the way all those agreements are open. Delta is Non-union so theirs is permanently open, UAL just rejected at TA and USAIRs contract just started negotiations. So what is so unreasonable about that? Ahead of the BK pack but below the pack that did not go BK. Even JetBlue mechs earn as much as $40/hr now.
Bob, if you know so much about running an airline why not do it an make a lot of money for yourself? AA has reduced belly capacity without all those DC10s, MD11s, and A300s. The available cargo capacity is not there in the volume AA once had.
What other lines? The new AMFA agreement caps the number of AMTs per aircraft below what they currently have now. You need to read their agreement. So if you agree with what SWA/AMFA did to do what UAL, CO, and US are doing then will that becoming in our next TA?
Not to the degree DL, UA, SWA, and Jetblue do. Not even close.
Uh no. Save money? How? If you are saying AA has better maintenance reliability than the outsourced carriers check again. When AA has to keep aircraft parked all over the system to maintain schedule and the other airlines don't - even with a work force on post BK wages - then you are not saving money. Your contract keeps the work in house, not your distorted perception and no basis in fact statement that in house work force saves money.
New UPS agreement provides a specific formula for work on UPS owned and operated planes to be worked on outside the US. TWU/AA agreement has no such provision. In Europe they pay 50% plus taxes on that $45/hour and pretty much all benefits like healthcare and pensions are socialized. Need to compare the whole package before taking items out of context. Isn't that what you accuse others of?
Then where is our industry leading wages? Didn't the 2010 TA leapfrog everyone but one airline according to the info we were sent? And Bob, you keep telling us that we need to get AA to pay us SWA wages since they can afford new planes and bonuses. You tell the people that every junket you take around the system. So you told us to vote no so we could get the same thing years later? That's awesome! So what about Jetblue? They don't have overhaul and they outsource to El Salvador. You don't think AA would take that deal?