TWU negotiations.........what?

Quote of the Day:

"Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
- Frederick Douglass

This has been the bylaws of our company/union relationship

The economic equivalent of this is "Charge What the Traffic Will Bear." This is the essence of our free market economy.
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Management allegedly lays off 3% and they rest all get raises

TWU lays off thousands and the rest get: Pay cuts
continuing work rule changes
more work load
less medical and pharmaceutical
no snap back of any kind
fed we are in this together from comapny and union
no long term security
TWU Int't reps that make at least 2x their members
I could go on and on but you get the idea.
Just remember when the company union comes out with the proposals soon we let them do it. I have always stated "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" And we all are part of the problem because we let the union and the company run the show instead of the membership. Please keep the whining to minimum and accept what we have failed to try and change.
Management allegedly lays off 3% and they rest all get raises
At DFW, last I heard no one hit the street in management. In fact, they all got boosted up another level or two in pay, and created four new positions just to monitor sick calls. Yes, that's correct, four level 4's to monitor sick time, a job previously done by the supervisor. I bet it costs them more money in their salaries than the savings they expect to get by intimidating people into not calling in sick. :down:
At DFW, last I heard no one hit the street in management. In fact, they all got boosted up another level or two in pay, and created four new positions just to monitor sick calls. Yes, that's correct, four level 4's to monitor sick time, a job previously done by the supervisor. I bet it costs them more money in their salaries than the savings they expect to get by intimidating people into not calling in sick. :down:

Week one of herding everyone in for sick time consoling resulted in record sick calls after the fact. It seems there money was well spent on sick call supervisors.
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Week one of herding everyone in for sick time consoling resulted in record sick calls after the fact. It seems there money was well spent on sick call supervisors.

This is partly why the company will happily give us back our half day of no pay when we call in sick. In the day, people would call in sick for one day. Now it is evident the ttypical sick call is 3 days. You do the math. The TWU will claim they fought for our sick time but anybody in the know will understand how it came about.
Moral is the key element to a successful work force and that is what the company and the TWU fail to address properly. Moral can be a great motivator or a great burden.
Actually 2 days was all ways the minimum.
Now it is 3-5 I hear some say they take the five to off set the week of vacation they took away.
Now thats getting your money worth
:lol: ;) :lol:
Actually 2 days was all ways the minimum.
Now it is 3-5 I hear some say they take the five to off set the week of vacation they took away.
Now thats getting your money worth
:lol: ;) :lol:

This sounds like a great ideAA. We should all do this for the fourth of July week and watch how fast they give us back our vacation week after? Then the first day back we can line up at the sick time office all the way around to the A terminal. :up:
In ORD alone, they had over 40 SK calls over the the Christmas Holiday. It appears that the current SK call penalty is no deterrent. In addition, as the other posters point out - the duration of time that the SK callers stay away from work has over doubled. So, I would almost see the change back as a gimme. The TWU would want to take credit for some major win for the members stating it was a hard fought victory - and we all should be proud.
In ORD alone, they had over 40 SK calls over the the Christmas Holiday. It appears that the current SK call penalty is no deterrent. In addition, as the other posters point out - the duration of time that the SK callers stay away from work has over doubled. So, I would almost see the change back as a gimme. The TWU would want to take credit for some major win for the members stating it was a hard fought victory - and we all should be proud.

We’ve all figured out the scam on how to take the week off by giving 8 hours pay for 40 hours off vs. 40 hours of pay for 40 hours off (flex). So why would we want the full sick time back. My math tells me we are up on this game not the company.
We’ve all figured out the scam on how to take the week off by giving 8 hours pay for 40 hours off vs. 40 hours of pay for 40 hours off (flex). So why would we want the full sick time back. My math tells me we are up on this game not the company.
The 8 hour penalty pretty much makes it imperative to take at least week. If you are too sick to go to work on one day then more than likely you will not be 100% the next day. Sometimes symptons wane and flare up later, as is often the case with fevers that tend to flare up at night even though it may be down all day, so if you rush back to work right away you risk losing another 8 hours pay plus having it put down as another occurance. So, it really in your best interest to stay home for several days after the symptoms of your illness dissapear just to make sure that you are truly over it, after all, you already paid for being sick once, why risk paying again?

Shortly after I was hired I had a bout of "Chronic Bronchitus", after a few days I felt better, went back to work. A day of so later my Supervisor commented on how I should see a doctor about "that terrible cough", so I did, went to the doctor who gave me a prescription and told me to stay indoors, at home for at least a week. I did that, when I returned to work the same supervisor put me on a doctors note because I had two occurances so close together.
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What a great rate of return I recieved from AA!
I gave them over 120,000 dollars over 6 years
and AA gives me 800 dollars

AA gave us 800 dollars out of the goodness of their hearts;
-It couldn't possibly be hush money in lieu of AA bonuses
- It couldn't possibly be for public relations and the media

And last of all;
AA handed out those checks very quickly days prior to Continental announcing the average bonus check for their employees will be 4000 dollars!

The 800 dollars no one will turndown but it has little or no effect on moral!
As someone else on these boards expressed so eloquently.......

"They pay me just enough not to quit,

and I do just enough not to get fired"
Upon getting a logbook for an RON a/c the other night the topic of the aip checks came up. The Captain, F/O and #1 F/A were on the jet bridge and we all agreed that this check is seriously lacking in the amount owed all employees after the great "Shared Sacrifice" scam. We joked how many tanks of gas and other items this check, after taxes, would purchase. I replied that it certainly didn't buy any respect from the employees.

NEVER forget that out of the goodness of management's hearts they gave themselves MILLIONS of dollars. While we given...?
Upon getting a logbook for an RON a/c the other night the topic of the aip checks came up. The Captain, F/O and #1 F/A were on the jet bridge and we all agreed that this check is seriously lacking in the amount owed all employees after the great "Shared Sacrifice" scam. We joked how many tanks of gas and other items this check, after taxes, would purchase. I replied that it certainly didn't buy any respect from the employees.

NEVER forget that out of the goodness of management's hearts they gave themselves MILLIONS of dollars. While we given...?
:angry: ----- Answer it Ken!! If you won''t I will! We were given the shaft!!!!-----"AGAIN"!!!