There are two Co-chairs, Lary Pike who was chosen by the members of the table team and Don Videtich who was chosen by the International.
Needless to say it was a dissapointing week. The company offered nothing, nada, ZIP. We moved on the 7 day coverage and productivity improvements and all they did was take millions off their last offer. I figure if they are going to play with and spin the numbers I will as well. They removed a year from their proposal, now they are looking for a six year six percent contract, except its a lot worse than 1995.
The company claimed their last offer wasnt regressive from the TA because they added a year to it (a year we didnt want). By taking the year off they can no longer hide how regressive it was.
The company is very happy with the status quo.
We need to get released to level the playing field.