TWU negotiations.........what?

AMP is done and out, if the drive was so strong there would have been a vote (rumor is AMP steering group is getting jobs with the TWU)
Boy, I wonder who would start that rumor?
AMP is alive and well as you will see in the near future.
Better get an agreement soon boys.

Better yet, better start storing can food, water, and general survival supplies and batton down the hatches.

$5.00 per gallon fuel not to far away, layoffs, financial crisis, and the perfect storm on the near horizon.

Is that you peeking out the door?


What good would rushing into a bad deal do if the world ended?
In 2008 fuel shot way up, then receeded. What you see now is just people who are looking to cash in on panic. So far production of oil has not been impacted at all by any of the uprisings. Supposedly the concern is Libya, well how much of the worlds oil does Libya even produce? If it is interupted how long would the interruption last?

Its time to remain focused on what we need, besides if fuel does go to $5/gallon we are going to need a bigger raise to pay for the gas to get to work, oil to heat our homes, and the increased price of food etc that will result from $5 oil. If we dont get it then we should follow the example of those in the Middle East!
Is that you peeking out the door?

View attachment 8965

What good would rushing into a bad deal do if the world ended?
In 2008 fuel shot way up, then receeded. What you see now is just people who are looking to cash in on panic. So far production of oil has not been impacted at all by any of the uprisings. Supposedly the concern is Libya, well how much of the worlds oil does Libya even produce? If it is interupted how long would the interruption last?

Its time to remain focused on what we need, besides if fuel does go to $5/gallon we are going to need a bigger raise to pay for the gas to get to work, oil to heat our homes, and the increased price of food etc that will result from $5 oil. If we dont get it then we should follow the example of those in the Middle East!
good one bob, follow the middle east. wisconsin is not enough for you (people fighting to stay unionized), are you saying we should start riots or what.

For gas to go to $5 a gallon that means more people with less money for vacation (less people flying ) I could go on and on. You cann't print a endless stream of money. I thought you being from N.Y. city area and so close to wall street, you would have a clue on these things

I wish I would have followed my buddys advice DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE, it was nice not following th B.S. on here for about a month

oh I almost forgot the big AMP drive, NOT lol
good one bob, follow the middle east. wisconsin is not enough for you (people fighting to stay unionized), are you saying we should start riots or what.

For gas to go to $5 a gallon that means more people with less money for vacation (less people flying ) I could go on and on. You cann't print a endless stream of money. I thought you being from N.Y. city area and so close to wall street, you would have a clue on these things

I wish I would have followed my buddys advice DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE, it was nice not following th B.S. on here for about a month

oh I almost forgot the big AMP drive, NOT lol

Well my guess is not too many of the people I saw last night were travelling to or from Vacation. Most looked as they were travelling for work. Middle of Feb and the planes were packed.

$5 gallon fuel probably makes flying more cost effective than driving. $5/gal fuel is what informer brought up, dont know what that has to do with Wisconson though, maybe you could explain?

Maybe being so close to Wall Street taught me not to panic every time the wind blows, you being from Chicago should be familiar with how wind behaves.
Keep fanning the flames of panic though. You may love the company and do their bidding but they will dump you as quickly as anyone else.

I didnt see much rioting on the news until the right wing reactionaries showed up.
I wish I would have followed my buddys advice DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE, it was nice not following th B.S. on here for about a month

oh I almost forgot the big AMP drive, NOT lol

Hey Paull, keep your mind open buddy. Stayed away for a month? Don't give in to the fear tactics, stay engaged. Even though your recent posts seem to indicate you've been drinking the 'koolaid', you've contributed to the debate well in the past.
Check out the latest Rep Now, rumor their was a meeting to have this site removed
I hope they don't remove it. What better way to show the naive childish side of AMP....
What are you talking about? That whole website is factual information, with a comedic twist, about the twu. Tell us some more about yourself, you might qualify for Genius of the week.
What are you talking about? That whole website is factual information, with a comedic twist, about the twu. Tell us some more about yourself, you might qualify for Genius of the week.

I would'nt worry about speedy he is one of the kool aid drinkers that voted yes on the TA. He believes that AA is telling the truth about wanting to get into the MRO business. He is probably also one of the bubbas that defend people like Burchette for beating his wife and Gary Yingst for getting an arguement with his wife in first class on their way to Haw. I wonder what we had to give up in negotiations to protect his job?
1035 Days Past Amendable Date..(DPAD)......Iranian hostage crisis...444 Days.
I guess we are hearing from a bubba believer or how his name states,somebody that cannot stop licking the companies boots. It is easy to state that you signed a card to cover your backside,but it sounds to me like the twu is getting a little (no pun intended) nervous along with the company. Go back and tell your handler to stop fishing we are not going to release any hard numbers so that the twu and company can pad the list with all the dead people that they did in the past. The sad part of this drive is that the twu has the shop stewards taking down fliers from the bill boards. This tells me that the twu knows that they have not been representing the members as well as they should and that they are trying to keep the membership from making an educated and informed decision. If they were confident that they were doing the best possible job,they would not be worried about a few fliers on the bulletin boards. Afterall look at the lies that the twu have spread since this drive have started. This is AMFA strait from Linda Dill,we don't care about title II people because are not aircraft mechanics. The bottom line is that we do care about the title II people. They are skilled, licensed craftsman at their trade along with the machinist,welders and other crafts in the the mechanic and related craft and class the same as an aircraft mechanic. The twu tries to manipulate these people by lieing to them. In the late 90s it was change from within,but know that we want to change from within the twu states that we can't do it on our own because we have no money and various other reasons well at approximatey $700,000 a month in dues money we won't have a problem. On one hand they say you are smart enough to do it on your own when that fits their needs,but on the other hand they try to tell the members that we need the international ( the same people that are lieing and stealing from the membership). Well you can't have it both ways. Look at the international reps that tried to sell us out on the first ta. Bob Zimmerman retiring at the end of the year and moving to Colorado to be with his girlfriend,Gordon Clark who cut a deal with company for a life time UBP position that the atd wants to keep quiet,Steve Gilboy lieing to the membership in ORD by telling them that AMP was a union created by the company to divide the membership,Steve Luis who said he would not bring back a concessionary contract back (until he got his internatioal VP position) and lets not forget the ring leader Don Viditich who was telling the local reps at the vote count that the failed ta will pass by 85%. How out of touch is he with the membership. I guess it is easy to be out of touch when you are making $150,000 + a year for selling your sole to the devil. You take your pick is the devil the twu,the company or both?

Hear, HEAR!...truth...BRAVO!

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