TWU negotiations.........what?

With your A/P avionics experience what caused you to take a job at 9 bucks an hour?

Unlike you I hired about 6 years prior to you coming on board and the TWU and AA were in contract negotiations at the time. I hadn't completed my probation yet when they ratified the contract that boosted my pay by 5 dollars per hour...I was like, I'm liken this TWU....
Sometimes you have to go backwards a bit in order to get further along. Im glad that the 89 contract worked out for you so well. Maybe this next one can work out for everybody involved. I doubt it will though knowing our greedy management.
<_< ------Although I plan on living tell at least I'm a hundred years old, which believe it or not, is still a few years off, at the rate these so call negotiations are going, I'll be long dead and buried before this contact takes effect!!! ;)
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.

George S. Patton
And for the Tulsa crowd......Let's go
A twu mushroom walks into the company bar.
Jimmy "L", the bartender says, "We don't serve your kind here."
The mushroom replies, "Why, I'm a FUN-GI?"
787 Dreamliner teaches Boeing costly lesson on outsourcing
787 Dreamliner teaches Boeing costly lesson on outsourcing
Regardless of Stonecipher's reasoning, if a company desires to remain in control of its newest product's development, that company would be foolish to assign the R&D (considering it's happening at the same time as production) to an outside company - let alone a foreign company. An engineer had it right and, like Cassandra, was ignored.

The educated idiots (the fools with the MBA degrees) may well have destroyed their company trying to be PC and get foreign orders by spreading the work around. I wonder if Boeing's people noticed that some of these countries doing their work are in the pocket of Scarebus ...
The DreamLiner and Boeing is an example of what happens when the BEAN COUNTERS in the Finance Dept. run a company.

Bean Counters have no vision, no logical reasoning, and problem solving skills. Everything to them is a mathematical formula.

AMR's current chain of command of the operation is:

Yield Management
Outside Consulting Firms
Level 6 and above
Production Control
Hourly Employee
Level 5 and below
Crew Chief

Yes that's right, hourly employees have more control over the place than level 5's or crew chiefs

What is interesting is that nothing changes in this chain regardless of the quarterly and annual performance. Yet, because the bean counter is in control, labor cost is the problem. Not the fact that we are lacking in vision, logical reasoning, accountability, and problem solving. The Level 6's and leve 5's nearest me are so scared and in over their head that when a lower chain employee makes a suggestion it is met with a very defensive and unforgiving posture. I thought for awhile there the consulting firm was about to break through this type of behavior. Turns out the consulting wants to keep the free and lucrative ride going so now they wont make any waves and side with the problem. Just a matter of time if nothing changes, this company is doomed. The problems will eventual overtake the cash flow protection.
The DreamLiner and Boeing is an example of what happens when the BEAN COUNTERS in the Finance Dept. run a company.

Bean Counters have no vision, no logical reasoning, and problem solving skills. Everything to them is a mathematical formula.

AMR's current chain of command of the operation is:

Yield Management
Outside Consulting Firms
Level 6 and above
Production Control
Hourly Employee
Level 5 and below
Crew Chief

Yes that's right, hourly employees have more control over the place than level 5's or crew chiefs

What is interesting is that nothing changes in this chain regardless of the quarterly and annual performance. Yet, because the bean counter is in control, labor cost is the problem. Not the fact that we are lacking in vision, logical reasoning, accountability, and problem solving. The Level 6's and leve 5's nearest me are so scared and in over their head that when a lower chain employee makes a suggestion it is met with a very defensive and unforgiving posture. I thought for awhile there the consulting firm was about to break through this type of behavior. Turns out the consulting wants to keep the free and lucrative ride going so now they wont make any waves and side with the problem. Just a matter of time if nothing changes, this company is doomed. The problems will eventual overtake the cash flow protection.
FAA fines outsourced airline-maintenance facilities
The DreamLiner and Boeing is an example of what happens when the BEAN COUNTERS in the Finance Dept. run a company.

Bean Counters have no vision, no logical reasoning, and problem solving skills. Everything to them is a mathematical formula.

AMR's current chain of command of the operation is:

Yield Management
Outside Consulting Firms
Level 6 and above
Production Control
Hourly Employee
Level 5 and below
Crew Chief

Yes that's right, hourly employees have more control over the place than level 5's or crew chiefs

What is interesting is that nothing changes in this chain regardless of the quarterly and annual performance. Yet, because the bean counter is in control, labor cost is the problem. Not the fact that we are lacking in vision, logical reasoning, accountability, and problem solving. The Level 6's and leve 5's nearest me are so scared and in over their head that when a lower chain employee makes a suggestion it is met with a very defensive and unforgiving posture. I thought for awhile there the consulting firm was about to break through this type of behavior. Turns out the consulting wants to keep the free and lucrative ride going so now they wont make any waves and side with the problem. Just a matter of time if nothing changes, this company is doomed. The problems will eventual overtake the cash flow protection.

The DreamLiner and Boeing is an example of what happens when the BEAN COUNTERS in the Finance Dept. run a company.

Bean Counters have no vision, no logical reasoning, and problem solving skills. Everything to them is a mathematical formula.

Funny you should say that, because last time I checked the bean counters at AA decided to keep our work in house, unlike almost every other large airline, including the oh-so-holy Southwest.
Funny you should say that, because last time I checked the bean counters at AA decided to keep our work in house, unlike almost every other large airline, including the oh-so-holy Southwest.
It's called "CONTROL"!
Control parts, manpower, productivity.....and having a sympathetic workforce (TUL) helps keep work-in house. It also keeps AA from paying the line guys $50 per hour.

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