Unfortunately, there is no mechanism to remove the trash infesting the International - those people have made certain they're not accountable to the membership.
Look at it this way - if the Congress and Senate made laws/rules that actually made them accountable to the electorate, how long do you think any of them would last?
Just as dealing with corporate executive trash, the only way to get the attention of these people is to threaten their financial security; i. e., find another union.
In as far as retaining their position Congress and the SEnate ARE accountable-we get the option to vote them out at the end of their terms. However with the TWU the members are never given the option.
With the TWU we are removed from power. If we were to compare the TWU structure to our semi-democratic government structure would be as if the Governers of each state (who we vote for)chose those served at the Federal level, but how each Governor voted was kept secret from the public but not from Federal officials. Thats what we have with the TWU where the International is chosen by elected local officials who are subordinate to the International. There is no published record of how each representative votes. Only pass or fail.
I agree wholeheartedly with your closing statement. Threatening the unions finaces is the only way to get results since they can not be held accountable any other way.