TWU negotiations.........what?

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  • #181
Lesson 101

Who owns the ATD contract?............ Jim Little
who asked for extension?...................Jim Little
Who asked him to speak for me?........not me
why do we have Negotiating Committee
if Jim Little will decide what to ask for?......not sure
Who Directly elects the ATD Officers?.... not the members
What have we learned from our TWU past....nothing
Why does the company pay for union Presidents pay?..........labor college professor don't know
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  • #182
The curve ball is real and it has been part of the tWU history. Case and point: Lets go back to February 2003, I was in dallas and everyone on the negotiating committee was handed a contract proposal that had written in big letters "REJECTED". No one was aware of this contract proposal but the TWU International rejected it. This alleged contract proposal was never mentioned to the negotiating Committee. This was the TWU puff factor. They were standing up to the company by rejecting something. In reality, that rejected proposal became mostly what we voted on in concessions of 2003. (do your homwework if you don't believe it) Here we are again in 2007 amd the TWU and the company discuss and reject again without our knowledge some proposal between them. What I find amazing is that the rejected proposal had no details! What are they rejecting to? You can bet that history will repeat itself and this new phrase "non-traditional compensation will reappear in the final proposal that we will vote on in 2008. That is the only thing you can take to the bank!
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  • #183
Negotiating in DFW again! What kind of ATD leaders do we have? It is a great disadvantage to the traveling presidents to be DFW for weeks and months. The company knows, the ATD knows it, and Labor professionals agree that is bad move. The excuse of losing their money has no weight. If told the ATD Reps to lock in a hotel in DFW? What union would defy negotiating logic 101? The last negotiation in 2003 was horrible watching the company officials involved in negotiation going about their business on the job and getting in their cars and going home while we sat around doing nothing! Everyone in negotiations 2003 spoke of next time not having negotiations again in DFW. What happened and why should we accept their poor decision. Money is a poor excuse and unacceptable. We gave up 315 million dollars each year for the last 5 years for over a billion dollars. What is money to us? it seems that it was not so important in 2003 because it was mine!
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  • #184
The way to get the attention of all involved is for enough of the negotiating committee to not show up at Headquarters for DFW negotiations. If the committee does not have a quorum ( a minimum percentage of committee members) then no business can be done by the negotiating committee. They can talk but they can't conduct any official union business. This will send the right message to the TWU and the company that DFW is not a fair for negotiations! Let me know which presidents are serious about DFW negotiations and if they have a better idea. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem!
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  • #185
Working together" no more at Alliance Airport

Mechanics at American's maintenance base at Alliance Airport in Fort Worth have pulled out entirely from any cooperative efforts with management that aren't specifically in their contract. That means no more "continuous improvement," no more joint leadership meetings, no more brainstorming sessions, nada.

The Alliance workers, who are represented by the Transport Workers Union, have been more resistant recently to management compared to their counterparts in Kansas City and Tulsa. In a letter this week to American, Matthew Lorenzi, the vice president of the union's Alliance chapter, blamed "unpredictable behavior of the (Alliance) management team" for the decision.

Not only has the union halted any cooperation, it says that any employee who engages in non-contract activities will be penalized and can even lose their seniority.

Here's the letter that Lorenzi sent to Linda Keetch, American's manager of human resources for maintenance and engineering:

October 11, 2007
Linda Keetch
Manager, HR M & E

Pursuant to the request of President Larry Pike and our deliberations as an Executive Board on, October 3, 2007, in regard to the recent unpredictable behavior of the AFW "management teamâ€￾ more specifically, the AFW General Manager Blair Gregg, this letter will serve as formal notification to such Management and. staff that we will be withdrawing from all agreements regarding non-bargaining unit positions. Initially those employees in the positions involved with Continuous Improvement (CI) and “Joint Communicationsâ€￾ (JCT) are to be given, seven day notification from their next scheduled shift that they will be returning to their home shops and shifts, any employees performing such functions after such time are to be coded as MPR and charged all hours accordingly, up to and including the point that they surrender their seniority in accordance with the provisions of article 10 (h) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Furthermore, be advised that Local 567 has no record of the current MPR report as required under the provisions of subparagraph. (4) of the aforementioned citation. Therefore, this letter will further serve to confirm that you are in violation of such terms of the (CBA) and we hereby request such report, in advance of our filing of a 29 (d) (l) grievance to resolve the matter.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention in this matter, as your expedient actions will further serve our intention.

Matthew Victor Lorenzi
Vice President, Local 567

- Trebor

Posted at 10:59 AM in American Airlines-Labor, American Airlines, Transport Workers Union | Permalink
Working together" no more at Alliance Airport

Mechanics at American's maintenance base at Alliance Airport in Fort Worth have pulled out entirely from any cooperative efforts with management that aren't specifically in their contract. That means no more "continuous improvement," no more joint leadership meetings, no more brainstorming sessions, nada.

The Alliance workers, who are represented by the Transport Workers Union, have been more resistant recently to management compared to their counterparts in Kansas City and Tulsa. In a letter this week to American, Matthew Lorenzi, the vice president of the union's Alliance chapter, blamed "unpredictable behavior of the (Alliance) management team" for the decision.

Not only has the union halted any cooperation, it says that any employee who engages in non-contract activities will be penalized and can even lose their seniority.

Here's the letter that Lorenzi sent to Linda Keetch, American's manager of human resources for maintenance and engineering:

October 11, 2007
Linda Keetch
Manager, HR M & E

Pursuant to the request of President Larry Pike and our deliberations as an Executive Board on, October 3, 2007, in regard to the recent unpredictable behavior of the AFW "management teamâ€￾ more specifically, the AFW General Manager Blair Gregg, this letter will serve as formal notification to such Management and. staff that we will be withdrawing from all agreements regarding non-bargaining unit positions. Initially those employees in the positions involved with Continuous Improvement (CI) and “Joint Communicationsâ€￾ (JCT) are to be given, seven day notification from their next scheduled shift that they will be returning to their home shops and shifts, any employees performing such functions after such time are to be coded as MPR and charged all hours accordingly, up to and including the point that they surrender their seniority in accordance with the provisions of article 10 (h) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Furthermore, be advised that Local 567 has no record of the current MPR report as required under the provisions of subparagraph. (4) of the aforementioned citation. Therefore, this letter will further serve to confirm that you are in violation of such terms of the (CBA) and we hereby request such report, in advance of our filing of a 29 (d) (l) grievance to resolve the matter.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention in this matter, as your expedient actions will further serve our intention.

Matthew Victor Lorenzi
Vice President, Local 567

- Trebor

Posted at 10:59 AM in American Airlines-Labor, American Airlines, Transport Workers Union | Permalink

I think Tulsa should pull out of that as well, but Louis seems to really like the working together thing, not sure why, we are not really doing that in my area yet, my shop is not to interested in it, but I hear it is headed our way, I am not looking forward to it, I like things just the way they are. :rolleyes:
I think Tulsa should pull out of that as well, but Louis seems to really like the working together thing, not sure why, we are not really doing that in my area yet, my shop is not to interested in it, but I hear it is headed our way, I am not looking forward to it, I like things just the way they are. :rolleyes:

Go to a Union Meeting and make the motion to get us out. Make the motion read that it will require a mail ballot of the membership.

Afterall, "we are the union", are we not?
Go to a Union Meeting and make the motion to get us out. Make the motion read that it will require a mail ballot of the membership.

Afterall, "we are the union", are we not?

That's what they keep telling me, maybe someday I will actually see it that way. :unsure:
I have been told I am out of order more than enough times over the years, these days I mostly stay out of the Union Hall.
I am glad the special meeting is at the Umac if I decide to go at least it will be in neutral territory. :up:
It might be harder to get throne out. :unsure:
That's what they keep telling me, maybe someday I will actually see it that way. :unsure:
I have been told I am out of order more than enough times over the years, these days I mostly stay out of the Union Hall.
I am glad the special meeting is at the Umac if I decide to go at least it will be in neutral territory. :up:
It might be harder to get throne out. :unsure:

Add into the motion a requirement that:
1) All negotiations discussions will be distributed to the membership without prior restraint by the TWU Intl., the TWU ATD or any TWU Negotiations Committee on a weekly basis with all tentative agreements regardless of scope; and,

2) Failure to comply will result in the immediate halt of expenditures for any and all expenses relating to negotiations; further, all credit cards issued by Local ___ to all officers of Local ___ are to be immediately suspended pending a weekly approval of each and every expenditure; and,

3) Failure to comply will result in an immediate halt to all expenditures of, by or on behalf of Local ___ pending a weekly meeting of the entire membership to approve said spending.

Cut the purse strings and raise the costs to operate for the Local. The International can pick up the bill for the whole shootin' match since they have the legal right to sign off on it anyway. Force the issue before "negotiations" begin.
Add into the motion a requirement that:
1) All negotiations discussions will be distributed to the membership without prior restraint by the TWU Intl., the TWU ATD or any TWU Negotiations Committee on a weekly basis with all tentative agreements regardless of scope; and,

2) Failure to comply will result in the immediate halt of expenditures for any and all expenses relating to negotiations; further, all credit cards issued by Local ___ to all officers of Local ___ are to be immediately suspended pending a weekly approval of each and every expenditure; and,

3) Failure to comply will result in an immediate halt to all expenditures of, by or on behalf of Local ___ pending a weekly meeting of the entire membership to approve said spending.

Cut the purse strings and raise the costs to operate for the Local. The International can pick up the bill for the whole shootin' match since they have the legal right to sign off on it anyway. Force the issue before "negotiations" begin.

Has ANY local actually done any of this stuff you suggest :unsure: ?? it all sounds like great stuff but I have never heard of it happening anywhere.

Today in Tulsa the company annouced the special meeting at the Umac over the loud speaker, I am assuming it was base wide but did not confirm that, he reminded everyone to go to the Union meeting at the umac and if you worked that day to see your supervisor about getting off to go to the meeting, he said just bring your AA ID card nothing was mentioned about a Union card :shock:
It really kind of surprised me, in 20 years I have NEVER heard the company announce a Union meeting let alone one that is suppose to be a war plan against the company, nor have I ever heard the company volunteer to let you off to go to a Union meeting and I was really surprised they said bring your AA ID instead of your Union card, I guess I still am not use to the whole we are friends with the company now and the cold war between us is over thing, I am really surprised they don't just hold the meeting in hanger 6 that way it will be easier for Ramano, Arpey, Burchette and Louis to be there so they can all 4 tell us what we will be getting on our next contract, it would save the local money on renting the Umac.
Rumour has it that the 4 of them will be asking everyone to join hands down on the floor so we can all sing combyah together <_<
I guess one can look at the bright side of all of this friendship and that is supervision is alot more friendlier that they use to be, I really never hear anyone talking about their supervisor being hostile and aggressive like they use to be during the cold war days.

Peace love and joy everyone that appears to be the new phase, at least as far as I can see here at local 514 not sure how it is at the other locals.

See you guys at the lovefest Saturday at the Umac :rolleyes:

P.S. the Pilots are talking tuff these days but they did vote for the concession back in 2001 they weren't so tuff back then so we will see if they stay tuff when the company pulls out the big guns.
Has ANY local actually done any of this stuff you suggest :unsure: ?? it all sounds like great stuff but I have never heard of it happening anywhere.
There are many things going forward that no one has ever attempted but are completly covered by the TWU Constitution. At some point, the TWU will violate their own constitution and we will be able to find an attorney with enough guts and knowledge to force the democracy we must have from the organization OR we will finally open enough Union Members eyes to the fact that the TWU is irretrievably broken and must be abandoned.

Today in Tulsa the company annouced the special meeting at the Umac over the loud speaker, I am assuming it was base wide but did not confirm that, he reminded everyone to go to the Union meeting at the umac and if you worked that day to see your supervisor about getting off to go to the meeting, he said just bring your AA ID card nothing was mentioned about a Union card :shock:
This is a huge item in that the LMRDA requires a covered employer under the RLA to report "contributions or payments" to a covered Union each and every year. Each employee that attends a Company sponsored Union event, advertisement is a factor in determining Company sponsorship, is taking paid time off from AA and the total lost time paid by the Company in support of the Union event is something I believe to be reportable.

It really kind of surprised me, in 20 years I have NEVER heard the company announce a Union meeting let alone one that is suppose to be a war plan against the company, nor have I ever heard the company volunteer to let you off to go to a Union meeting and I was really surprised they said bring your AA ID instead of your Union card, I guess I still am not use to the whole we are friends with the company now and the cold war between us is over thing, I am really surprised they don't just hold the meeting in hanger 6 that way it will be easier for Ramano, Arpey, Burchette and Louis to be there so they can all 4 tell us what we will be getting on our next contract, it would save the local money on renting the Umac.
Justr another step in opening everones' eyes to the fact that a condition of employment at AA, in the contractually covered job positions, is payment of dues to the Company sponsored Union: the TWU.

Rumour has it that the 4 of them will be asking everyone to join hands down on the floor so we can all sing combyah together <_<
I guess one can look at the bright side of all of this friendship and that is supervision is alot more friendlier that they use to be, I really never hear anyone talking about their supervisor being hostile and aggressive like they use to be during the cold war days.
Why should management at AA be hostile to the TWU and their placid membership: when has the TWU ever failed to deliver more concessions than requested by the company?

Peace love and joy everyone that appears to be the new phase, at least as far as I can see here at local 514 not sure how it is at the other locals.
Ever since the end of WWII, a large body of scholarship has been directed towards discovering the mental state of large populations experiencing abuse by a governing body: to this day we have those that are willing to board the train because they were manipiulated into doing so even though there was no apparent reason for complying with the order given the history of abuse directed at the population by the governing power.

P.S. the Pilots are talking tuff these days but they did vote for the concession back in 2001 they weren't so tuff back then so we will see if they stay tuff when the company pulls out the big guns.
The APA at AA has actually struck the carrier, forced to return by Clinton, and engaged in Judicially determined unlawful job actions: we do not have their track record nor do we lose what they have lost. Don't worry about the Pilots at AA, worry about the TWU and their history of continually creating agreements that result in your doing more with less, and, for less.
There are many things going forward that no one has ever attempted but are completly covered by the TWU Constitution. At some point, the TWU will violate their own constitution and we will be able to find an attorney with enough guts and knowledge to force the democracy we must have from the organization OR we will finally open enough Union Members eyes to the fact that the TWU is irretrievably broken and must be abandoned.

This is a huge item in that the LMRDA requires a covered employer under the RLA to report "contributions or payments" to a covered Union each and every year. Each employee that attends a Company sponsored Union event, advertisement is a factor in determining Company sponsorship, is taking paid time off from AA and the total lost time paid by the Company in support of the Union event is something I believe to be reportable.
Justr another step in opening everones' eyes to the fact that a condition of employment at AA, in the contractually covered job positions, is payment of dues to the Company sponsored Union: the TWU.
Why should management at AA be hostile to the TWU and their placid membership: when has the TWU ever failed to deliver more concessions than requested by the company?
Ever since the end of WWII, a large body of scholarship has been directed towards discovering the mental state of large populations experiencing abuse by a governing body: to this day we have those that are willing to board the train because they were manipiulated into doing so even though there was no apparent reason for complying with the order given the history of abuse directed at the population by the governing power.
The APA at AA has actually struck the carrier, forced to return by Clinton, and engaged in Judicially determined unlawful job actions: we do not have their track record nor do we lose what they have lost. Don't worry about the Pilots at AA, worry about the TWU and their history of continually creating agreements that result in your doing more with less, and, for less.

Boomer you seem pretty savvy, I think you should be negotiating our contract instead of Burchette, any chance you could give him the Boot and take over. :rolleyes:
We need some new blood in there, Burchette will just end up stabbing everyone in the back so he can get a back door deal and we will end up with less than what we already have.
The fact that he is being secretive and does not want us to know ANYTHING pretty much tells me what he is up to.
Boomer you seem pretty savvy, I think you should be negotiating our contract instead of Burchette, any chance you could give him the Boot and take over. :rolleyes:
We need some new blood in there, Burchette will just end up stabbing everyone in the back so he can get a back door deal and we will end up with less than what we already have.
Burchette is in an appointed position, so therefore Boomer has zero chance of taking over that position unless he was to do a 180 and become a bootlicker for the man and a sellout to his membership, both scenarios are highly unlikely. We did have a chance to get the likes of Boomer to assist in negotiating our contract while being held accountable to his membership, but that chance was stolen from us at the NMB in 2004.
Boomer you seem pretty savvy, I think you should be negotiating our contract instead of Burchette, any chance you could give him the Boot and take over. :rolleyes:
We need some new blood in there, Burchette will just end up stabbing everyone in the back so he can get a back door deal and we will end up with less than what we already have.
The fact that he is being secretive and does not want us to know ANYTHING pretty much tells me what he is up to.
If I had the ability to just give anyone the boot and take over; all that would have changed is the individual violating your rights.

We need a framework for a Union that is bound by rules that make each and every Leader accountable to the Members for their actions. With the TWU: we do not, nor shall we ever have that structure.

What we have is a product of the natural inclination of leaders to insulate themselves from the consequences of their decisions coupled to the natural apathy of individuals that do not wish to be bothered with the responsibility required in a democracy.
If I had the ability to just give anyone the boot and take over; all that would have changed is the individual violating your rights.

We need a framework for a Union that is bound by rules that make each and every Leader accountable to the Members for their actions. With the TWU: we do not, nor shall we ever have that structure.

What we have is a product of the natural inclination of leaders to insulate themselves from the consequences of their decisions coupled to the natural apathy of individuals that do not wish to be bothered with the responsibility required in a democracy.


In the 20+ years that I have been here nothing much has changed, and many have tried, most likely in the 10 years I have left nothing will change.
I guess one can continue to try but more than likely you will only end up with a headache.

I personally like the idea of doing High QUALITY work but staying on the job until the Majority is happy with their contract, that way the company suffers but the employee's do not.
Nobody loses their Job and Nobody goes hungry.
I think this would be a much smarter way of fighting back and I believe many could get behind it, including myself.
A strike is not the only way to fight a company and not even the smartest way anymore, times have changed and Unions need NEW stategies if they are to have any chance of prevailing.

A company with 6 billion dollars in it's pocket has a whole lot of resources at it's disposal :shock:

I can't help but wonder why the bad A$$ pilots and the Flight Attendants bought the concession along with Maintenance, remember at the time no other companies had filed bankruptcy recently nor were there any failed strikes that occurreed at that time and the company had 3 billion in the bank but all 3 labor groups bought into the Massive Concession as soon as the company brought out the big guns.

It will be interesting to see what will happen when the company brings out those guns this time. :shock: