TWU negotiations.........what?

Maybe if AL Gore had not invented the internet, the terrorists would not have been able to communicate as easily
Don't worry. If Al can convince the world that greenhouse emission taxes like those in Europe and carbon offsets are the wave of the future, there won't be many airlines left for terrorists to target. Nobody will be willing to pay the extra fees, so they'll simply stop flying.
Well all the FBI and CIA need to do is show Al Gores commission on airline safety recommendations and track the PAC monies from the airlines to show how the airlines were warned that a danger existed and they chose to do nothing to rectify the inadequacy of security, the government recommended changes , the airlines successfully fought implementation of those changes. If the airlines had allowed the recommedations to become law the costs would have affected all the airlines equally and at the time the industry was making record profits. The greed of the airlines led to the deaths of those on 9-11. Every airline that took part in those lobbying efforts should be named in the suit.

In future years when emotion is no longer a factor and people analyze how 9-11 occurred it will become clear how dangerous having government for sale, where entities that can not cast a ballott control the government, is not only to our freedom but to our very existence.

The fact of the matter is that the biggest contributing factor was political correctness. Everybody that saw these smarmy looking smelly bastards come in the airport and get on the aircraft knew there was something wrong with them. Problem is, because of political correctness - people and companies are afraid of lawsuits. You know the drill, find some seeminggly oppressed group - make them out to be victims - in this case middle eastern looking men, and voila you can make a lawsuit out of it. Peoples hands were tied. This political correctness crap is gonna kill us all.

We all know that the biggest supporters of political correctness are the perpetual victims - the liberals. Somebody is always picking on me types, they run for help to that communist organisation the aclu. The federal government has jumped on the bandwagon, corporate america as well. One doesn't have to look beyond our own company for examples of this BS. With all these silly groups of victims - these people are weak, and have to hide behind there group label, and have the company threaten everybody that looks at them crosseyed. Did you ever notice that there are a lot more rules and laws with liberals and trial lawyers getting their way.

Look at what Mr political correctness Al Gore is up to with his junk science project global warming. If enough ignorant politicians buy into this clap trap - it could screw us all out of a job. Good luck finding a solar powered dreamliner.
This guy seems to know something about Al Gore and his crusade to convince politicians of the Global Warming issue. While very crude, this guy does seem to take his point very serious and is compassionate to his personal view.

Global Warming
Maybe if AL Gore had not invented the internet, the terrorists would not have been able to communicate as easily
HA HA, this must be from a 10 year old. Turn off the FOX news and get a real since of whats going on with this country. I am sorry you can't listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly are any other right-wing wackos. your thought process might change a bit, listening and watching FOX news is self brainwashing.
The fact of the matter is that the biggest contributing factor was political correctness. Everybody that saw these smarmy looking smelly bastards come in the airport and get on the aircraft knew there was something wrong with them. Problem is, because of political correctness - people and companies are afraid of lawsuits. You know the drill, find some seeminggly oppressed group - make them out to be victims - in this case middle eastern looking men, and voila you can make a lawsuit out of it. Peoples hands were tied. This political correctness crap is gonna kill us all.

We all know that the biggest supporters of political correctness are the perpetual victims - the liberals. Somebody is always picking on me types, they run for help to that communist organisation the aclu. The federal government has jumped on the bandwagon, corporate america as well. One doesn't have to look beyond our own company for examples of this BS. With all these silly groups of victims - these people are weak, and have to hide behind there group label, and have the company threaten everybody that looks at them crosseyed. Did you ever notice that there are a lot more rules and laws with liberals and trial lawyers getting their way.

Look at what Mr political correctness Al Gore is up to with his junk science project global warming. If enough ignorant politicians buy into this clap trap - it could screw us all out of a job. Good luck finding a solar powered dreamliner.
Yeah why listen to Al Gore, Why listen to thousands of scientists, why watch the glaciers melting away, why watch Polar bears turn to cannabalism, etc etc. Just keep watching the FOX noise machine (the opinionated news chanell, Keep listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter and the other people that seem to be your heros. I am sure you think Saddam was tied to 9/11 and he was in business with Alqueda. (Yeah i thought so) Hey where is Osama? (quote Bush: Frankly I don't care where he is) This from your hero. :up:
HA HA, this must be from a 10 year old. Turn off the FOX news and get a real since of whats going on with this country. I am sorry you can't listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly are any other right-wing wackos. your thought process might change a bit, listening and watching FOX news is self brainwashing.

Gee, sorry I hit a nerve there, Brownie!
Just a little humor,, I wasn't attacking his political career...
Even Al Gore joked about the "internet" claim on the Tonight show with Jay Leno many years ago...

Lighten up.

P.S. I do wish I were 10 years old again,,,believe me!
Yeah why listen to Al Gore, Why listen to thousands of scientists, why watch the glaciers melting away, why watch Polar bears turn to cannabalism, etc etc. Just keep watching the FOX noise machine (the opinionated news chanell, Keep listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter and the other people that seem to be your heros. I am sure you think Saddam was tied to 9/11 and he was in business with Alqueda. (Yeah i thought so) Hey where is Osama? (quote Bush: Frankly I don't care where he is) This from your hero. :up:

Why is it then that Al Gore keeps turning down offers to debate the issue, you lemming?

Where do you think those scientists get their grants from? As long as they keep spewing false information.

By the way, just keep watching the alpha bit news channels for your sources of info, I'm sure it's un-biased. :up:

Where's Obama, oops I mean Osama....NW Pakistan of course! Hey, lets go in there and get him now and set off a civil war in one of the only countries over there that is a friend to the USA. By the way Osama I mean Obama wanted to bomb Pakistan to get Osama. He wants to meet with every lunitic on the globe from castro to kimjong ill and bomb one of our allies. This from your hero....liberal putz...
Why is it then that Al Gore keeps turning down offers to debate the issue, you lemming?

Offers from whom? Some unknown hack out of nowhere funded by the oil industry?

Where do you think those scientists get their grants from? As long as they keep spewing false information.

What would be the motive? We have seen the one side go from global warming is a myth to it is just a part of a naturally occurring cycle. The global warming side has always acknowledged that there have been periods of warming in the past but the data they've collected indicates that what is happening now is different.

By the way, just keep watching the alpha bit news channels for your sources of info, I'm sure it's un-biased. :up:

Here is another myth of the right. Who owns these media outlets? Do you really think that the corporate conglomerates that own the media are going to biased any way other than a pro-corporate?

Where's Obama, oops I mean Osama..

Thats why I believe the Republicans are funding his campaign. They could not ask for a better candidate than a black man with a name that sounds like Osama.

Hey, lets go in there and get him now and set off a civil war in one of the only countries over there that is a friend to the USA. By the way Osama I mean Obama wanted to bomb Pakistan to get Osama. He wants to meet with every lunitic on the globe from castro to kimjong ill and bomb one of our allies. This from your hero....liberal putz...

It certainly makes more sense to go into Pakistan than it does to continue spending $1billion a day in Iraq. But then again Bush really doesnt care about bringing Osama to justice.
Didnt we already bomb Pakistan?

As far as them being our friend;

<a href="" target="_blank">

I guesss that makes us all Arpeys friend? Association and capitulation by means of a threat does not make fertile ground for a friendship.

Getting back on topic. It seems that AMR deals with the TWU like the Bush Administration deals with third world countries-"Do as I say or else" only in our case the leaders really do look at the intimidator as a friend.
  • Thread Starter
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  • #161

Mike Chiofalo – *8/9, 10
Howard McKinney
John Iuliano

George Miller-*8/9 ,10
Adam Ferrara
Steve Gukelberger

Duke Hingley
Todd Gibbs
Steve Gilboy – 8/10

Mike Mayes
Charlie Meyer
JR Ruiz

Robert Todd
Steve Prehn
Ed Domenech

Bobby Gratiano-*Week
Chris Baker
Keith Stewart – 8/10

Pete Hogan – 8/10
Michael Taylor
Frank Picarelli-8/6,10

Brian McMahon – 8/10
Gordon Clark
Michael Martin

Mike Rubel
Bill Ballard
Robert Strebeck

Rick Rodriguez
Jim Fudge
Johnny Griffith

Don Dougherty
Dale Holt
Tony Acosta-*8/9

Mark Nelson
John Plowman – Not Present
Alex Garcia

Steve Luis
Frank Pascale - Not Present
Glen Jeannes

Dan Mitchell
Todd Woodward
Howard Blaydes

Sam Cirri
Richard Rostock

Dale Lantz
Tony Bernal

The TWU Negotiation Committee met at the Green Oaks Inn in Fort Worth, Texas August 6-10. Welcomed were newly elected Officers from Local 514, Steve Luis - President and Dan Mitchell - Chairman of Stores), as well as Local 568 interim President, Tom Lee.

Through our discussions, a Strike Strategy Committee was formed. The Committee will be chaired by Tony McCoy of the International and will be comprised of the following:
(are you for real a strike committee for what?)

John Iuliano – 562 Local
Gordon Clark – Local 530
Frank Picarelli - Local 565
Howard McKinney – Local 514
Tony Bernal - Local 561
Bill Ballard - Local 530
Robert Strebeck – Local 567

Through the course of the week, the Negotiating Committee met with Labor Lawyer, Sandy Denison; TWU Benefits Committee Members Mark Johnson, D’Anne Johnson, Greg Mackey, Paul Mazzara, and Bill Cassidy; National Mediation Board (NMB) Chairman Harry Hoglander, and NMB Director of Dispute Resolution Services, Daniel Rainey; as well as John Heimlich, Vice President and Chief Economist for the Air Transport Association (ATA). Through their discussions with the Negotiating Committee, each gave a perspective of the industry based on first-hand knowledge. Additionally, all answered questions from the Committee. We wish to thank our guests for their time and valuable insight and input.

The Committee also engaged in strategic planning exercises. Throughout the week, there were discussions on the direction we want to take as we head towards opening negotiations with the company scheduled for November 7.
(what direction might that be? I thought it was pretty obvious the direction.)
Your Committee remains focused on the task before us and will reconvene in Fort Worth August 20-24.
Through the course of the week, the Negotiating Committee met with Labor Lawyer, Sandy Denison;
I can only assume this is Sanford Denison, the one who led the APA into a sickout and the fine, great advice. This might be a step backwards from Art Luby. :shock:

National Mediation Board (NMB) Chairman Harry Hoglander, and NMB Director of Dispute Resolution Services, Daniel Rainey; as well as John Heimlich, Vice President and Chief Economist for the Air Transport Association (ATA)

I take it this was the promise not to ever consider striking, and never to be released by the NMB. Why would the NMB and the airlines executives best friend--ATA--be called into a pre-negotiations conference? Just getting the sellout ready and the promise to rig any representational election in the future, as in the past by the NMB. :shock:
Offers from whom? Some unknown hack out of nowhere funded by the oil industry?
What would be the motive? We have seen the one side go from global warming is a myth to it is just a part of a naturally occurring cycle. The global warming side has always acknowledged that there have been periods of warming in the past but the data they've collected indicates that what is happening now is different.
Here is another myth of the right. Who owns these media outlets? Do you really think that the corporate conglomerates that own the media are going to biased any way other than a pro-corporate?
Thats why I believe the Republicans are funding his campaign. They could not ask for a better candidate than a black man with a name that sounds like Osama.

It certainly makes more sense to go into Pakistan than it does to continue spending $1billion a day in Iraq. But then again Bush really doesnt care about bringing Osama to justice.
Didnt we already bomb Pakistan?

As far as them being our friend;

<a href="" target="_blank">

I guesss that makes us all Arpeys friend? Association and capitulation by means of a threat does not make fertile ground for a friendship.

Getting back on topic. It seems that AMR deals with the TWU like the Bush Administration deals with third world countries-"Do as I say or else" only in our case the leaders really do look at the intimidator as a friend.


Hey, just check out the website They have a standing offer for anybody to prove that global warming is first of all - caused by man, and if that is proved, explain why it is in fact bad. If any takers can prove it, they win $100,000.00. Well as you can imagine, it aint happening.

As far as the guys that have standing offers to debate Al Gore, both have the qualifications and legit reputations - Dennis Avery and Lord Monckton. Their backgrounds are both impressive. I have heard both in interviews, and found their logic regarding the subject of global warming is a lot more compelling than Al Gore's. They could kick his ass in a debate - that is why he won't. He has to keep the fear going, please read State of Fear by Mike Crighton.

You know what, I can remember when I was in high school - they said we were entering an ICE AGE. That was in the late seventies - hey, I'm still waiting on that.

Just don't buy into all this hyperbole, cause most of it can be shot down.
I can only assume this is Sanford Denison, the one who led the APA into a sickout and the fine, great advice. This might be a step backwards from Art Luby. :shock:
I take it this was the promise not to ever consider striking, and never to be released by the NMB. Why would the NMB and the airlines executives best friend--ATA--be called into a pre-negotiations conference? Just getting the sellout ready and the promise to rig any representational election in the future, as in the past by the NMB. :shock:

There is no way that Little would ever let us strike. During the 2001 negotiations he told the NY Local 562 membership "Dont ever reject a TA because the company will never sweeten the offer, they might move the numbers around but they will never increase the offer".
Littles position leaves workers with few alternatives, one being illegal job actions or wildcat strikes if they ever want to see their standard of living restored, the other is to quit and find a new career. Either way we must be prepared to act without leadership from the TWU.
There is no way that Little would ever let us strike. During the 2001 negotiations he told the NY Local 562 membership "Dont ever reject a TA because the company will never sweeten the offer, they might move the numbers around but they will never increase the offer".
Littles position leaves workers with few alternatives, one being illegal job actions or wildcat strikes if they ever want to see their standard of living restored, the other is to quit and find a new career. Either way we must be prepared to act without leadership from the TWU.

Bob is right. The TWU doesn't know how to spell the word S-t-r-i-k-e.