TWU negotiations.........what?

<_< ------ You know what would be novel? A 30 second T.V. informational spots on Local DFW, ORD, LAX. JFK stations! And I don't mean at 3:00 AM either! I know they'd be expensive, but what the hey! What have you been spending your dues money for anyway? ------- Or if the International won't flip the bill, maybe one of the Locals will ? Sometimes you have to spend money to make money!
With marathon negotiations beginning tomorrow, its a shame the AMFA drive did not at least produce openness and transparency. I haven't heard anyone claim to be the least bit interested in the whole process as expectations have gone the way of the dodo bird.
<_< ------ You know what would be novel? A 30 second T.V. informational spots on Local DFW, ORD, LAX. JFK stations! And I don't mean at 3:00 AM either! I know they'd be expensive, but what the hey! What have you been spending your dues money for anyway? ------- Or if the International won't flip the bill, maybe one of the Locals will ? Sometimes you have to spend money to make money!

Screw that. Do a YouTube video.... it's relatively free, and can be viewed by any member.
<_< ------- Sounds good to me!--------- BUT DO SOMETHING!!!!------ What's going on here? "Light's are on, but no one's home!!!" :huh:
The latest offer:
Some details are
6% signing bonus (a little over $4000)
3% Raise DOS
1.5% in 12 mo
1.5% in 24 mo
Increased Line Diff
Many other changes; most of which are concessions.

Does anybody have a link to a pdf?

• Modify the Eagle ASM letter outlined in Attachment 1.5- SEAT MILES SCHEDULED BY COMMUTER AIR

• Modify the 6% to 10% and maintain current counting methodology and exclude the
following additional markets from the ASM cap:

• BNA, RDU, SJC, STL Eagle routing
• Eagle pre-1993 ASM's
• Markets in which AA & AE both fly

The report and measurement period will remain as is provided under the current letter of agreement

• Upon modification or elimination of this letter in each of the other six (6) AA/TWU labor agreements, Article 42(a) of the Mechanic and Related agreement will be amended to provide a system job protection date of 6/6/2000 for Title I.

• The Company is willing to consider Industry standard language relating to Mergers and Spin-offs.

• Outsource Building Cleaner work at TULE

• The Company agrees to reclassify all remaining Building Cleaners into the Utility Man classification. All Building Cleaners will be pay slotted into the Utility Man pay rate scale in accordance with Article 27(B). Outsource only true Building Cleaner functions.

• Reclassify Cabin Cleaners at DFW, LAX, & ORD to Utility Man classification.

• The 20 remaining Cabin Cleaners will be pay slotted into the Utility Man pay rate scale in accordance with years of service.
• Scope of work for both Cabin Cleaner and Utility Man may be impacted by outcome of Fleet Service Agreement.
• In the event the Scope of work is impacted by the Fleet Service Agreement then the Cabin Cleaner and Utility Man employees will be offered positions in TULE.

In the interest of providing options for the Title II employees impacted by the above proposals, the Company will offer the following terms for a voluntary separation package:

Voluntary Separation Program:

• For employees who retire from AA prior to January 1, 2011:

• Lump sums paid in 2010 would be considered pensionable earnings for purposes of calculating pension benefit.
• Retiree medical terms and conditions remain unchanged and will retire with current retiree medical benefits.
• Special voluntary separation allowance: $25K

• For employees who resign from AA prior to January 1, 2011 under the 50/55 rule:

• Lump sums paid in 2010 would be considered pensionable earnings for purposes of calculating pension benefit.
• Retiree medical terms and conditions remain unchanged and will retire with currentretiree medical benefits.
• Special voluntary separation allowance: $25K

• For employees who resign from AA and forfeit any recall rights prior to January 1, 2011:

• Special voluntary separation allowance: $15K


• Eliminate the 1/7th work schedule restriction at overhaul bases, Article 3(i), as determined by Managing Directors based on operational needs.


• Lump sum of 6.0% on DOS for Title I & Title II Base employees

Formula: FT: 2080 x ($27.20 + $5.00) $32.20 = $66,976 x .06 =$4,019

• Structural increase of 3.0% on DOS.

• Structural increase of 1.5% twelve (12) months after DOS.

• Structural increase of 1.5% twenty four (24) months after DOS.

• Increase Higher Capacity Premium from $1.75/hr to $2.75/hr.

• Increase Line Premium from $0.55/hr to $2.55/hr for those Title I classifications as listed in Article 4©(1).

• Increase Line Premium from $0.55/hr to $1.70/hr for those Title II classifications as listed in Article 4©(1).

• Increase Skill Premium for Machinists/Bench Avionics and Welders to be equivalent to an AMT two License Premium.

• Increase Midnight Skill Retention Premium in Article 4©(2) as follows:

• For shifts that begin between 2000 and 0400 hours - increase from $0.55/hr to

• Create Weekend Shift Premium for Overhaul Bases as follows:

• A Premium of $0.50/hr will be paid for shifts beginning between 2100 Friday & 2100 Sunday.

• Restore License premium, as of DOS, to those AMTs currently working in OSM positions and not being paid license premium as a result of a reduction in force. Management and local TWU to work out terms on getting those employees into AMT positions.

• New Profit Sharing (Continental match)

• 15% of pre-tax income excluding special, unusual and non-recurring items (1st dollar).

• The above percentage will create a fund from which awards are distributed to all participating employees. Individual awards will be distributed March 15 of the following year. Payments are not pensionable. Each employee's award will be determined by the percentage of their earnings relative to overall payroll participants.
• This plan replaces the existing profit sharing plan.
• This plan also replaces the financial component of the AIP.

• Base Employee Gain Sharing plan: Mutually commit to develop a variable compensation plan and implemented within 180 days from DOS.


• Current book, with the exception of increasing test hop insurance from $100K to $200K.


• Current book.

• Provide two (2) "personal days" effective DOS (payable and accumulated in hours based on work schedules and status).

• Jointly create procedures for the selection and utilization of these hours within Ninety (90) days from date of signing.

• Allow the employee to receive pay in lieu of taking the "personal days". Unused days will be paid out as eight (8) hours for full time and four (4) hours for part time (as of your status on 12/31) by January 31st of the following year.

• Employee must have one year of company service as of December 31 for use in the following year.

• Modify Article 8(a)(2) table to reflect two (2) weeks for those employees with less than five (5) years of service.


• Create a new Classification that will provide opportunities for licensed OSM (Overhaul
Support Mechanic)

• Limit the number of this new classification working in each base's Airframe Overhaul business unit to a maximum of 20% of all Title I in that unit.

• Licensed OSMs, excluding painters, who fill positions in the new classifications will be regularly assigned to Airframe Overhaul business units and will receive OSM Chart rates of pay plus a one License premium of $2.50 per hour.


• Automated Promotion and Transfer system

• Business Unit area Labor Loan

• Higher Capacity position evaluation

• Modify Transfer memorandum to reduce steps in filling of vacancies


• Increase the SK leave accrual rate from five (5) days per year to eight (8) days(5.3 hours/month) per year effective January 1, 2011. SK leave will be paid at 100% for all days. Increase maximum accumulation of sick time from 150 days to 250 days for Maintenance and Related. Tied to Article 41 proposal.


• Craft a defined contribution plan for new hires in lieu of participation in the defined benefit plan.

Following one year of eligibility service, the employee will receive an automatic 2.5% Company contribution based on qualified pensionable earnings as defined under the defined benefit plan with no employee contribution required.

Following one year of eligibility service, the Company will match employee contributions on a dollar for dollar basis for all contributions above the employee 2.5% contribution up to a maximum of 3.0% such that Company contribution does not exceed 5.5%.

Terms of the Defined Contribution plan (DC) will be no less favorable than those offered to management.


• Create a joint committee to explore the formation of a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Trust for Retiree Medical to be administered by the TWU.

Current retirees:

• No change to current plans.

Current employees age 50 or older; with either 120 months of prefunding or who opted into prefunding when first eligible as of DOS:

• No change to current plans.

Current employees age 49 and younger as of DOS:

• Allow employees to fund Under 65 retiree medical coverage with sick bank hours at a rate of twenty (20) hours per month of coverage for themselves and all eligible dependents.

• Employee pre-funding does not apply.

• Amend Article 34 - Sick Leave to include the following enhancements:

• Accrual rate of 2/3 of a day per month (Maximum 8 days/year).

• Maximum accrual of 2000 hours (250 days).

• If sick bank is insufficient to provide medical coverage until the retiree's need for medical coverage ends, retiree will pay monthly premiums to maintain retiree medical coverage at the same rate as other groups that are post funding for retiree medical coverage at that time. (Current post funding rate is 25% of cost).

• Includes medical coverage for spouse and dependent children until the employee is or would have been 65, if the spouse is covered as an eligible dependent at the time of retirement or death of the retiree. Spouse and dependent coverage ends when the spouse becomes Medicare eligible.

• TWU will have ability to review and validate plan every three (3) years.

• The company will evaluate the sick hour to medical cost ratio every three (3) years and adjust the sick hours required for one month of medical coverage in accordance for future retirements.

• After age 65, a guaranteed issue, employee paid Medigap plan will be available in lieu of the current over 65 plan.

• Employer prefunding contributions will cease date of signing.

• The Company and TWU will establish a joint committee as soon as possible to explore rollover options for employee prefunding balances. Absent an option identified, active prefunding balances will be refunded by 12/31/2010.

• Eliminate the $25 per Sick day payout upon retirement.

• Under both options plan design will be the same as management, which includes preventive care in network.

• Increase medical maximum from $300,000 to $500,000.

Employees Hired After Date of Signing:

Under Age 65 Plan

• Employee pre-funding does not apply.

• Allow employee to fund Under 65 retiree medical coverage with sick bank hours at a rate of twenty (20) hours per month of coverage for self and all eligible dependents.

• Amend Article 34 - Sick Leave to include the following enhancements:

• Accrual rate of 5.3 hours per month (Maximum 8 days/year).

• Maximum accrual of 2000 hours (250 days).

• If sick bank is insufficient to provide medical coverage until the retiree's need for medical coverage ends, retiree may pay premiums to maintain retiree medical coverage. The premiums will be actuarially based on family status and age bands at retiree's expense.

Over Age 65 (Eligible for Medicare coverage) Plan

• After age 65, a guaranteed issue, employee paid Medigap plan will be available in lieu
of the current over 65 plan.


• Current book with the exception of the condition outlined in Article 1 above.


• Duration of Agreement is DOS plus 36 months (approximately May 2013).

• Either party may elect to open the agreement six (6) months prior to amendable date.


• The Parties agree to discuss modifications to Base Closure at the Local level.

• The DWH letter dated 10/29/2009 will be extended pending further negotiations concerning DWH specific work rules.

• In the event that the Company fails to modify pension benefits and retiree medical benefits for new hires or retiree medical benefits for existing employees under the APA or APFA agreements in the current round of bargaining, such that they are similar in structure and industry standing to those in the TWU agreement, without other comparable offsets, the Company and TWU will meet within 30 days of ratification of an APFA or APA agreement to determine the appropriate remedy.
Not everything is a concession. Looks like a few things got restored.

Line premiums go up a bit, and AMTs bumped into OSR's get to keep license premiums

SK pay goes back to 100%, and accrual rates goes up

VC stays the same but 2 personal days added, which can be paid out if not used

First dollar profit sharing of 15% looks good, and I like how there is a stipulation that going the proposed DC plan be "no less favorable" than that for management...
-Increase Higher Capacity Premium from $1.75/hr to $2.75/hr.
-Increase Skill Premium for Machinists/Bench Avionics and Welders to be equivalent to an AMT two License Premium.

This is not the time to be awarding perks to "special individuals'. Where were the spokesmen for AMT's to get higher license premiums. Their the ones who's names are on the line and held accountable.
If I am reading this correctly does this mean that the Title I and Title 2 Base employee
will receive a 6 percent lump sum on DOS but the Title I and Title 2 Line employee will not? And both Title groups will receive the structural pay rate increases but the line premium will be increased if ratified?
No Retro for line, Silly retiree medical scam for those under 49, no pension for new-hires (who will eventually vote to have mine removed for a couple of bucks). I cannot wait to vote NO on this and let them try again!
No Retro for line, Silly retiree medical scam for those under 49, no pension for new-hires (who will eventually vote to have mine removed for a couple of bucks). I cannot wait to vote NO on this and let them try again!

What new hires?
From the website:

"We have reached a tentative agreement covering “maintenance and related” members."
What new -Hires? Are you trying to be funny or are you special? Do you think if you are in your forties or below that there wont be any mechs hired before you retire? :blink:
[Upon modification or elimination of this letter in each of the other six (6) AA/TWU labor agreements, Article 42(a) of the Mechanic and Related agreement will be amended to provide a system job protection date of 6/6/2000 for Title I )

Would not everybody vote no if system protection was taken away from all!!? Of course you would!!!!! System job protection date of 6/6/2000 for Title I!! They have got to be kidding, What real union would do this!!!!!! TWU!!!! LOL This is a no brainer vote NO!

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