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TWU merger update [fleet service]

Tim, do people who are furloughed have the option to sign a card and vote if it gets to that point?

Yes, if you have recall rights then you can sign a card and send it in.

You still have a Voice and A Vote let it be heard. :up:
Like I said earlier & I beg to disagree with Tim, Fleet Service NEVER has had 50 % of anything. Bottom line if you want no union go ahead & sign. I feel sure you will be sorry. Think long & hard folks.
By the way way to go PHL I heard you folks ran them out....
Because under the RLA a change in representation does not open up an exsisting CBA.
what happens if the two contracts are completely different and say the TMU wins, how will the new contract take affective?
When you change representation, you do not change CBAs, the current IAM/US CBA would remain in full force until 2009 when it becomes amendable.

For the 1,000 time, a change in representation does not change nor open up a CBA.
Like I said earlier & I beg to disagree with Tim, Fleet Service NEVER has had 50 % of anything. Bottom line if you want no union go ahead & sign. I feel sure you will be sorry. Think long & hard folks.
By the way way to go PHL I heard you folks ran them out....

How much worse of could we be??? Our pay was slashed up to 40% in some cases, we only get paid for 1/2 a sick day, lost holidays,lost vacation,and the real "Biggy"..... Outsourcing of over "20" stations, with many 20+ year employees out the door. As I have said before, I could have been screwed like this without paying dues to the IAM.
I would vote for the Garment Workers Union if they ran against the IAM. We have nothing to lose, as most have lost everything already. You can only hope for something that is even a Little bit better than this Screw-job of a contract that we are living with.I was much better off BEFORE the IAM started Mis-representing me and my "Brothers" for their Nominal monthly fee!!!

When you change representation, you do not change CBAs, the current IAM/US CBA would remain in full force until 2009 when it becomes amendable.

For the 1,000 time, a change in representation does not change nor open up a CBA.
So are you saying that the Horses-### IAM contract can be forced upon the TWU represented HP employees against thier will??? Why wouldn't their CBA be used, or does that have to be voted on as well?
When you change representation, you do not change CBAs, the current IAM/US CBA would remain in full force until 2009 when it becomes amendable.

For the 1,000 time, a change in representation does not change nor open up a CBA.
for the 1000th time, i am still trying to figure out this--HP brought US and both have two different contracts. If teh TWU takes over Fleet service, how is it that the IAM contract overrides the TWU contract until 2009? What I'm trying to find out is why does it have to be the IAM contract be the one to be the lead deal until 2009 rather than the TWU if they win the election? hope that better explains what i''m after
How much worse of could we be??? Our pay was slashed up to 40% in some cases, we only get paid for 1/2 a sick day, lost holidays,lost vacation,and the real "Biggy"..... Outsourcing of over "20" stations, with many 20+ year employees out the door. As I have said before, I could have been screwed like this without paying dues to the IAM.
I would vote for the Garment Workers Union if they ran against the IAM. We have nothing to lose, as most have lost everything already. You can only hope for something that is even a Little bit better than this Screw-job of a contract that we are living with.I was much better off BEFORE the IAM started Mis-representing me and my "Brothers" for their Nominal monthly fee!!!
So are you saying that the Horses-### IAM contract can be forced upon the TWU represented HP employees against thier will??? Why wouldn't their CBA be used, or does that have to be voted on as well?

wings, email me at: twuiamelection@aol.com
FWIW: YES, the IAM contract can be modified and the company and union have HUGE reasons to do it. A few big articles of the contract must be reopened and subject to negotiations as you saw with the CWA/IBT. Do you really think the company wanted to give those big pay hikes to your ticket counter people last week unless they got a seamless situation in return?

Also, wings, I believe you were Piedmont weren't you? Do you remember ALPA Piedmont held out for 9 months after the merger [presumably because of seniority issues]and US AIRWAYS couldn't combine the two sets of the same craft. Your company finally moved on some issues that got a new deal done which finally allowed all the pilots to be under one canopy.
There are big money losses when two sides can't make a merger 'seamless' so negotiations make good sense .
700 wants you to think that there are and will be no negotiations, CASE CLOSED, but he knows no matter who is your representation, negotiations will take place and are taking place.
My gut feeling is that the IAM will try to make a real cozy seamless transition with nothing in return for the workers while padding the IAM pockets. I doubt seriously there will be any fairness and once again [for the 10th time] the same employees who are IAM loyalist will be crying and blaming your company instead of blaming your Bargaining reps.

At any rate, it ought to be everyone's goal to have a fair, and seamless merger integration

So why are we not spending our time fighting the Company and stop going back and forth between us? Lets join together and make a stand.
Seamless merger integration will not happen with out SOLIDARITY.
This new Company has a plan why don't we?
There will never be any solidarity until the iam agrees to right the wrongs that they have thrust upon fleet service.

1. Seniority should be DOH for all intents and purposes. They say that this is what we have but if you back them into a corner they can't prove how this is so. The only way it can be proven is when you look at the system seniority list and see your name and there is one and only one date beside your name. And that date is the day that you were hired. No one can put up a legitimate argument against DOH, it is the only fair way. Everyone knows where they fall in line.

2. iam pension should be changed to hours worked weekly, up to 40. No fulltime/parttime segregation. Some fulltimers don't work 40 hours a week, while some parttimers do work 40 hours a week. The fulltimer gets $78 a month while a parttimer gets $38. Basing the iam contribution on how many hours you actually work per week, and not by what you are designated as, is much better than ft-$78, and pt-$38.

3. We should also be recombined with the ticket counter agents. Where we would be one great big happy family again. When the company tries to pull something on one work function, they would know the other is there backing them up because we would be ONE!
what happens if the two contracts are completely different and say the TMU wins, how will the new contract take affective?
I have asked the same question several times with the same bogus answer.. Examples of a single carrier changing representation and them not reopening the single CBA does not pertain to us.. Two CBA's Two unions.... Vote to one union.. what happens.. The IAM CBA stays even though they go? No.. I think not.. You changed representation and still have two CBA's which one prevails.. 700? gonna give your incorrect stale answer.

What facts are getting in my way. Wn.. NWA.. Not the same.. Pull a rabbit out of your hat..
Ramp Rogue,
Great post!
Most of the employees issues started when the separation occurred.
Ramp Rogue,

It would be nice to see the inside/outside staff in one bargining unit. At PSA, it was one unit, only because the unit was created when PSA wasn't an airline (by federal govnmt definition) and not subject to the NMB. The NMB determines what the bargining unit is and they have consistenly grouped the inside staff with reservations and the outside by themselves. This is a hangover from the origins of the airlines, way back when. They don't seem to be effected by the reality of the way airlines are organized now and management and unions have been unable to convince them to change.
UA currently operates without a fence in certain line cities under the IAM. Shift and position are bid by seniority.
PI and Usair (pre Wolf, pre union) also had the ability to move between classifications.
When we were all one unit it was never us versus them. It was one for all and all for one. When the iam came along we were seperated. Things haven't been the same since. The first and worst thing that happened with the iam was that we were forced into a classification seniority system, and the ticket counter, gates, and res agents were given strict date of hire. How is that supposed to make a once happy family feel? Thanks for gnikcuf us iam.