Tim Nelson
if some of the outsourced cities come back to mainline, will they includ cities of MDT and ABE? Also how about other places such as ATL, SAN SEA AVP that all have different goofy outfits doing the ramp
come back to mainline pay?
The IAM loyalist have already said that "THERE WILL BE NO NEW NEGOTIATIONS". So you know the official union position. This is disturbing, not only because it is untrue but also it is unfair to the stations that the PHL leadership sold out.
Thankfully, the simple truth is that negotiations are already taking place for many of the other unions. Although I personally think the IBT/CWA could have done better, they settled a transition agreement that now 'includes' several express stations now up to mainline status over a period of something like 12 months. I think some of the stations are MEM, CLE, DTW, and several others. Pay was also enhanced along with the article on Holidays, and various other articles in return for a 'seamless and cooperative' merger. In fact, because of this new agreement, the customer service workers will now get a 6% raise this April. And the IAM loyalist say, "There will be no new negotiations". Profane indeed.
Your company negotiated this because it NEED$ new agreements so a merger can be 'seamless'. Without new agreements it is likely that your company will have to keep separate operations for a painful and extended time and waste valuable and critical cash reserves.
I think that the best and most cooperative solution would be a semblance of fairness in return for a 'seamless' transition. A semblance of fairness is owed not only to your corporate execs [who you can bet have new employment contracts] BUT also owed to the workers who break their backs everyday...this includes the express operations that the PHL leadership didn't fight for.
Personally I think your new management team recognizes fairness better than previous management teams, however, based on IAM and their loyalist statements I am growing concerned that perhaps in giving your company a 'seamless' merger, that the IAM may be padding their own pockets with additional negotiated perks. Some of those perks may be automatic recognition of some of the feeder operations, perhaps more jobs in PHL and more PHL AGC's. Dunno but something is spooky yet not surprising about the IAM"s position.
The hope of something better will only start with the elimination of the IAM on the property. If you understand that then email me at: twuiamelection@aol.com