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IBEW Update

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Your right in that we LOST it all .. and NO fault to you guys but we lost it in BK1 and BK2 .. and our GREAT UNION told us to "live now to fight another day" (quote from mr reagan) so WE listened and NOW they (IAM) wants to take more..

that's the point I and most on this board are trying to tell you guys... WE have heard the b/s from the IAM for the last time.. I know this is new B/S for

you guys but not for us..

take care
One complaint I’ve had with the IAM and continue to have is that they are still treating us as if we’re in the stone age as far as communication goes .

I challenge any one within the IAM who calls themselves a leader to step forward and actually LEAD … yes , I said it , LEAD , and I’m talking about innovation not imitation .Why isn’t there ONE video of a briefing or union meeting ? Is it TOO much to ask for our union to actually have a town hall , which doug parker seems to be easily capable of . This IBEW ordeal is going to continue , and if unchecked may actually grow strong enough to challenge the IAM , what I mean by that is even IF the IBEW doesn’t come to a vote, a total lack of response from the IAM to defend it’s self will show that it’s vulnerable to the next unaffiliated union that would come in and raid it .

Election time is drawing near in the locals throughout the country … I call on those who wish to serve their brothers and sisters to become MORE active in the IAM as far as opening it up and making it more transparent . I myself would like to see just ONE IAM representative be it a station chair or anyone higher up the chain actually film a union meeting (official or not )of 141 and address the issues of the membership , and actually SHOW them addressing the issues of the membership , talking to the membership , having the membership voice their concerns for EVERYONE throughout the entire system to witness .If doug parker and our oh so glorious company can do it then I see NO reason that my union can’t do it . Let me start by pointing my union in the right direction , it’s called a digital camera that records video and YOU TUBE !

I hope someone within the IAM , a station chair an AGC , anyone out there in the system will take up my challenge .Sure your going to get A LOT of flak on the video , a lot of angry questions a lot of disgust , but when all is said and done I will RESPECT you for having the balls to actually step out into the lime light and defend your point of view and I think a lot of other people would as well .If you want to get elected or stay elected you need to be visable and responsive to the people . I respect Doug parker for conducting the town halls , if he can do it , then I expect no less of my union .

So the challenge and the question is , who wants to be a LEADER within the IAM ?
Great thought. Although I seriously doubt that you will get any response from anybody in the I AM MANAGEMENT union to do this. They seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths, so to speak. They try to lead through fear and intimidation. Not actual leadership. They could care less about Fleet Service. All they are on the property is for the $100,000+ jobs they get by being our so called representation. Good luck though.
What you ask as a challenge should be procedure and it will only happen
if the IAM can stage the meeting. They would never tape a meeting in a city such
as mine (phl), they wouldn't want the stations who still believe in them to see how
we hold them in contempt. We elected them through just the theory of ''One Company'
One Workforce''. The IAM will never come to the podium and debate a IBEW rep. This
is thier yard and the IBEW is playing in it and they think by shutting off the light and
calling thier loyalists inside the house til we go away will work. Once they believe we've
gone away they'll turn the light back on and tell thier lap dogs to go and protect the house.
One problem when the lights go out were growing because some of the IAM dues paying
members are seeing the opposite is true. When they turn off thier lights, a light bulb goes
on over thier heads and they see the IBEW is still there, waiting....Were (ibew) not asking
you to forgo a union and representation, were asking you to get a union and get representation.
Isn't it time for us to stand up and say,''NO MORE.''

i agree perseverance , it SHOULD be procedure , both you and PJ are most likely right that no one will accept my challenge .At least not on the east coast , I personally feel it would be hard for any one having to endure a grilling in front of a PHL crowd or CLT crowd to have a civil meeting , but I think if it was done out west the questions and comments asked would be presented in a rational and civil manner that would be conducive to making progress . I also tend to think that we have some of the better IAM leaders here at our station . I still have faith in our local leadership , althou I’m starting to lose it in the national .

Ah well ,i'll keep my fingers crossed . (but only for so long )
IBEW....it's a long post but informative..

Through the collective bargaining process, the I.B.E.W. officers negotiate working agreements, or
collective bargaining agreements, with your employer. These agreements govern wages, benefits,
and working conditions. Inside the workplace,
the I.B.E.W. strives to resolve on-the-job problems
including protecting members against unfair discipline, unsafe working conditions and violations of
seniority rights. The I.B.E.W. also works with the employer in building long-term positive
Labor/Management relationships which respects the Unions right to organize. The I.B.E.W. also works
to improve local, state, and federal laws to further the interest of working people. Our members are
also actively involved in organizing unorganized workers to provide them the protection of a union

YES. The I.B.E.W. is affiliated with the 10+ million member AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO represents the
labor unions and their members before Congress and provides support in organizing, research,
collective bargaining, education, strategic campaigns, and legislative and political affairs. Local
unions are encouraged to affiliate with AFL-CIO local, central, and state organizations.

A working agreement, or collective bargaining agreement, is an agreement between the Union and
your employer that sets the terms and/or conditions of employment in the workplace for a designated
period of time.

Yes. After the bargaining process ends and the Local Union has a final agreement offer from your
employer, the locals members vote on the agreement.

The Union Agreement provides for a grievance process to address problems on the job. A grievance
is a complaint concerning the employers actions under the agreement. If you have a grievance, you
should first talk to your Union Steward. Your Union Steward is your on-the-job Union Representative
who has been trained to handle grievances. The Steward will first review the facts and determine if
the employer has violated the agreement. If so, the Steward will try to reach a settlement with the
supervisor. If this effort fails, the grievance may then continue to the next person in the chain of

Under current Collective Bargaining laws the answer is yes. Please keep in mind though, that if you
are a municipal employee, under current Texas labor laws, Public Sector / Municipal employees are
not covered under the Collective Bargaining guidelines outlined in the NLRA (National Labor
Relations Act). Therefore, Unions representing municipal workers do not have Collective Bargaining
with Binding Arbitration. So the answer to the question above for Municipal employees is NO.
Because Unions that represent Public Sector workers in the state of Texas do not have Collective
Bargaining with Binding Arbitration, the Union is under no obligation to represent the non-union
employee. Non-union workers must also understand that by choosing to be non-union also means
that they are giving up their *Weingarten Rights*. (See #7 below)

As a member, you have the right to representation, you have the right to attend meetings, to vote on
all motions, to vote in all elections(refer back to #4), and to vote on any changes you might want
according to the IBEW Constitution and your Local Union By-Laws. You have the right to run for local
and international office and to become a delegate to the IBEW conventions.

Also as a member, you have what is referred to as Weingarten Rights. These are the Rights that
entitle you to representation if you are called in to the office by your supervisor for an investigatory
interview or for disciplinary reasons. You may be familiar with the "Miranda warnings" given by police.
The Miranda warnings notify criminal suspects of their rights, including the right to a lawyer and to
remain silent. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court did not impose a notice requirement in its
Weingarten decision. Employers have no obligation to inform workers of their right to request union
representation. Weingarten Rights simply state;

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my
personal working condition, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer, or
steward be present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any

***Weingarten Rights do not apply to non-union employees.***

Under the IBEW International Constitution, most powers and decisions are left to the members of
each Local Union. Each Local Union establishes its own by-laws determining membership
requirements, election and referendum procedures, meeting requirements, dues, steward system
operations, duties of Local Union officers, and any other rules needed to establish and maintain a
democratic Union. All Local Officers and the Executive Board are voted upon by the Local Union
membership. The Local holds its membership meetings on the first Thursday of each month.

Additionally, part of the Locals' role is to assist its members in their time of need. When a member
gets hurt off the job, the Local will supplement the members' pay, through an established Health &
Welfare Fund, up to $30 a day for 30 working days only after all benefits provided by the
company have expired. (sick leave, vacation days, Company paid holidays, etc.)

Membership is open to all wage-scale employees, and all non-management salaried employees.

Dues are very reasonable and may very depending upon your current hourly wage. Dues are payroll
deductible. Check with your steward or local officer for the cost of dues.

Members dues pay for all the Union's operating costs, including negotiations, organizing, research,
communications, and public relations, educating officers and stewards, and legislative activities.
(Refer to by-laws for additional costs).

The IBEW is active and vocal in the legislative and political arena on local, state, and national levels.
The International has a political program aimed at creating awareness of political issues and lobbying
Congress on behalf of our members. The IBEW believes that strengthening the political climate in
favor of working people strengthens the labor movement.

You can stay informed by going to union meetings and participating in the activities of your Local.
Remember that as a member you have an equal voice and vote with all other members. Your steward
and local officers can answer questions you may have about specific Union programs and policies.

In short, it can do a lot, but how successfully depends on you. For over 96 years it has ensured
our Members a good stable job at a fair wage with health insurance and pension benefits. It
could do the same for you. It can also change your life by giving you a voice at work and the
opportunity to stand up for what you believe. What the Union can achieve for you, however,
depends on what you do for yourself and your Union.

If you would like to sign a card please ask.....

although your thoughts are sivlerist. let me explain the reality, If you address a IAM NATIONAL REP

at your local lodge. IT will be a so called "free forum" where as your ?? and answers are not logged as minutes to any

buisness meeting.. so what I am trying to say is that there is no ACCOUNTABILITY to what RANDY, TOM, have to say

so if YOU think they will videotape for all to see ... YOU are living in pipedream world .. .. Learned this first hand..

??? WHY do you think the IAM NEG. in SECRACY.. ( ask your IAM chair or AGC about that)

SO that THEY are not HOLD accountable for what they neg.
And people in hell want ice water, I hate to say this but you will never see WN type wages and benefits at US.

US does not respect nor value its employees.


I have come to the conclusion that you are really sick. Take your iam cheerleaders uniform, your poms-poms, your baton, your forked tongue and go peddle your iam goods elsewhere. Although they may not say it, the majority of people on this board are tired of your iam cheerleading when you don't even have a dog in this fight. We don't need your iam patriotism infiltrating a ramp category when you don't even work on the ramp. Please find some other board to stick your iam nose in.

Ramp Rogue

"It can also change your life by giving you a voice at work and the
opportunity to stand up for what you believe. What the Union can achieve for you, however,
depends on what you do for yourself and your Union.

If you would like to sign a card please ask.....

NOW the ?? is are YOU willing to step to the plate
One complaint I’ve had with the IAM and continue to have is that they are still treating us as if we’re in the stone age as far as communication goes .

Why isn’t there ONE video of a briefing or union meeting?

Because if someone showed up to a union meeting with a video camera, the meeting would shut down and evacuate like a hurricane was coming. The questions would be asked, but there would be no answers. Because everyone in the iam is afraid to answer anything without first getting the OK from whatever holeass is in charge.

Hey agc, is the sun out today?
I don't know, I'll have to get back to you on that.

Hey shop steward, what time is it?
I don't know, I'll have to get back to you on that.

Hey local president, when is the next time dues are going up?

Hey local president, how come you know the answer to that, but you don't know the answer to anything else?
I don't know, I'll have to get back to you on that.
PHLFORCE Sorry but I am having trouble with my controls also! The best bet is to ask the moderator to do that for you. Sorry dude. My pm are not working I think it is something with my computer.
i agree perseverance , it SHOULD be procedure , both you and PJ are most likely right that no one will accept my challenge .At least not on the east coast , I personally feel it would be hard for any one having to endure a grilling in front of a PHL crowd or CLT crowd to have a civil meeting , but I think if it was done out west the questions and comments asked would be presented in a rational and civil manner that would be conducive to making progress . I also tend to think that we have some of the better IAM leaders here at our station . I still have faith in our local leadership , althou I’m starting to lose it in the national .
Ah well ,i'll keep my fingers crossed . (but only for so long )

Hey, great idea.....

PHX has a big nomination meeting this month. Hit us a home run and show us how dedicated you and your fellow westies are. Maybe we can see you nominated for one of the grievance committee positions. It would be awsome to show us "civil disobedience" can be handled in a civil manner. Thank you for taking that lead!
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