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IBEW Update

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Just to let everyone know how well we are thought of by the boss C and the 100,000 club.
We lost a union brother in a car wreck. He had worked in Clt for at least 22yrs. His initials were B.H.
i won't write his name. I've checked the (United) Messenger, our so called union paper. His name was never printed in the obits nor was there any retirees listed.
Nice work from the Grievence committee, the agc for that city and the district for the lack of respect.
Just to let you know, we don't count we are only dues and nothing else to the IAM.
It's time to give someone else a try....bring on the election
Very valid point.. The griev. committee is to busy out trying to save there a-- .
Very valid point.. The griev. committee is to busy out trying to save there a-- .

CLT Local meeting on thursday...... grievance committee nominations!
nominate people with gas (give a s**t)

The fun will be watching the three amigos disqualify as many as they
can so there will not be an election.

Get the word out because there will not be another chance to make a change
(except signing cards) for 2 years!
Quick question , who has physical possession of the cards ? If the IBEW is not officially involved with this IBEW committee , who are we giving our signed cards too !? If the IBEW is not the official collector and holder of the cards , what assurances do we have that the cards will not be turned over to the governing board that handles these issues unless that so called 65% quota has been filled ?

I don’t mean to sound alarming , it’s just I became alarmed at the thought . Please tell me Mr nelson who is if I’m correct neither an IAM member or a current worker at us airways isn’t the one in physical possession of the cards ..
Freedom, nobody can petition the cards except the IBEW. The card only authorizes the IBEW to present the cards to the National Mediation Board. Therefore, only an authorized official of the IBEW can do such a thing. This is not opinion, but fact and NMB procedures. After all, that is exactly who we are getting the cards signed for BTW.

Regarding me, yes I am a current member of DL141.

Tim Nelson! You think you can take on this group? You think your're ripe to do it? Talk is cheap! We'll be happy to meet with the members, but remember business is business. I for one will not give a dime to any group that "Thinks, they can convince company, and then, it takes time to accomplish. If you're ripe for the company, wonderful! If you look good to the masses, Great!
But, Damn'd be the ones that take advantage with NO results!
Well said.

The 'ibew committee' is a broken link to the real IBEW, which will start from scratch (if it starts at all).

Years away from any change for the front line.
Tim Nelson! You think you can take on this group? You think your're ripe to do it? Talk is cheap! We'll be happy to meet with the members, but remember business is business. I for one will not give a dime to any group that "Thinks, they can convince company, and then, it takes time to accomplish. If you're ripe for the company, wonderful! If you look good to the masses, Great!
But, Damn'd be the ones that take advantage with NO results!
I think 8,000 workers can take on the company. As for me I'm just someone organizing the IBEW.
What we already know is that the I Am Management union does not want to engage 8,000 workers. We also know the IAM refuses to allow a west sider on a District Position. This is not right to have east siders representing the west siders, especially since the west siders represent 37% of the dues paying fleet service group. It's not even that the IAM is a bad union. They are decent at united and Boeing, just awful with fleet service as a united Board of Director remains your chief negotiator. Heck, not only east siders are representing you but even United Airline Board of Directors are representing you. Think about that the next time you try to do the math on why you guys are getting bent over out there.


although your thoughts are sivlerist. let me explain the reality, If you address a IAM NATIONAL REP

at your local lodge. IT will be a so called "free forum" where as your ?? and answers are not logged as minutes to any

buisness meeting.. so what I am trying to say is that there is no ACCOUNTABILITY to what RANDY, TOM, have to say

so if YOU think they will videotape for all to see ... YOU are living in pipedream world .. .. Learned this first hand..

??? WHY do you think the IAM NEG. in SECRACY.. ( ask your IAM chair or AGC about that)

SO that THEY are not HOLD accountable for what they neg.

What is sivlerist?
?? for PHX
"IAM PHX Chairman sez, "...If the IBEW should sustain and win an election, you will lose your current contract and all of its benefits. They have to negotiate a new contract! You do not retain your current coverage! Are you being told the truth?"

did you guys lose your twu contract when you voted in the IAM ?
I have to add. When Rich Johnson and Bill Chandlee appeared to Phoenix a week after we we "rolled" over by IAM without a vote, Chandle honestly added after COC neither side would result in anything without a new combined contract for both sides. We commented he might not want to come without a protective vest. It was a way of saying COC only meant employees win and a new contract moves swiftly. We loose, COC and the company digs in their heals. He never once said anyone receives compensation without a brand new contract combining both East with West. And he said no more. So far he was accurate. Time for briefs and time given arbitor decision. 3 days verbal, 30 days written briefs, 2months arbitor decision. And, then on to a combined contract. Win or loose. He never said it would be easy. He was honest.
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