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TWU attempts to raid AMFA AMT's

I believe you, but at AA what we have is not what you have. You elect the guy who signs your contract into place right? We don't, our contract is negotiated by people who are appointed. These appointed people are treated very well by the company, one perk is that they continue to accrue their AA pensions while working for the ATD and the salary that the pension is based on is the one reported by the union. So if they make $200k and the union reports that to the company they would get a pension based on $200k, nice, but thats not all, they also get Pass travel like members or the Board of AMR get, positive space First Class for them and their families. Sure elected Presidents get to observe some of the process, and mock votes are taken, again, and again and again until the desired result is obtained but in reality elected Presidents are merely witnesses, even says so in the contract, the International owns the contract, not the locals. At AA the appointees in turn hand pick other people and appoint them on various committees who are not answerable to the Presidents or any Local, don't think you have that either. When AA declared BK the local Presidents in the AA system were told that they were invited to participate in negotiations under terms dictated by the International, if they didn't agree they were out. At WN all Fleet is in Local 555 and all the Flight Attendants are in 556. At AA we are all over the place. My class and craft includes facilities/automotive mechanics (Title II) and aircraft mechanics (Title 1), yet here in NY we are split between Local 562 (Aircraft Mechanics) and Local 501 (Fleet Service), but my Local includes Boston where both Title I and Title II are in our Local. Local 562 also has Stock Clerks, but in Boston the Stock Clerks who mainly work with mechanics is in Local 507 (fleet Service). In Chicago Local 563, they have Aircraft Mechanics but no Title II mechanics, they are in Local 512, Fleet service. Miami (Local 561), LAX (Local 564) have both Title I and II except that in SFO (which is part of 564s area) Title II is in the Fleet Local. Now the international, in retaliation against the more militant Line Maint locals has proposed liquidating all those Maint Locals and removing the Title II guys from those Locals(to insure that the new local isn't big enough to outvote Tulsa) and disbursing them to Title III Locals. Since each Local is allowed to send someone to be a voting witness at the next contract negotiations the Maint Committee could be made up of just TWO Mechanics and 11 Fleet service clerks. How would you like it if at your next round of negotiations the people voting to bring back your contract were workers from different contracts? Quite frankly you have a good setup with a lot of Local autonomy, we do not, what we have is a mess and what the AATD is trying to ram down our throats is even worse. Your President will have a vote on what happens to my Local, I wont. Hopefully you will fill him in and he will do the right thing. Today they are doing this to us, tomorrow it could be your Local.

A union is there to provide the members a voice, and that voice is supposed to be someone that the members pick through an election and they are the voice of the members to the company, you have that, we do not, what we have is the members elect people to can speak to the ATD, but not top officials of the company, instead the President of the TWU appoints people who sit above the Presidents and decide what gets said to the company. These appointed people chair all meetings and set the agendas. With the new contract Presidents cant even make Local agreements, everything has to go back to the ATD, appointed representatives that can not be voted out by the members.

Did not know that you did not elect your own people. I assumed all locals did the same thing. We all know what assuming does... :censored:
Sooooooooooo how is the twu drive progressing with you guys?
The post card mailed to our homes was it.

I still haven't met or even heard of one single mechanic that wants to join the TWU.

Not even one.

Some card drive huh?
As I said before, there is no card drive for the TWU at SWA. This was all a scam by the TWU so they could try to make it look like we were sick and tired of AMFA so they could advertise to their members at AA that we were trying to get rid of AMFA. Not going to happen.
They did send info in mail, but I have heard nothing but bad things about what some wrote on them and sent back. Have not talked with a single person that wants the TWU here, not one. Even the new mechanics from AA are against the TWU coming in here, and they know first hand how the TWU is at AA.
Don't kid yourself swamt. There is a card drive going on and their is mechanics turning in cards and talking to TWU. And before you or anyone says anything I'm not one of them.
Don't kid yourself swamt. There is a card drive going on and their is mechanics turning in cards and talking to TWU. And before you or anyone says anything I'm not one of them.

Turning in cards and what are they writing on them? Yea I am sure they are talking to the TWU and telling them exactly what they can do with their cards once they receive them. Your right about those two things. So your in the know uh? Interesting.
Don't kid yourself swamt. There is a card drive going on and their is mechanics turning in cards and talking to TWU. And before you or anyone says anything I'm not one of them.
ok, without naming names, tell me were I can find one of these TWU supporters.
Where does one of them work?

But if you know a mechanic that is collecting cards for the TWU, I am sure he wouldn't mind you telling us who he is.

What would be the purpose of an underground card drive?
If no one knows any TWU supporters, how would they gain any more support?

We sure weren't sneaking around being quiet about our support for AMFA when we booted the teamsters.
Now THAT was a card drive.

By the way, I too sent in the card the TWU sent to my house.
I just didn't fill it out.
Yes, pls enlighten us on the supporters for the TWU. I would love to hear what they have to say. I would love to see what they say they would do differently and BETTER than what AMFA has and is doing. Their just like the teamsters, they will promice the world, then never follow thru.
Pls give us some names of contacts at work. I will follow up, garrenteed...
You see I have inquired at work before and after the holidays, still can't seem to find any TWU supporters or organizers. When AMFA took over from the teamsters, all you heard the rank and file doing is talking about firing the teamsters and bringing in AMFA. Some of us are reaching out to find supporters and are having no luck, so pls help us find them.
I have heard the one and only excuse of; people are fed up with how long negos are taking. Well guess what? This round of negos will take years, somewhere between 2-4. This is what most all the AMFA nego team has stated as well as the National officers also at the table. BTW; this excuse I am talking about was only mentioned on this site, not at work... Again, would love to have some names so we know who to get more info from. Are you willing to help us out??
Turning in cards and what are they writing on them? Yea I am sure they are talking to the TWU and telling them exactly what they can do with their cards once they receive them. Your right about those two things. So your in the know uh? Interesting.


How is the card drive at AA going? Do you see an election in 2013? If so, do you have a good guess of when possibly?
I still will say (even if there are TWU supporters here at SWA) it was 100% a move by the TWU/teamsters to keep TWU at AA. How in the world do you think the TWU got all of our personal information? From the teamsters, that's how. BTW; did anyone give any approval what so ever for them to do so? I know I did not.
Let the games begin. I see 2013 being a very good year...

How is the card drive at AA going? Do you see an election in 2013? If so, do you have a good guess of when possibly?
I still will say (even if there are TWU supporters here at SWA) it was 100% a move by the TWU/teamsters to keep TWU at AA. How in the world do you think the TWU got all of our personal information? From the teamsters, that's how. BTW; did anyone give any approval what so ever for them to do so? I know I did not.
Let the games begin. I see 2013 being a very good year...

I do not know the numbers or when the filing will occur. I do not want to know until the day it happens. The less people know the better so the TWU and IBT will be guessing. Hopefully it will be soon but I am guessing. The IBT got our info from the TWU and the TWU got your info from the IBT. Quite obvious. The YouTube video at the IHOP with Woodward and the IBT president says it all. My contacts tell me that Woodward is in constant communication with Don V. the International Rep. So much for dual unionism, betrayal and lack of loyalty. But most of us know that the TWU is hand in hand with the IBT in trying to squash the AMFA drive.
I do not know the numbers or when the filing will occur. I do not want to know until the day it happens. The less people know the better so the TWU and IBT will be guessing. Hopefully it will be soon but I am guessing. The IBT got our info from the TWU and the TWU got your info from the IBT. Quite obvious. The YouTube video at the IHOP with Woodward and the IBT president says it all. My contacts tell me that Woodward is in constant communication with Don V. the International Rep. So much for dual unionism, betrayal and lack of loyalty. But most of us know that the TWU is hand in hand with the IBT in trying to squash the AMFA drive.

Is there enough evidence out there to pull off a law suit under the privacy act?? If I am not mistaken, this information being handed out is against privacy laws, am I wrong? Would be a great time to start a large class action if you know what I mean...
Who cares and you will never get enough guys because we can't even get them to vote

Your right about one thing. Can not get enough guys to have interest in voting.
A friend of mine in Tulsa tells me most of the guys care about fishing, hunting and believing whatever the TWU tells them. They could care less about their profession as a AMT and the line guys. Or anyone outside of the Tulsa base. But now the door is about to hit them on the face and then they will again listen to the misinformation of the TWU leadership. Wait until this merger with Useless Air happens. We all at AA will be in for a big shocker because we allowed ourselves to get hosed with the current contract with NO PROTECTION what so ever. Courtesy of the TWU and the sheep who listened to the idiots at the TWU international by either voting Yes or not voting.
Useless Air has a reputation of failures when it comes to mergers. Now Parker is going in over his head with AA. The integration process will take years to iron out if at all. He still has not settled all the important issues with the America West merger. What makes anyone think that the AA merger will fix everything? We are screwed. time to blow the dust off the resume and update it. I'm making plans to move on before it is too late. Time will tell.
Your right about one thing. Can not get enough guys to have interest in voting.
A friend of mine in Tulsa tells me most of the guys care about fishing, hunting and believing whatever the TWU tells them. They could care less about their profession as a AMT and the line guys. Or anyone outside of the Tulsa base. But now the door is about to hit them on the face and then they will again listen to the misinformation of the TWU leadership. Wait until this merger with Useless Air happens. We all at AA will be in for a big shocker because we allowed ourselves to get hosed with the current contract with NO PROTECTION what so ever. Courtesy of the TWU and the sheep who listened to the idiots at the TWU international by either voting Yes or not voting.
Useless Air has a reputation of failures when it comes to mergers. Now Parker is going in over his head with AA. The integration process will take years to iron out if at all. He still has not settled all the important issues with the America West merger. What makes anyone think that the AA merger will fix everything? We are screwed. time to blow the dust off the resume and update it. I'm making plans to move on before it is too late. Time will tell.

It is sad indeed how little the turn outs are for the votes. At SWA you only get real good turn outs on contract votes. All other votes are very pathetic.
Keep your eyes open for openings at SWA if you plan on staying in the field. SWA will be hiring thru July of 2013 and maybe even beyond. Good luck to you on whatever you deside to do. Still hoping you guys send the TWU packing this time around. Once you guys get AMFA in and settled down, you will be much happier, and asking yourselves why didn't you do it ealier.
Can AMFA win any important arbitration? Just lost the sick time arbitration. This is getting old. Maybe some new lawyers?

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