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IAM-TWU Election (Tim Nelson)

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Giant Robot!

Feb 18, 2006
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Over the past few weeks I have been reading, with vested interest, the many comments on the many threads related to the possible IAM-TWU election at US Airways. From what I’ve seen there have been misrepresentations, rumors and even down right lies in some of the statements. This type of forum is an excellent means to share ideas, have discussions and even have disagreements with those, who under normal circumstances, wouldn’t be able to have such discussions. The problem is with those who have disagreements. Disagreeing is not necessarily a bad thing; problems have been resolved with people disagreeing. Ideas are often shared in disagreements that wouldn’t normally be discussed and positive resolutions have been the outcome. Unfortunately, disagreements between people who are not communicating face-to-face oft time don’t know who they are disagreeing with! These disagreements can be damning. This fact is particularly important for the TWU folks who don’t know Tim Nelson!

From what I’ve read from Tim, it appears he is backing the TWU. He seems quite knowledgeable in a great many areas…some not so “black and white†as to be disclosed or printed by him. For those of you that don’t know, Tim’s middle name is “Powerâ€. He has wanted power for many years. He unsuccessfully attempted to organize his own Ramp Workers Union in the ’80’s touting himself as the President of that organization. He also attempted to organize the “Inside Agents†but when other organizations (Real Unions) came close to having enough cards to file with the NMB, Tim filed his cards knowing he was well short of having a sufficient amount thus forcing the other Unions to file. None of the Unions had the amount necessary to call for an election resulting in the Agents inside not being able to collect or file cards for another year. Who suffered? Not Tim, the agents inside! Thankfully he didn’t interfere with the CWA and we were able to organize without his help (?) !!!

In more recent history, he, with the help of fellow (former) US Airways agent Mike Pruitt formed another organization called the AGW, which represented NO ONE! The FIRST order of business was…naming themselves President and Director (remember, middle name Power). Next order of business, getting cards signed (raiding) US Airways property (IAM) and the American property (TWU). The AGW had a web site online which criticized and discredited both the IAM and TWU but when Tim started pushing the TWU, the AGW website ( http://the-agw.org/ ) conveniently went away. I was able to salvage some of what Tim had to say about the TWU and also what American TWU Local 512 President, Glenn Harman had to say about Tim, Mike Pruitt and the AGW.

Tim on the TWU:

Tim Nelson
Mar 14 2005, 11:58 AM

Post on the former AGW site

Dear American Airline FSC;
I am often asked what is the difference between Labor Representatives, i.e., the AGW and the TWU. Or to put it another way, why should someone consider switching from the TWU to the AGW.
First off, the primary reason to have a Union is to negotiate and secure a Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA]. As I have talked to several American Airline FSC’s I have realized the cruddy, undemocratic, yet calculated job the TWU has done in representing you. In fact, I would categorize it as the TWU representing the company to you instead of you to the company. At any rate, I am not going to insult you and tell you what you already know about the TWU.
What I can tell you is what the AGW Constitution allows under the exact same circumstances. In any AGW negotiations, YOU negotiate your contract because your Negotiations team, including its chairman is from your airline and department [far different from the TWU]. Further, the Negotiations team can’t even enter into negotiations unless and until the majority of workers prioritize contract proposals. For instance, if American wants further concessions from you and you had the AGW, then any elected AGW Negotiations team can’t even enter concessionary negotiations unless the majority of workers approve and prioritize contract proposals. Remember, your Labor Representative represents you, is your advocate, and shouldn’t be in concessionary talks with your company if the members didn’t authorize them! Does this mean anything to you?
At any rate, negotiations are the ‘sacred’ for the workers so all AGW negotiations are fully disclosed to the members it represents. Each company proposal and AGW counter proposal from your Negotiations team must be on display on the AGW website for full disclosure! Further, the AGW, by Constitution, can’t sign confidentiality papers with a company because it does not allow secret, ‘cant tell ya’ negotiations. Confidentiality agreements always protect the company and always keep information from the rank and file. Further, no AGW officer has the power or authority to sign a letter of agreement without being authorized by the majority of workers.
As a side, the highest salary for an AGW officer is $61,000; Officer elections have minimal restrictions to promote greater participation; The AGW will service you with the same resources you give the TWU…your dues; And the AGW has retained a Nationally recognized law firm to represent you in arbitration cases and for other professional matters.
It’s all in the AGW constitution and I encourage you to read it. In closing, you can’t afford to keep the TWU along with its undemocratic systems. The quicker you sign your AGW card then the quicker we can replace the TWU!
Tim Nelson, Interim Director, Allied Ground Workers

Tim states that:
“In any AGW negotiations, YOU negotiate your contract because your Negotiations team, including its chairman is from your airline and department [far different from the TWU].â€

Fact: The AGW NEVER negotiated…anything!!!!

Now the President of TWU Local 512 – President Report:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the risk of breathing new life into what should be a dead issue, I would like to use this month’s President’s Message to express my thoughts on the group that calls itself the Allied Ground Workers. I am aware that some of our Local 512 members have been distributing literature about this organization and have solicited others to sign cards authorizing the AGW as the collective bargaining agent for fleet service. Some of you who are reading this may have signed one of these authorization cards. Members who were approached by these AGW supporters told me that they thought they were signing a petition the purpose of which was to show their displeasure with the TWU. In case it was not fully explained to you at the time, let me assure you there is more at play here than just sending a message to your TWU leadership.
This is what could happen.
As stated above, these cards indicate that the signatory authorizes the Allied Ground Workers to be the sole collective bargaining agent for fleet service employees at American Airlines. In the event that AGW were to obtain signatures from a majority of the bargaining unit system wide, they could petition the National Mediation Board for a representational election. There are three possible outcomes of such an election. If the TWU gets the majority of votes cast, the TWU would win. If the AGW gets the majority, it would win. Both of these outcomes are predicated on at least 50% plus one members of the bargaining unit casting votes for one or the other representative. The third possible outcome would occur if less than half the bargaining unit were to cast votes. If that were to happen we would have no union.
OK. That last scenario is too sickening to even contemplate so we’ll leave it be for now.
Let’s talk about the Allied Ground Workers. Who are they? Whom do they represent? What are their credentials and experience? If you visit the AGW website, you will find that their "Interim Director" is Tim Nelson and their "Interim President" is Mike Pruitt. Who are they and who elected them to their positions within the organization? The website does contain a brief "bio" on Nelson (nothing on Pruitt) that raises more questions than it answers. It appears Tim Nelson is very good at making sweeping general statements but is very stingy with supporting facts. With this in mind, one of our Local 512 representatives wrote Mr. Nelson an email respectfully asking him to clarify some of the things he states in his biography. While I give him credit for a prompt response, Nelson failed to answer any of the direct questions posed by our rep. He was, however, quick to take offense when the irony of his characterization of another Union’s system of governance as a "one man band" was pointed out to him. I am starting to suspect that Mr. Nelson is what our brothers and sisters at Local 513 might call "All hat and no cattle".
So what do we know about Tim Nelson, Mike Pruitt and the AGW? Nelson apparently works for US Airways (which just emerged from bankruptcy) though he states this nowhere in his biography and does not answer this question in the email although he was asked this directly. Nor does he answer the question of what work he does for the airline. He does not respond to a question if he was elected to his position or if he is self-appointed. He does not answer the questions of how and when the AGW was founded or whom the AGW represents. (Note: I do not believe the AGW is the bargaining agent for anyone and has never negotiated a contract.) He seems prone to making self-aggrandizing, vaguely messianic statements such as "…having Justice as a core basis of my faith and doing my best to serve it by God’s grace alone…" and "…the courtroom is empty and I am free to serve Justice."
And what do we know about "President" Mike Pruitt. Zip.
The targets of the AGW’s organizing drives are the ramp service employees from US Airways, United Airlines and American Airlines. All of these employees have suffered through painful restructuring either in bankruptcy, in the cases of US Airways and United, or under the threat of bankruptcy in the case of American. All of these employees are currently represented by either the IAM or the TWU. Apparently, the AGW is not interested in organizing employees who have no Union representation. The TWU is currently engaged in an organizing effort at Continental Airlines and spent years working to organize Delta’s ramp employees. The TWU has led successful drives to organize Southwest’s flight attendants and clerks and America West’s clerks. All of these employees lacked Union representation when the TWU began their drives. The AGW, by contrast, are nothing but a bunch of Union-busting predators. Don’t think so? Then why is one of the AGW’s biggest proponents in ORD supplying a link to the National Right to Work Foundation, an organization whose sole purpose it is to undermine organized labor, on the AGW forum website?
If there were to be a representation election and the Allied Ground Workers win, then what would happen? First of all, the contract would remain in force. A new Local would be formed and new officers elected. The AGW Constitution allows for members from more than one employer to makeup a Local so you could be in the same Local as US Airways and United employees. We could end up being led by officers who work at a different airline. An "employer specific" Local could be formed at the discretion of the National Executive Board. (I thought the AGW was supposed to have a "bottom-up" system of governance.) The TWU Local 512 treasury would revert to the TWU International and the new AGW Local would start out with zero dollars. (Under the AGW Constitution, 40% of dues money goes to the International and 60% stays with the Local. The split of initiation fees is 50-50. In the TWU, 70% of dues and 100% of initiation fees remains in the Local.) The new Local and International AGW would be subject to the same federal laws that govern the TWU and all Labor Unions in the airline industry, chiefly the Railway Labor Act (RLA) and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).
As an officer of Local 512 I am bound by an oath to "…bear true and faithful allegiance to the International and Local Union…" and my Union is the TWU. I take that oath seriously and I do my best to live up to it. The TWU has been the …"exclusive and sole collective bargaining agency…" for fleet service at American since 1946 [TWU/AA Agreement, Article 1(a)]. No organization is perfect, just as no leader is perfect. Just as I am not blind to the internal problems of this organization, I am aware of the external forces that have plagued the industry, particularly the "legacy" carriers such as American, and have created downward pressures on industry wages and benefits. Those pressures are not only economic but political as well. The TWU has weathered many a storm in its half-century of representing employees in the industry. We have been through strikes, airline deregulation, Crandall, the demise of Eastern and Pan Am, 9/11 …but we have survived and we have prospered.
There is no question that this past year has been a horrible one for our members. There is no denying it. The TWU membership made the tough decisions necessary to keep the Company solvent and it appears that American is no longer at risk of filing for bankruptcy. Compare our situation with United, still in bankruptcy, and US Airways, just emerged from bankruptcy. Both of those airlines are asking their employees for further concessions with the threat of seeking relief from a bankruptcy judge if they fail to agree. Both United and US Airways have cut back considerably more of their operations and their workforces than American. American is poised to make a profit this year and the sooner it does so the sooner we will start to recover what we lost in the restructuring agreements. Money-losing companies do not agree to wage and benefit increases in negotiations.

Glenn Harmon
TWU Local 512

I am a Trade Unionist not an elitist! If there is an election between the TWU and the IAM, I will vote for the IAM. But make no mistake about it; an election could be the worse thing that could happen to the combined Fleet Service group. TWU, remember the days before your Union…your wages, or lack there of, and the oppression. IAM, remember ‘91-‘92 when you lost your Union…you lost everything!!! How many of you have ever benefited from the Grievance Procedure? Decertify and that procedure and your benefits are gone!

Why have I gone to the trouble of mentioning Tim Nelson and his personal agenda? Two (2) reasons:

1) Both the TWU and the IAM have “turnout†problems when it comes to representation elections. Decertification of both Unions would be a strong contender, if we arrived at an election!
2) Tim Nelson has attempted to raid both TWU and IAM in recent history and lusts Power (remember his middle name). To him decertification would mean: the fruit is ripe for the pickin’!!!

I’m asking the TWU leadership to be wary of who are passing out your cards. Many have their own personal agendas (Nelson) or don’t mind being non-Union, which we as a group can ill afford!!!

I am and remain, the voice of reason…
Giant Robot
Over the past few weeks I have been reading, with vested interest, the many comments on the many threads related to the possible IAM-TWU election at US Airways. From what I’ve seen there have been misrepresentations, rumors and even down right lies in some of the statements.

Ok, I read your whole post. Where are the lies?

If Tim was so obsessed with power then why not just be a suck up in the IAM? Wouldnt that be an easier path than the one that Tim has chosen?

Now the President of TWU Local 512 – President Report:

If you visit the AGW website, you will find that their "Interim Director" is Tim Nelson and their "Interim President" is Mike Pruitt. Who are they and who elected them to their positions within the organization?

It is my understanding that Interim officers are usually appointed until such time as there is an election.

Wasnt Mike Quill an "interim" officer prior to organizing the Transit Workers of New York City into the TWU. Prior to that the TWU didnt represent anyone.

Wasnt it also true that many of those transit workers belonged to established but ineffective unions that the TWU in fact raided?

The website does contain a brief "bio" on Nelson (nothing on Pruitt) that raises more questions than it answers.

Well did his Bio make false claims about having diplomas like Jim Littles Bio on the TWU website?

The AGW Constitution allows for members from more than one employer to makeup a Local so you could be in the same Local as US Airways and United employees. We could end up being led by officers who work at a different airline. An "employer specific" Local could be formed at the discretion of the National Executive Board.

The TWU Constitution allows for the same thing. Local 514 used to also represent Zebco Fishing reel workers along with AA workers in Tulsa. TWU Local 504 not only has members from dozens of different employers in one local but none of the top officers of that Local ever worked for any of those employers-they are all ex Pan Am, and Pan Am has been out of business for 14 years!!! TWU Local 100 also represents workers from several different employers. Sad when a President of a TWU Local reveals his ignorance of his own union with such statements.

As an officer of Local 512 I am bound by an oath to "…bear true and faithful allegiance to the International and Local Union…" and my Union is the TWU. I take that oath seriously and I do my best to live up to it.

Notice he doesnt say anything about his allegience to the members that elected him.

Just as I am not blind to the internal problems of this organization, I am aware of the external forces that have plagued the industry, particularly the "legacy" carriers such as American, and have created downward pressures on industry wages and benefits.

And in 2003, the year AA workers lost 25% of their compensation Jim Little, head of theTWU-ATD got an 8% increase. Since 2003 his pay has gone up by over 50%. So much for shared sacrifice.

Those pressures are not only economic but political as well. The TWU has weathered many a storm in its half-century of representing employees in the industry.

Well actually its 60 years. They won the right to represent some Pan Am workers in March of 1944.

We have been through strikes, airline deregulation, Crandall, the demise of Eastern and Pan Am, 9/11 …but we have survived and we have prospered.

Prospered? Are you talking about the TWU or the members. The TWU has gone up to 120,000 members but TWU represented airline workers have seen their real compensation decline in the order of 50%.

There is no question that this past year has been a horrible one for our members. There is no denying it. The TWU membership made the tough decisions necessary to keep the Company solvent and it appears that American is no longer at risk of filing for bankruptcy.

No Jim Little made that decision when he altered the contract and cancelled the vote. the same year he recieved his 8% increase.

Compare our situation with United, still in bankruptcy, and US Airways, just emerged from bankruptcy. Both of those airlines are asking their employees for further concessions with the threat of seeking relief from a bankruptcy judge if they fail to agree.

And if they get those concessions they may reach what the TWU gave AA.

Both United and US Airways have cut back considerably more of their operations and their workforces than American. American is poised to make a profit this year and the sooner it does so the sooner we will start to recover what we lost in the restructuring agreements.

Really? How so, the contract does not become amendable until 2009.
Money-losing companies do not agree to wage and benefit increases in negotiations.

Especially when they are negotiating with the TWU.Even money making companies dont give raises with the TWU.
He was a suck up to the IAM and was grievance chair in ORD.

He also got himself a bunch of trouble with some web postings and the IAM saved his job.

He was removed from office when he started yet another union called the Fleet Service United.
Ok, I read your whole post. Where are the lies?

If Tim was so obsessed with power then why not just be a suck up in the IAM? Wouldnt that be an easier path than the one that Tim has chosen?

It is my understanding that Interim officers are usually appointed until such time as there is an election.

Wasnt Mike Quill an "interim" officer prior to organizing the Transit Workers of New York City into the TWU. Prior to that the TWU didnt represent anyone.

Wasnt it also true that many of those transit workers belonged to established but ineffective unions that the TWU in fact raided?

Well did his Bio make false claims about having diplomas like Jim Littles Bio on the TWU website?

The TWU Constitution allows for the same thing. Local 514 used to also represent Zebco Fishing reel workers along with AA workers in Tulsa. TWU Local 504 not only has members from dozens of different employers in one local but none of the top officers of that Local ever worked for any of those employers-they are all ex Pan Am, and Pan Am has been out of business for 14 years!!! TWU Local 100 also represents workers from several different employers. Sad when a President of a TWU Local reveals his ignorance of his own union with such statements.

Notice he doesnt say anything about his allegience to the members that elected him.

And in 2003, the year AA workers lost 25% of their compensation Jim Little, head of theTWU-ATD got an 8% increase. Since 2003 his pay has gone up by over 50%. So much for shared sacrifice.

Well actually its 60 years. They won the right to represent some Pan Am workers in March of 1944.
Prospered? Are you talking about the TWU or the members. The TWU has gone up to 120,000 members but TWU represented airline workers have seen their real compensation decline in the order of 50%.

No Jim Little made that decision when he altered the contract and cancelled the vote. the same year he recieved his 8% increase.
And if they get those concessions they may reach what the TWU gave AA.

Really? How so, the contract does not become amendable until 2009.
Especially when they are negotiating with the TWU.Even money making companies dont give raises with the TWU.
He was a suck up to the IAM and was grievance chair in ORD.

He also got himself a bunch of trouble with some web postings and the IAM saved his job.

He was removed from office when he started yet another union called the Fleet Service United.

Ok put aside your dislike for the person.

You admit that the system is badly broken right? At least thats what you said on another thread.

So, what is wrong with Tims idea of getting all the ground workers from all the airlines into one union?
This topic is as close as I want to get to a personal attack. I agree the someones credentials should be taken into account with any post on these boards. I however disagree with a topic started in that cause. I will leave this topic available unless we receive complaints, and I will open it only to allow Tim Nelson to offer a rebuttal.
This topic is as close as I want to get to a personal attack. I agree the someones credentials should be taken into account with any post on these boards. I however disagree with a topic started in that cause. I will leave this topic available unless we receive complaints, and I will open it only to allow Tim Nelson to offer a rebuttal.

I post under my name because that's me. This subjects me to possible personal attacks, however, I think it is more legitimate and very important to post under a real name whether one agrees with what I say or not. It keeps things accountable.
Nonetheless, I agree with Paul the moderator that this thread should be locked since the thread title was a personal one. However, I did want to say a thing or two.

I am not going to respond to 700's rambling personal errors under this thread regarding me, nor Giant Robot's allegations and false characterizations. Mine is a different opinion than theirs.
Color me a devil, power hungry freak, whatever. Heck, I have been called a bunch of things worse than that also. Some true some not. Besides, this representational dispute is not about me and I'm not seeking office so I find no useful reason to wast my time disputing personal attacks.

At any rate, I find this forum interesting, the representaitonal dispute important, and I happen to believe the vast majority of people who surf on this forum enjoy all the different opinion, information, and facts that this site offers. That is where I hope I can be useful.


Worst topic and thread ever!
givent he title of this topic, I wonder what the chances of the TWU winning representation now is compared to say a week or two ago? This given even in light of what happen in PHL. also will this firing of 22 people change the result and may be phl as well?
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