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TWU attempts to raid AMFA AMT's

Just a few loses include paid lunch arbitration, opc arbitration, sick time arbitration. Cannot remember any wins.Someone please help me out if there are any.
You want names go ask around all departments Shops,Line,structures. I'm not giving names for some people to try and outcast them. And Are voting is always pathetic even during contract time. Last contract only got 60% to vote. That's not a good voting turn out in my opinion!

Please explain this to me-- if AA goes and votes in AMFA then who's local will they be in?? Ours I bet. Then when it comes time for officer elections they will win over our locsl. And eventually the national. This is how I think AMFA will end up if the join. I bet their members will vote and ours won't. Even if we did vote AA out numbers us. Another thing the way I see it is AMFA has been letting the company widdle way at our original Teamsters contract that all AMFA did to it is change the name and some wording of the teamster contract then say its a AMFA contract. Also out of the last 9 arbatrations we have only won 2. One was the inspectors backfilling that the company just ignored and I can't remember the second maybe there wasn't a second. There is no reason why we lost the sick time arbatration as we have a sick policy in our contract. The only reason I can think of is bad lawyers/Presentation of greavance, or the company is paying them off/ or in company pocket.
The TWU's record is much worse than AMFA's.

You DON'T want the TWU.
Also out of the last 9 arbatrations we have only won 2.

You have to remember that the arbitrators take the position that management has the right to run their business as they see fit so when it comes to language grievances the union has to prove that the company agreed in negotiations that they would do things otherwise. In termination cases its the opposite, the company has to prove their case.
How is the TWU drive coming along? Have not heard a peep from the TWU at AA on the raid. How funny.
How is the TWU drive coming along? Have not heard a peep from the TWU at AA on the raid. How funny.

Very odd. I still have not heard from ONE single mechanic that supports TWU. Not one person has asked myself or anyone that I have personally talked to in Dallas, to sign a TWU card. And nobody is even talking about it anymore. I will stick with my original statement that this was all a sham by the TWU/teamsters to tell the AA mechanics "just look over there at SWA, their mechanics want to get rid of the AMFA" they are desperate to not let AMFA get in at AA. I honestly believe that the whole "TWU card drive" at SWA was merely just a card sent to the mechanics homes. I have asked on this site before, and I will ask it again;
If there really is a card drive going on at SWA with the TWU, then someone post on here who to contact on the floor. I have asked this of one poster assuring me that one was going on and to this day have not recieved one single contact person.
1AA, I wish you guys the best in getting AMFA in at AA. Once you do it and get settled in, your membership will be alot better off.
Very odd. I still have not heard from ONE single mechanic that supports TWU. Not one person has asked myself or anyone that I have personally talked to in Dallas, to sign a TWU card. And nobody is even talking about it anymore. I will stick with my original statement that this was all a sham by the TWU/teamsters to tell the AA mechanics "just look over there at SWA, their mechanics want to get rid of the AMFA" they are desperate to not let AMFA get in at AA. I honestly believe that the whole "TWU card drive" at SWA was merely just a card sent to the mechanics homes. I have asked on this site before, and I will ask it again;
If there really is a card drive going on at SWA with the TWU, then someone post on here who to contact on the floor. I have asked this of one poster assuring me that one was going on and to this day have not recieved one single contact person.
1AA, I wish you guys the best in getting AMFA in at AA. Once you do it and get settled in, your membership will be alot better off.

Crickets are still chearping...
Hiding is what they do best. Hit and run. Meanwhile here at AA the rumors are out that the teamsters will be filing soon. The twu must be getting desperate. Teamsters has no line support. They do not have a majority in Tulsa. But they are going to file soon. If the teamsters manage to have enough cards I will be curious how many of those cards will be legit.
I still haven't found 1 TWU supporter either.
If there are any, why are they hiding?

Not only that, someone responded that they did not want to post any names to contact. He also stated for me to go to all the shops, line, and structures to find someone who does support the TWU. I will tell you this; I have been to all the shops (except for PM and GSE as I have stated before) all of structures (bay 1,2,3,4,5 as well as X-Bay) I also have talked to many line guys, and still have not found one single mechanic that is supporting the TWU to come to SWA, nor have I found anyone running a card drive at SWA for the TWU.
I will say once again, the only tid bit of a TWU drive at SWA was a card we all had delivered to our mail boxes, complements of the teamsters giving the TWU our information without our permissions.

I also agree with you as to why would someone not want to give the names of someone who is supporting the TWU card drive? Well It's very simple, there is no card drive, (at least a big or successful card drive) they have simply only mailed mailers in order to say that there is a card drive at SWA to try and remove the AMFA so they can tell the folks at AA that we are trying to remove AMFA. Political move by the TWU with the help of the teamsters to once again try and deflect AMFA from getting in at AA. I will ask, once again, can any one post the names of contacts for the TWU card drive here at SWA? Anyone at the hangers we can contact to get more information about the TWU card drive? And once again I will await for the contact info...
Hiding is what they do best. Hit and run. Meanwhile here at AA the rumors are out that the teamsters will be filing soon. The twu must be getting desperate. Teamsters has no line support. They do not have a majority in Tulsa. But they are going to file soon. If the teamsters manage to have enough cards I will be curious how many of those cards will be legit.

Trust me, there is no way the teamsters have recieved the number required. They (teamsters and TWU) are spreading this word that they have recieved enough cards for a teamsters drive to deflect from the AMFA. From what I know brother, you guys are not far, at all, from a vote for AMFA. Good luck and I hope you guys get what you want...
Just checking in for a update on the TWU raid. So how is it going?
Any progress? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just checking in for a update on the TWU raid. So how is it going?
Any progress? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still the same. No word, no talks, nothing, notta, zero, ziltch. It was all a scam to get the AA'ers not to vote for AMFA.

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