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TWU attempts to raid AMFA AMT's

Still the same. No word, no talks, nothing, notta, zero, ziltch. It was all a scam to get the AA'ers not to vote for AMFA.
It was also spread to the media giving the TWU a chance to talk down AMFA in print.
The TWU comments I read in the news were ridiculous.
Just checking in for an update on the twu raid. Last update was a week or so. Any progress? Lol....
Just checking in for an update on the twu raid. Last update was a week or so. Any progress? Lol....

Haven't heard a word sir. Crystal quiet. BTW, how much longer untill the announcement for an election at AA? I know you guys don't want to let out too much info, so feel free to email me or instant message what ever they call it now days. Me personally, I am hoping for an announcement in the near future, say, within first quarter of 2013. I really think you guys will get it done this time around, just wondering when... Good luck my friend.
Rumors flying around that a filing will be very soon. We have more than 50% signed. How much more? Don't know and if I did I would not say for obvious reasons. The teamsters don't have enough to file. The twu is about to become extinct. Maybe that's why they are doing a ghost raid at swa. Just keep your ears open for the major announcement. I'll check in again in about a week for another update on the twu ghost raid at swa.
Checking in for the weekly update. How many cards signed by the TWU? :lol: :lol:
Checking in for the weekly update. How many cards signed by the TWU? :lol: :lol:

Still absolutely nothing. You know, if there was one don't ya think we would be debating on the SWA thread? You know, kinda like they are on the AA thread between TWU and AMFA. 1AA, I am going to paste a previous post I posted before, and to this day I have not recieved a single responce or contact info. And this was not the first time I posted it. Pretty pathetic what the TWU will try to do to make it look like certain things are going their way huh? Here it is post #147, and deserves to be reposted anyway.

Not only that, someone responded that they did not want to post any names to contact. He also stated for me to go to all the shops, line, and structures to find someone who does support the TWU. I will tell you this; I have been to all the shops (except for PM and GSE as I have stated before) all of structures (bay 1,2,3,4,5 as well as X-Bay) I also have talked to many line guys, and still have not found one single mechanic that is supporting the TWU to come to SWA, nor have I found anyone running a card drive at SWA for the TWU.
I will say once again, the only tid bit of a TWU drive at SWA was a card we all had delivered to our mail boxes, complements of the teamsters giving the TWU our information without our permissions.

I also agree with you as to why would someone not want to give the names of someone who is supporting the TWU card drive? Well It's very simple, there is no card drive, (at least a big or successful card drive) they have simply only mailed mailers in order to say that there is a card drive at SWA to try and remove the AMFA so they can tell the folks at AA that we are trying to remove AMFA. Political move by the TWU with the help of the teamsters to once again try and deflect AMFA from getting in at AA. I will ask, once again, can any one post the names of contacts for the TWU card drive here at SWA? Anyone at the hangers we can contact to get more information about the TWU card drive? And once again I will await for the contact info...
Safe to say that the TWU attempt failed before it even left the gate house.

We can put this chapter in another of the TWU's failures to rest.

And now for the real issues at hand.

AMFA at all airlines!!!!
Safe to say that the TWU attempt failed before it even left the gate house.

We can put this chapter in another of the TWU's failures to rest.

And now for the real issues at hand.

AMFA at all airlines!!!!

Very safe to say, indeed. Little birdie told me that all this TWU drive came thru and from another work group at SWA. It wasn't even mechanics that wanted the TWU to come in, it was the F/A's that wanted us to become part of their group and union. No thx. We are much better off with AMFA only representing our class and craft, mechanics representing mechanics. I am still surprised that our F/A's have not ventured out for their own craft union.
The TWU drive at SWA is dead and gone. But the TWU did try to use this as a tactic to get the AA guys to stay with them. When in fact, I believe it has hurt them more than helped them.
Hey how is the TWU card drive moving along at SWA???
It has been a while so I thought I would check in and ask.

🙄 :lol: 😀 😛
Hey how is the TWU card drive moving along at SWA???
It has been a while so I thought I would check in and ask.

🙄 :lol: 😀 😛
TWU card drive at SWA is dead and gone. It actually never really got started. BTW, any predictions on the filing date at AA? Hope for the best for you guys, you all deserve a change for the better
When in fact, I believe it has hurt them more than helped them.

Apparently you are right, looks like the the TWU at Southwest have their own battles going on;


Seems that the TWU International didnt like who the members over there elected for President and VP so they are going to have their patsies that remain pull a coup d'etat.

How will the Rank and File react to this? Even if someone didnt like who got elected more than likely they would object to an outsider pulling out who was elected.

Removing elected officials just shows the members where they really stand within the organization.

With the TWU merging with the CWA, which also has the AFA under their umbrella one has to wonder will they too be forcibly merged with another Union? Will the CWA allow two different divisions representing flight attendants within the same union or will 556 and its members end up dissolved and distrubuted among AFA locals across the country?
Apparently you are right, looks like the the TWU at Southwest have their own battles going on;


Seems that the TWU International didnt like who the members over there elected for President and VP so they are going to have their patsies that remain pull a coup d'etat.

How will the Rank and File react to this? Even if someone didnt like who got elected more than likely they would object to an outsider pulling out who was elected.

Removing elected officials just shows the members where they really stand within the organization.

With the TWU merging with the CWA, which also has the AFA under their umbrella one has to wonder will they too be forcibly merged with another Union? Will the CWA allow two different divisions representing flight attendants within the same union or will 556 and its members end up dissolved and distrubuted among AFA locals across the country?
Not only does the TWU have this rather large internal issue going on at 556, they also have the current AA issue of AMFA soon to be calling for an election, and, if I am not mistaken when AMFA wins at AA this will be last of the TWU represented mechanics in aviation. Am I correct here? I also think it will be the same for the IAM over at US if they get replaced by the teamsters or AMFA after merger, I believe they will lose their last mechanic group in aviation as well. The only exception that I know of is the Eagle mechanics, but I feel really strong that they will follow the AA guys whichever way they may end up going, hopefully AMFA...
I think the TWU should file today with whatever cards they have. The TWU does not want to be left out. Anyone can file at anytime with one card or 100,000,000,000 cards.
I think the TWU should file today with whatever cards they have. The TWU does not want to be left out. Anyone can file at anytime with one card or 100,000,000,000 cards.
Yes, but they still need to get at least one card signed.
After having all the freedom to run our own affairs, I don't think they found anyone stupid enough to go TWU.
I support our flight attendants and ramp employees, to get the best compensation they can.
When they decide they have had enough of being told what to do by the TWU, I will support their decision to leave them.
There is a better chance of the FAs and rampers starting their own independent unions than mechanics going for the TWU (or any other industrial union).

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