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TWU ATD post IAM Alliance

swamt said:
In a nut shell, all the industrial unions (TWU,IAM,ibt) are scared to death of AMFA getting huge in the airline industry. They know once AMFA gets their foothold started it will be all over and soon all the industrial unions will be gone from the airlines mechanic and related, and that my friend, would be millions upon millions of lost revenue from the industrial unions. That is why they will all work together (industrial unions and companies) to keep AMFA from coming in just like we all watched over at AA. Although this is just one of the reasons, it is the main one why they work so hard to fight AMFA.
It's too bad that they blindly fight against the AMFA. They should be taking notes on some of the things they do well, and using that to improve their own houses.

I also think the "no raid" clause going away would help (yes, I know that doesn't apply to the AMFA), but that's for another thread...
Kev3188 said:
I also think the "no raid" clause going away would help (yes, I know that doesn't apply to the AMFA), but that's for another thread...
Sito disagrees with you:


How many members has AMFA lost since NW, AS, ACA(Independence) and UA?

They haven't gained any new Airlines in how many years?

So what tide will turn?

Delle and McCormick are laughing all the way to the bank.

So if you don't want anyone but mechanics and AMFA reps, so how did a non-A&P and non-airline person negotiating and signing the CBA?
700UW said:
How many members has AMFA lost since NW, AS, ACA(Independence) and UA? They haven't gained any new Airlines in how many years? So what tide will turn? Delle and McCormick are laughing all the way to the bank. So if you don't want anyone but mechanics and AMFA reps, so how did a non-A&P and non-airline person negotiating and signing the CBA?
If you wish to use that logic as measure of success/failure, then how many members has organized labor as a whole lost in the last 40 years? Yep, ALL UNIONS SUCK THEN!!! Including the one your praise and worship.
If you were all knowing, you would know the Delle and McCormick have been missing from the AMFA for years now.
Glad too see with all your knowledge as a welder to ignore the questions posted.

You all praise AMFA as the savior but their track record shows otherwise.

So if you can't answer the post and what I asked, so instead you deflect.
700UW said:
Glad too see with all your knowledge as a welder to ignore the questions posted. You all praise AMFA as the savior but their track record shows otherwise. So if you can't answer the post and what I asked, so instead you deflect.
Since we are going off topic, in how many places did the IAM scab AMFA?
See I just had a flash back about something I forgot about.
Back in 1992 AMFA performed struck work at US Air in October when we went on strike, the Trump Shuttle mechanics at LGA, BOS and DCA worked on US Air mainline aircraft during our strike.
So AMFA isnt all high and mighty and AMFA scabbed against the IAM, unlike NW which was years later, and the NW IAM represented ESE only performed work that was all ready in their CBA.
So if a worker refused to perform duties in his/her CBA, what is the consequences?
And last time I checked TS AMFA represented mechanics werent working for US Air.
And why dont you ask the former Shuttle mechanics how AMFA abandoned them during the transition from working for Trump to US Air after US purchased the shuttle.  The mechanics had to get their own lawyers and pay for it because AMFA left them high and dry.
So lets see all of you spin this, AMFA scabbed October of 1992 in LGA, BOS and DCA.

Thats the facts Jack!
Do you have pics of the IAM Learjet covered in AMFA stickers when Buffy went to MSP during the strike? Why did he need to go to MSP? Just to stoke up a fight with AMFA?

But the IAM scabbed AMFA, "IAM members will not be duped into standing with AMFA" -Robert Roach Jr.

737823 said:
Do you have pics of the IAM Learjet covered in AMFA stickers when Buffy went to MSP during the strike? Why did he need to go to MSP? Just to stoke up a fight with AMFA?

737823 said:
But the IAM scabbed AMFA, "IAM members will not be duped into standing with AMFA" -Robert Roach Jr.

When are you going to keep it on topic instead of posting your useless dribble?
PS. I got some ocean front property in AZ for you to buy since you take everyone's word on here who tries to discredit the IAM as straight from the Bible?
Do you know anyone at LL 1726? I want to visit that local and meet the local chairman.

700UW said:
Also the NMB sets the class and craft, not the unions.
Oh, and I guess the NMB is totally unbiased...right?  Take a look at the backgrounds of some of the people that have been appointed to the NMB, many had ties to the industrial unions.  Who's position do you suppose they would support?  The "elitist" AMTs wishes for their own classification, or the deep pockets of the large all inclusive labor unions?
You all ready have your own classification, you arent your own class and craft.
700UW said:
When are you going to keep it on topic instead of posting your useless dribble?
PS. I got some ocean front property in AZ for you to buy since you take everyone's word on here who tries to discredit the IAM as straight from the Bible?
ill take that ocean front property in arizona! 🙂
did any other union support you folks at that time?
737823 said:
Do you know anyone at LL 1726? I want to visit that local and meet the local chairman.

Steve M....., DL141 Trustee, USAir Committee Chair
​  You don't have to ask anyone....just go to the LL site. Fill in the ctc info and introduce yourself.

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