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TWU ATD post IAM Alliance

If I remember correctly during the raid the IAM told the membership what they are asking for:

I believe if I remember right this is what it is:
They are seeking a two years CBA as a bridge agreement before JCBA talks would start.
It was like $37 or $38 an hour.
Another week of vacation
Full pay for sick time regardless of what your bank accumulation balance is.
An increase from $1.40 per hour to $2 per hour which would raise the pension multiplier from $86 to $104.
More scope protection, language changes to fix and correct some items in the CBA.
and other increases, I will see what I can find out about the rest.
Key words here are "being asked". Has nothing to do with final agreement.
Wow you are so smart.

I guess you haven't read any of the negotiating updates.

The negotiating committee is staying strong and wont waiveron it.

On the table is a 10% raise is what they are asking for, 3% was all ready given in July so now its 7%. $1.50 increases in each licence and shift differential increases.

I guess you haven't realized that the IAM has asked to be released.

How are those section 6 negotiations going over at WN and how long have you been in talks?
Thanks company boy. AMFA may be in negotiations at WN but they are coming from a much stronger position than the IAM at USAIR. Again, how much more do WN AMFA represented mechanics make than US IAM? It is about the quality, not quantity.

You are just a fecal stirrer.
Lets see WN's agents are IAM and they are the highest paid CSA and RES in the industry.
WN hasnt been in chapter 11 twice in less than two years.  WN has been a profitable airline for over 40 years straight.
US had the IAM M&R CBA abrogated in court, this is the first non-concessionary bargaining Section 6 Negotiations since 1999.
You have had this explained to you over and over and over, yet it doesnt sink in, do you have a learning disability, cause it sure seems like it.
The current contracts became amendable August 16, 2012 for the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians at WN and AMFA, gee they been negotiating for over a year joshie, lets see you whine and complain and spread misinformation about them too.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #14 (Text & Video)

Nov 25, 2013

The AMFA Negotiating Committee and the Company met on Monday, November 18, 2013, to begin the final Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) negotiation session for the year. The Company scheduled Monday afternoon to present their Comprehensive Disability and Retiree Program. In the name of good faith bargaining, we again agreed to the Company’s request which took valuable time away from the negotiating process for yet another presentation in an attempt to “set the stage” prior to their next concessionary proposal.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #13

Nov 05, 2013

We began the session on October 28, 2013, with a review of where we are to-date in regards to the Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) Negotiations. Articles 1, 3, 12, 17, 26, 27 and 28 have been TA’d. We have "tabled" Articles 8, 9, and 23 for various reasons. After a quick review we attempted to work through the "Temporary Supervisor" language in Article 9. We have been tasked by the membership to restrict this program from the current 75 days per year. There are many members that have issues with this program and we presented those concerns to the Company for a second time.

AMFA - SWA Facilities Maintenance Technician Negotiations Update #4

Oct 29, 2013

We began the latest Facilities Maintenance Technician (FMT) Negotiation session on Monday, October 21, 2013. After a brief review of where we left off earlier this month, the Company presented their 401K/Profit Sharing and No Strike – No Lockout counter offers. Both of these sections had only minor modifications to what we had countered at the last session. We pointed out a few oversights and notified the Company that we would review these documents further before finalizing.

AMFA - SWA Facilities Maintenance Technician Negotiations Update #3

Oct 07, 2013

We met with the Company for Facilities Maintenance Technician (FMT) Negotiations in Dallas on Wednesday, October 2. We began by discussing the FMT job classifications. Currently, the FMT group has 14 different job titles although all are capable of performing the General I job duties. We spent the morning working to understand the broad work responsibilities of the FMTs and how jobs are determined to be completed by in-house technicians versus by a vendor.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #12 (Text & Video)

Sep 16, 2013

We met for half day on Monday, September 9, 2013. The Company notified us they wanted to discuss a few issues with the Technical Instructors job classification language we crafted during our last session. The Company brought in Elizabeth Bryant and Jim Sturgis for the first time so we could work directly with the people who have been shooting down our proposals. We spent the afternoon discussing the Company’s concerns in regards to the Instructors job description and how they are to work with the Corporate Training Department. We are happy to report that after spending seven (7) sessions on this issue, we have finally TA’d this item.

AMFA - SWA Facilities Maintenance Technician Negotiations Update #2 (Text & Video)

Sep 16, 2013

We met with the Company on Thursday, September 12, 2013. The Company presented their proposals for several articles including: Preamble, Purpose of Agreement, Moving Expenses, No Strike- No Lockout, Savings Clause, Grievance Procedure, and System Board of Adjustment. After we thoroughly understood the intent of the Company’s proposals, we asked for a caucus to discuss the articles and to work on counter language.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #11

Aug 12, 2013

We met again on Tuesday, August 6 in Dallas to resume Mechanic Negotiations. We scheduled the day to work on the Technical Instructors Article 4 Classification language. In attendance as Subject Matter Experts (SME) assisting the Committee were Instructors Robert Geisheimer and Tucker Steele. The main focus of discussions centered on technical and non-technical training. The Company’s concern was they did not want a Technical Instructor (A&P licensed) routinely teaching non-technical classes when they could have someone without the credentials and pay rate do the same work.

SWA FL345 Accident Investigation Report

Aug 02, 2013

The AMFA Aircraft Accident and Investigation Team for Southwest Airlines (SWA) was recently called into service to investigate Flight 345 which took off from Nashville International Airport (BNA) in Nashville, TN and landed at LaGuardia Airport (LGA) in Queens, NY. The nose gear collapsed upon landing and the passengers and crew were forced to evacuate.

Press Release: AMFA Dispatches 'Go Team' After Reported Southwest Aircraft Nose Gear Incident

Jul 22, 2013

The reported failure of the nose gear on Southwest flight 345 at New York's LaGuardia Airport has prompted the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) to dispatch an accident investigation “go team.” Our team will work with Southwest Airlines and potentially as a party with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation team from Washington, DC to determine probable cause.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #10 (Text and Video)

Jul 22, 2013

Now that the Airline Representatives have successfully resolved the maintenance staffing issue in PHL and SMF, the Negotiation Committee met with the Company on July 17 to resume formal negotiation talks. After taking time to establish where we left off in April, the Company wanted to revisit the Maintenance Technical Instructor’s job classification language that we finalized on December 4, 2012. Although our committee thought we were finished with this discussion, internal adjustments recently made by the Company warranted them to present a new proposal that looked nothing like the document we negotiated previously.

AMFA - SWA Facilities Maintenance Technician Negotiations Update #1

Jun 10, 2013

After a lengthy delay, AMFA and the Company met on June 6, 2013, at Corporate Headquarters in Dallas, Texas to officially begin Section VI Negotiations for the Facility Maintenance Mechanics. To ensure the record is set, the accretion of this work group into AMFA came at a very busy time, and the Company has presented major obstacles to our members’ livelihood that is requiring the highest priority of our service. The Airline Representatives knew when the Company originally refused to incorporate the Facilities Mechanics into the current Mechanics Contract that there would be a delay in negotiating a separate Collective Bargaining Agreement.

AMFA’s Participation in the SWA Labor Summit

May 17, 2013

Recently, AMFA made inquiries about joining the Southwest Airlines Labor Summit, which is a coalition of labor unions that represent various Southwest Airlines employees. We believe that the goal of this Labor Summit is to pursue common goals and solidarity amongst the unions on property.

Southwest Airlines Membership Solidarity

Apr 17, 2013

The signs are becoming clearer that we have entered a new era, an era in which Southwest Airline’s (SWA) actions reflect genuine hostility toward your job security. Nothing could be clearer in our CBA than the mandated creation of a fourth line of heavy maintenance once the fleet size reaches 621 aircraft.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #9 (Text and Video)

Apr 09, 2013

We resumed negotiations on April 2 with the Company at the Mecca Meeting Room in Dallas, Texas. We began discussions where we left off in our last session with Article 8; the International Field Service issue remains the topic of discussions. We currently have language in LOA #1 that gives us ownership over “all international emergency field service where parts are required to return the aircraft to airworthiness.”

AMFA - SWA Alternate ASAP ERC Representative Election Results

Mar 22, 2013

In February 2013 AMFA National called for nominations to fill the position of Alternate AMFA – Southwest Airlines (SWA) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. Southwest Airlines members of Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 were allowed to submit names in nomination for this position.

AMFA - SWA Primary and Alternate Outsourcing Liaison Representatives Election Results

Mar 21, 2013

In February 2013 AMFA National called for nominations to fill the positions of AMFA – Southwest Airlines Primary and Alternate Outsourcing Liaison Representatives. Southwest Airlines members of Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 were allowed to submit names in nomination for these positions.

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #8

Mar 11, 2013

Unfortunately, our negotiation session scheduled for February 27 and 28 had to be cancelled due to airport closures caused by Winter Storm Rocky. We resumed negotiations on March 7 in the Mecca Meeting Room and began with an over-view of negotiations to this point. We discussed the status of information that we were waiting for regarding Articles 4 and 17, affirmed that Articles 8, 21, and 22 are currently in work, and that Articles 12, 26, 27, and 28 have been worked through and are currently TA’d.

AMFA - SWA Alternate ASAP ERC Representative Nomination Notice

Feb 21, 2013

AMFA National is calling for nominations from AMFA Locals representing the Southwest Airlines (SWA) membership for the position of Alternate AMFA–SWA Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. Nominations must be submitted to AMFA National no later than 5:00PM ET, March 20, 2013.

AMFA - SWA Primary and Alternate Outsourcing Liaison Representatives Nomination Notice

Feb 21, 2013

AMFA National is calling for nominations from AMFA Locals representing the Southwest Airlines (SWA) membership for the positions of Primary and Alternate AMFA Outsourcing Liaison Representatives. Nominations must be submitted to AMFA National no later than 5:00PM ET, March 20, 2013.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #7 (Text and Video)

Feb 18, 2013

The Negotiating Committee returned to Dallas for two scheduled days of negotiations on February 12 and 13. The morning of February 12 we spent as a Committee at the Local 11 office going over our Article 8 counter to be presented to the Company. We also spent this time dealing with our approach to an issue that has been brought to our attention in regards to what Company representatives allegedly said about the negotiations during a station visit. After lunch we met with the Company in the Mecca Meeting Room. We first asked the Company about the reports we received concerning messages from Company leaders to our members.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #6

Jan 28, 2013

On January 24th and 25th we met with the Company in the newly erected Women in Aviation Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. We were scheduled for a full day of negotiations on Thursday and a half day on Friday. We began discussions on the Maintenance Control classification work definition for Article 4. The main point of contention centered on the Company’s ability make changes to the group’s work. After several hours of working together and explaining each side’s concerns, we decided to separate and caucus amongst our own groups. We met with the Company after lunch and were able to tentatively agree (TA) on this item with provisions that any changes to the Maintenance Controller’s work that was not typical to the industry must be mutually agreed upon by the Company and designated MOC shop representative.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #5

Jan 10, 2013

On January 9th and 10th we met with the Company in the Texas Stadium Conference Room at the hangar in Dallas. Our Committee was anticipating the finalization of language for the Technical Training Instructors’ classification of work which is to be added to Article 4. At the end of our last session on December 4, we believed that both committees were in agreement on language to accomplish this, but the day before this session we were informed by the Company that they could not agree on the language due to organizational changes that moved Maintenance Training over to the Corporate Training Department headed by Managing Director Elizabeth Bryant.

Press Release: The TWU's Act of Desperation

Dec 10, 2012

Recently the Transport Workers Union (TWU) announced that they have begun a card drive with mechanics at Southwest Airlines. We at The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) believe this announcement is a desperate response to a very successful card drive currently being conducted by the mechanics and related employees at American Airlines. These mechanics and related employees want AMFA to represent them after the TWU allowed thousands of their jobs to be outsourced at American Airlines over the years and getting even worse in the current bankruptcy of the Fort Worth based carrier.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #4

Dec 04, 2012

On December 4, 2012, we met with the Company for a one-day session in the Executive Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. The discussions started with AMFA providing the Company with a proposal for the classification of work for the Technical Training Instructors which is to be added to Article 4. The Company provided AMFA with four (4) articles they had prepared for AMFA’s review: Article 1 Purpose of Agreement, Article 17 Safety and Health, Article 12 Leaves of Absence, and Article 28 Apprentice Aircraft Mechanic Program.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #3

Nov 09, 2012

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee. On November 7 and 8, 2012, we met with the Company in the Texas Stadium Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. The discussions again started with the Company looking for full relief from having to start the fourth line of heavy maintenance along with the other issues they discussed with the Committee on September 12, 2012. The Committee reiterated that we are not interested in the direction discussed during our previous session and that we are ready to move in a different direction.

Re-Establishment of AMFA Local 4 - Chicago, IL

Oct 22, 2012

On October 18, 2012, the National Mediation Board (NMB) certified the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as the collective bargaining agent of the Mechanics and Related Employees at Southwest Airlines.

Press Release: Congratulations Mechanics and Related at Southwest Airlines

Oct 18, 2012

We are proud to announce that on October 18, 2012, the National Mediation Board (NMB) certified the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as the collective bargaining agent of the Mechanics and Related Employees at Southwest Airlines. This certification is granted just 21 days following the NMB’s determination that Southwest and AirTran operate as a single transportation system for representation purposes of the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #2

Sep 14, 2012

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee. On September 12th we met with the Company in the Texas Stadium Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. During our session in August the Company expressed a desire to accomplish these negotiations in an expedited manner; therefore, this session was scheduled for only one day. The Company explained they would like to provide AMFA with a comprehensive proposal in an attempt to further expedite the negotiation process.

AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #1

Aug 24, 2012

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee. On August 21st we met with the Company in Dallas in the Texas Stadium Conference Room at the Hangar. The Company started with a presentation of where they see themselves with respect to the competition and areas that need improvement.
700 hates the AMT's.
700 hates AMFA.
Why waste your time with this ex industrial unionist, unskilled stock clerk who just plain hates the AMT's?
You see that he wont attack the pilots or the flight attendants and their respective unions.
Why attack the AMT's and their only craft union that we all want to represent us?
Continue on 700.......
1AA said:
700 hates the AMT's.
700 hates AMFA.
Why waste your time with this ex industrial unionist, unskilled stock clerk who just plain hates the AMT's?
You see that he wont attack the pilots or the flight attendants and their respective unions.
Why attack the AMT's and their only craft union that we all want to represent us?
Continue on 700.......
Steer us please in the direction of your attacks against the pilots or F/A union.....
 I correlate the attack by the WN AMFA individuals on this site to the Arian Nations attitude. Better than Thou !
1AA said:
700 hates the AMT's.
700 hates AMFA.
Why waste your time with this ex industrial unionist, unskilled stock clerk who just plain hates the AMT's?
You see that he wont attack the pilots or the flight attendants and their respective unions.
Why attack the AMT's and their only craft union that we all want to represent us?
Continue on 700.......
Post. Of. The. Year.

So tell us...What's in store for the IAM at US since they are still under the auspices of the NMB?
Strike? I don't think so?
1AA said:
700 hates the AMT's.
700 hates AMFA.
Why waste your time with this ex industrial unionist, unskilled stock clerk who just plain hates the AMT's?
You see that he wont attack the pilots or the flight attendants and their respective unions.
Why attack the AMT's and their only craft union that we all want to represent us?
Continue on 700.......
I dont hate AMTs, I worked with many of them in my 20 years in aviation, lots of them are friends of mine, and I represented and negotiated for them.
Maybe its you who hates the "and relateds" in the class and craft, and I hate to tell you this but AMFA represents more than just mechanics, so its not a true craft union for mechanics only.
You are nothing more than the typical elitist.
And I just pointed out the facts of AMFA's failures in the industry.
You are the one who hates, not I.
700UW said:
I dont hate AMTs, I worked with many of them in my 20 years in aviation, lots of them are friends of mine, and I represented and negotiated for them.
Maybe its you who hates the "and relateds" in the class and craft, and I hate to tell you this but AMFA represents more than just mechanics, so its not a true craft union for mechanics only.
You are nothing more than the typical elitist.
And I just pointed out the facts of AMFA's failures in the industry.
You are the one who hates, not I.
You could replace the AMFA with any so called union.
So the IAM is calling someone else a failure.....now that's funny.
The TWU calling anyone a failure....failure is all they know.
The combination twu/iam........BOHICA
I am not the IAM, I am a poster on this board, well all I have to say is NW, you don't take your membership out with no strike fund, and someone had to have known what NW was doing.
700UW said:
I am not the IAM, I am a poster on this board, well all I have to say is NW, you don't take your membership out with no strike fund, and someone had to have known what NW was doing.
Sounds like WT claiming not be DL.
NW was a debacle. I agree AMFA screwed that one up big time...No argument there.
I always look to AMFA at SW as the reason to sign a card and change representation.
But let's not forget the SW culture towards its employees that has endured there since Herb's day.
It takes two to tango.
Many AMTs don't see the benefit of having the "and related" lumped in their classification.  It is more of a dilution of the group, to help the company and or industrial union control the group by targeting different groups for votes.  I don't see that as being elitist.  It is more about strategy and the majority of the represented group being on the same page.  Now the kumbaya types will cite politically correct arguments, and use polarizing terms such as elitist or aryan whatever.  These guilt trip type arguments have helped screw AMTs for my 30 years in the industry - time has come to try something else.
Vortilon said:
Many AMTs don't see the benefit of having the "and related" lumped in their classification.  It is more of a dilution of the group, to help the company and or industrial union control the group by targeting different groups for votes.  I don't see that as being elitist.  It is more about strategy and the majority of the represented group being on the same page.  Now the kumbaya types will cite politically correct arguments, and use polarizing terms such as elitist or aryan whatever.  These guilt trip type arguments have helped screw AMTs for my 30 years in the industry - time has come to try something else.
Good point...
I could never understand that throughout the decades other classifications calling us elitists or "special" and how we are no better or no more important than any other classification, why would they care if we went our own way? Why the attacks on AMFA?
What are they afraid of if they lose us?

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