You seem to forget that not every carrier dumped their pensions into the PBGC. You also seem to forget that we gave up so much in 2003 that everyone else took that as a green light to go back for more. You seem to forget that back in 2003 AA had a Billion in cash when they threatened to file and their claim was that covenants on a Loan they had for $800 million would technically put them in BK if their cash balance dipped below $1 billion. Its doubtful that AA would have been able to dump their pension into the PBGC in 2003 just as they wernt able to do in 2012. Even the expert the TWU hired said you are better off going into BK fat than skinny, we gave AA two bites at the Apple.
Past history that neither one of us no matter how smart we both think we are know what would have happened. So anything we both say is purely speculative.
Now lets look at the difference between SWA and AA. The difference between a SWA FSC and a AA FSC is around $3/hr, whereas the difference between an AA mech and a SWA mech is closer to $9/hr.
SCOPE Bob, SCOPE. Everything boils down to the entire pie when you make the comparisons. Everything also boils down to financials. SWA never went into BK and AA did or got away with it depending on the point of view.
I disagree with Bucks pie theory. The company doesnt get to simply choose the size of the pie they offer labor, thats negotiated. Its up to Labor to say "F%^& You , we need a bigger pie". I also dont agree that the AFL-CIO has a bias against skilled workers, APLA, IBEW, and scores of other craft unions are part of the AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO is mainly a political lobbying organization.
If the tree in the backyard really is no longer yeilding any fruit then we really can't expect to be able to pick anything off it. You say that the tree still had fruit and I say that I don't think it had enough to plant seeds with? Who's really correct?
The claim that our Fleet guys were at or near the top came from both the company and the Union during negotiations. A $3/hr gap from top to bottom is a lot less than a $10hr gap (especially when you take into account that's not really the top). Up until 2003 UPS was also included for comparison, but our weak Union agreed to not include them. UPS does include AA when they negotiate with their mechanics, on top of that AA was just named Air Cargo carrier of the year. Its on Jetnet.
I posted the BLS figures. You can live on a street and compare your house (modest) to the big one down the street but you also can't ignore that the one up the street is much smaller than your's. UPS is your personal litmus for what you want to attain. Nothing wrong with that but don't forget that not everyone works for UPS.