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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

WeAAsles said:
A lot of stuff in here to digest and I'm not even sure where to begin? First of all if they have marginalized your group that's wrong. But I think it's a balance of problems that should have been bore by both sides. #1 is the industry turmoil that's gone on since 1978 and deregulation. We've seen tons of airlines go poof and it's as if we have members who think we have the plan to do something that's never been tried before and that we have the solution to all of those forces we were up against for the last 35 years (2012 with merger mania finished now is where things should start to roll finally in our direction) I think it was pretty conceited of some to think that anything we might have in our minds wasn't tried before? And yes that even includes AMFA who threw the Hail Mary at NWA that no one helped them with. (Different conversation) On the other hand maybe those in leadership in the TWU weren't able to truly convey what they were up against even if in their own minds they did? (I'm speculating) Now though any way you cut it this is the past.
The industry has lost and made more the 30 deregulated years than they did in the 50 years prior. Airlines went poof before deregulation as well. The fact is this industry was never known to be the place to go if you wanted security. But we made decent money.  
On the COPE paragraph and conversation I have a lot to learn. I'm willing to give it a shot though and have heard some good things about future initiatives. 
First step would be to look at how the misinterpretation of 1167 singles out and puts workers at airlines at a huge disadvantage in BK compared to any other creditor.  
Time and time again Unions come running to the aid of the carrier only to have the carrier stab them in the back at the first opportunity. Latest example is when they stood with A4A against the ME3. 


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