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TWU ATD post IAM Alliance

AS You can see  from a person who worked at NWA, many unions turned their back on the AMFA strike at NWA. "YES" Many lost their jobs during that strike as well did many at Eastern. But the men and woman who walked the line said enough is enough.
I along with many others have gone to AMFA in hopes of bringing them here to AA.
AMFA does not have a organizing committee like the big unions it is done by the members of the big unions who are fed up with the lies and the scamming of the Leadership of those unions.
We are not going to bend over any more, I too am proud that I walked against the greed of EASTERN AIR LINES, as are the members of AMFA at NWA who walked. We all have moved on to other jobs some with the airlines some NOT.
But I along with others would not change a thing, I would walk again if it will improve the way MECHANICS are looked at and treated by the MGMT of the airlines.
This merger between AA & US will bring many changes, I for one hope that the mechanics will change the UNIONS which represent them and join with the SWA & AS
mechanics to strengthen the Class and Craft.
It's time to toss out the old way of thinking of the industrial unions and attempt to bring a new way.
Vote Down this alliance, sign an AMFA card so that we can have a future where we have a full say in how our UNION is run. 
Many articles are on the net with one persons opinion or another. It is up to all mechanics to ask your self are you tired of the same old BS from the UNION at your carrier? What have they done for you in  the last 10yrs? If the answer is NOT much then, why do you want to continue to support them?
AMFA@AA&US in 2014
ThirdSeatHero said:
You're nothing but a liar, and a pathetically sad one at that.
The IAM represented the Shuttle when US Air went out on strike.
The IAM took over from AMFA in August, AMFA didn't scab anything, the IAM scabbed itself.
Now lets see you spin that!
Of course he will not apologize for his lie.
Skip this and continue to post BS.
700 Credibility... NONE!
Take Care,
B) xUT
WE don't care what happened at NWA.
You should. None of us operate in a vacuum. There's also some really really good lessons to be learned there, regardless of which style of union you prefer.
It's time to toss out the old way of thinking of the industrial unions and attempt to bring a new way.
I don't think anyone will disagree with you on that overall point.

The question though, is what is the "best" new way? Maybe it's not so much strictly an industrial vs. craft question, but rather one of how best represent the membership period.

I'm not cutting on AMFA here- you guys are obviously free to vote however you wish- but I think many on this board conflate the awful leadership of the TWUATD (or others) with industrial unions in general.

Was it the TWU (or IAM) itself that failed you, or was it the incompetent leaders we allowed to stay in power for far too long?
Good post and that reminds me of this.
Just this week, our local (1976) had to re- run an election for officers done sometime ago or face federal charges from the NMB for election rigging.  Or so I've heard because the union isn't talking much about it.  But this time there were different people there (NMB ?) watching the ballot boxes because I think a few of the candidates from the last election accused the local of cheating.
Well, there were new names on the ballot.  And guess what?  The same old people were elected again and again.  Everyone is afraid of the change.  Everyone has their little gig, and they are afraid to rock the boat.
But like Mr. AMFAinMiami said, change is a coming.  It's going to be big.  And it's going to happen to both our groups.
Wrong, they didnt rig an election.
Geez, they entered into a voluntary agreement with the DOL, one ticket used the company print shop to make their materials, that is why they are rerunning the election.
Its amazing that you all dont even know what the truth is when it comes to things like this.
The NMB has nothing to do with the local union elections, only representational elections.
On May 9, 2013, the Department entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Machinists Local Lodge 1976 (located in Moon Township, Pa.), concerning its December 5, 2012 election of officers. Local Lodge 1976 agreed to conduct a new election for president, vice president, recording secretary, grievance committee chair, two grievance committee positions and two trustees under OLMS supervision on or before October 31, 2013. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election established that employer equipment and supplies were used to produce campaign literature that promoted the incumbent slate of officers in violation of section 401(g) of the LMRDA. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Pittsburgh District Office.
Ok, it was the DOL people there.  Not the NMB.  My mistake.
But the bottom line, like I said, no one told us.  Not Bill H.  Not John W.  Not Bob R.  All we saw was a notice from Steve M., the recording secretary, to refer our questions to the DOL.
And like I said, everyone is afraid of the change.  The same old, same old.
I am not in even PIT and I knew.
It was posted on LL 1976's web page and Bill told me when he was in CLT what happened, the investigator was even able to go into the print shop and use the copiers without anyone from US stopping him and not even asking him anything.
Kev3188 said:
You should. None of us operate in a vacuum. There's also some really really good lessons to be learned there, regardless of which style of union you prefer.  I don't think anyone will disagree with you on that overall point.The question though, is what is the "best" new way? Maybe it's not so much strictly an industrial vs. craft question, but rather one of how best represent the membership period.I'm not cutting on AMFA here- you guys are obviously free to vote however you wish- but I think many on this board conflate the awful leadership of the TWUATD (or others) with industrial unions in general.Was it the TWU (or IAM) itself that failed you, or was it the incompetent leaders we allowed to stay in power for far too long?
Again Kev, the fact that these idiots got appointed or "elected" in the first place really speaks to the structure of the union as an organization. What kind of vote turnout have the most recent representation elections in the airline industry had? Unions are promoting apathy and with the new NMB rules it is in their interest. IAM would not represent the UA PCE group today had the election been conducted under the old rules. Heck how many union members even take the time to read the CBAs they work under? Participate in ratification vote? Educate themselves and meet the candidates running for "elected" office? As long as the people in your movement are apathetic and disengaged nothing will change.

Not really, other than to say that when you distill it down, all you've listed can be a result of electing people that foster that apathy, or allowing them to stay in place.
I was talking to a retired Teamster, and I told him about 1/2 pay for sick time, 1 1/2x for 5 holidays, .01 cent for shift differential, etc, etc, ........... He punched me in the mouth !

He said form a union, strength in numbers, I told him I was in a "union"! I said I was in the biggest union on property, then I told him about the alliance, and how the IBT came in and then walked away. He shook his head and walked away.
TWU & IAM to Jointly Represent Ground Workers
Published 14 May, 2013

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) today announced a partnership to jointly represent nearly 30,000 ground workers at the “new” American Airlines following the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.

This week the two international unions have signed joint agreements to cover the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, and Stores employee work groups at the soon to be merged airline. The new labor partnership, to be known as the TWU/IAM Employee Association, will ask the federal National Mediation Board (NMB) to hold elections among the combined employees for each classification after the close of the American-US Airways merger.  The election will formalize the joint-council agreement reached this week.
There is more to this letter but my question is on the highlighted text.
If the NMB conducts this election what are the choices for the TWU member?
Yes for the alliance?
No for the alliance?
No union representation (decertification)
Will there be a write in choice?
If the IAM side votes for the alliance do we have to go along with it if the TWU side says NO or vice versa?
If both sides say NO then what?
TWU & IAM to Jointly Represent Ground Workers
Published 14 May, 2013

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) today announced a partnership to jointly represent nearly 30,000 ground workers at the “new” American Airlines following the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.

This week the two international unions have signed joint agreements to cover the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service, and Stores employee work groups at the soon to be merged airline. The new labor partnership, to be known as the TWU/IAM Employee Association, will ask the federal National Mediation Board (NMB) to hold elections among the combined employees for each classification after the close of the American-US Airways merger.  The election will formalize the joint-council agreement reached this week.
There is more to this letter but my question is on the highlighted text.
If the NMB conducts this election what are the choices for the TWU member?
Yes for the alliance?
No for the alliance?
No union representation (decertification)
Will there be a write in choice?
If the IAM side votes for the alliance do we have to go along with it if the TWU side says NO or vice versa?
If both sides say NO then what?
As I have encourage all of you that are directly involved, write the NMB and get your answers in writing. DO NOT believe the IAM or the TWU, they will tell you only what you want to hear and anything to favor for them. Take action yourself and write and call the NMB and ask the exact same questions you just posted...

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