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TWU ATD post IAM Alliance

700UW said:
See I just had a flash back about something I forgot about.
Back in 1992 AMFA performed struck work at US Air in October when we went on strike, the Trump Shuttle mechanics at LGA, BOS and DCA worked on US Air mainline aircraft during our strike.
So AMFA isnt all high and mighty and AMFA scabbed against the IAM, unlike NW which was years later, and the NW IAM represented ESE only performed work that was all ready in their CBA.
So if a worker refused to perform duties in his/her CBA, what is the consequences?
And last time I checked TS AMFA represented mechanics werent working for US Air.
And why dont you ask the former Shuttle mechanics how AMFA abandoned them during the transition from working for Trump to US Air after US purchased the shuttle.  The mechanics had to get their own lawyers and pay for it because AMFA left them high and dry.
So lets see all of you spin this, AMFA scabbed October of 1992 in LGA, BOS and DCA.

Thats the facts Jack!
You're nothing but a liar, and a pathetically sad one at that.
The IAM represented the Shuttle when US Air went out on strike.
While employed by Trump Shuttle, plaintiffs grew frustrated with IAM's representation. Consequently, in 1990 they voted out IAM as their labor union and voted instead to be represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA). In 1992, as a result of Trump Shuttle's financial difficulties, a consortium of banks took control of the airline and renamed it Shuttle, Inc. (Shuttle). Almost immediately thereafter, Shuttle entered into an agreement with USAir by which USAir would manage Shuttle's operations. This agreement also provided USAir with an option to purchase Shuttle within five years.
In August 1992, the National Mediation Board (NMB) granted USAir "single carrier status" for the purposes of collective bargaining. As a result, AMFA ceased to represent plaintiffs, and IAM, which represented the USAir mechanics, resumed its position as plaintiffs' collective bargaining representative.
Shortly afterward, so-called "mainline" USAir mechanics — those employed by USAir rather than Shuttle — went on strike. Plaintiffs were unsure whether they should join the strike. On the one hand, their previous collective bargaining agreement, which appeared to remain in effect despite USAir's assumption of control of Shuttle, included a no-strike clause that could cause them to lose their jobs if they joined in a strike. On the other hand, they were now a part of the same local as their co-workers at USAir, and there was some suggestion that their previous collective bargaining agreement was extinguished, which would free them to join the mainline strike. In the end, they opted not to join in the strike.
The IAM took over from AMFA in August, AMFA didn't scab anything, the IAM scabbed itself.
Now lets see you spin that!
ThirdSeatHero said:
You're nothing but a liar, and a pathetically sad one at that.
The IAM represented the Shuttle when US Air went out on strike.
The IAM took over from AMFA in August, AMFA didn't scab anything, the IAM scabbed itself.
Now lets see you spin that!
Don't expect an answer.
IAM can do no wrong...😛
700UW said:
See I just had a flash back about something I forgot about.
Back in 1992 AMFA performed struck work at US Air in October when we went on strike, the Trump Shuttle mechanics at LGA, BOS and DCA worked on US Air mainline aircraft during our strike.
So AMFA isnt all high and mighty and AMFA scabbed against the IAM, unlike NW which was years later, and the NW IAM represented ESE only performed work that was all ready in their CBA.
So if a worker refused to perform duties in his/her CBA, what is the consequences?
And last time I checked TS AMFA represented mechanics werent working for US Air.
And why dont you ask the former Shuttle mechanics how AMFA abandoned them during the transition from working for Trump to US Air after US purchased the shuttle.  The mechanics had to get their own lawyers and pay for it because AMFA left them high and dry.
So lets see all of you spin this, AMFA scabbed October of 1992 in LGA, BOS and DCA.

Thats the facts Jack!
Thanks for that bit of info. BTW how many scabs crossed the picket line in 89?
Guess who that union was?
TWU members crossed AMFA lines as well. The TWU knew it and did nothing about it. Two different unions representing AMT's but yet the union leadership did nothing to support the AMT profession. My point about industrial union is they suck and it is all about the money!
Looks like Hemenway isnt happy, too bad:
In a letter to the union, E. Allen Hemenway, vice president of labor relations for US Airways, said he believes the union has a campaign to slow down its maintenance work and refuse to accept overtime assignments.
"If mechanics and related employees collectively engage in the behavior encouraged by these campaigns, it will likely result in flight delays and/or cancellations impacting the traveling public during the upcoming travel holiday season," Hemenway said in the letter.
Union Vice President Sito Pantoja wrote back to Hemenway, denying that the union was behind any such tactics.
Won't take much to get an injunction. Besides you gleefully posted on here several international flights are taking delays...

It never fails to amaze me how simply working the line you've bid is now deemed criminal. 
If people refusing to work OT on a sustained basis  is going to derail the operation, maybe they should've hired more in the first place?
Just a thought...
737823 said:
Won't take much to get an injunction. Besides you gleefully posted on here several international flights are taking delays...

An injunction for what? 
There is no such thing as mandatory overtime in the CBA.
This isnt slavery, a mechanic and related at US Airways ONLY has to work 40 hours a week per the CBA.
Too bad so sad, and since you dont know what you are talking about, this has been done in every single Section 6 negotiations when there is no movement from the company.
+1 Kevin!
I don't think there will be an alliance, since we get to vote on the alliance, the only outcome I see
Is the IAM our new union. With the TWU closing the locals, TUL losing the numbers and their work. Arranging the worst contract in the industry after a decade of give backs.
737823 said:
Won't take much to get an injunction. Besides you gleefully posted on here several international flights are taking delays...

Not sure how it works at USAirway, but here at AA the company has a program which is called (white slipping). This is where they can more or less force you to work over ( 4 ) hrs. So forced O/T, they must declare an emergency to do that though. Not working O/T and doing things at work out of the norm that causes any detrement to the operation, most companies take that to court and ask the judge to put an injunction against the Union, since there is always someone who will say to MGMT that the union is telling them not to work O/T or to work safe which we all know is go strictly by the rules. Which we should be doing all the time but with experience we all have learned ways in which to move the metal and keep the safety and legality of our signitures intact.  This is usually a mechanics thing NOT so much a STOCK clerk thing.
Josh ask your all Knowing Pal if when US was going thru section 6 neg. they the Stock clerks routed parts and did not fill orders which delayed the process or did they leave all the battling to the aircraft maintenance guy's or Pilots as usual?
There are a lot of things that are NOT in the CBA, but we all know if you work in the industry long enough there are what is called local rules of agreement. Some even go against what is in the CONTRACT.
USAirways has a plan when any union does any type of job action and when the $$$$$ value get to a point they will go to court and stop what they feel is hurting the operation. The IAM will not risk any money (dues) to pay fines and if they are doing any job action it will stop.
Shifting of work, layoffs, closing of stations, taking away perks, they all know ways in which to fight the unions. It's sad to say but unions in the airlines are and have been for sometime just trying to stay alive. Giving in to what the company wants because they all say.
"Just be glad you have a JOB"​
  Not many union memebers are willing to risk the weekly pay check to push a point. The IAM gave up it's membership when they farmed out the O/H work. Just look at the total number of mechanics at USAirway.
The Industrial unions will do what ever to keep the dues paying members on payroll, so they can collect dues. NOT to better the working mans
future. WE all have seen that since most if you have been in the industry for a long time have lost so much.
The IAM represented employees asked to be released earlier this yr but what have they done to fight the company? Oh "YES" they signed Teamster cards and tried to remove the IAM. Lots of leadership there at USAirways by the IAM.
USAirways is the LAST group of mechanics at the airlines NOW the IAM represents. ( TOP PLAYERS).
1. AA= TWU
NO way the IAM want the mechanics to go away from the DUES POOL. Then they would LOOSE all their POWER.
The airlines can fill most non A&P or Pilot positions with just about anyone. This is the fear the Industrial unions have.
The mechanics at USAirways need to get with the AA mechanics and decide which union we all want together and work towards the best for our class and craft. Then lets see how the almighty IAM/TWU do without us.
xUT said:
ThirdSeatHero, on 05 Dec 2013 - 4:51 PM, said:
You're nothing but a liar, and a pathetically sad one at that.
The IAM represented the Shuttle when US Air went out on strike.
The IAM took over from AMFA in August, AMFA didn't scab anything, the IAM scabbed itself.
Now lets see you spin that!
Don't expect an answer.
IAM can do no wrong... 😛
Yeah, I know.
Not to worry though, his duplicitous crap has been exposed as just that.
There's no overtime ban, especially here in PIT.  There's plenty of guys willing to come in on their days off and race in the second they get the call to Get-R-Dun for time and a half.
What you saw was the company trying to publicly discredit us.  Just another in a planned attack against us in an attempt to stall, and make us accept a JCBA before we get a section 6 CBA. 
737823 said:
Won't take much to get an injunction. Besides you gleefully posted on here several international flights are taking delays...

And can an injunction turn a wrench? You think way to much of the power we give you.
Lets see the Judge issues an Injunction saying the Union should not encourage their members to do anything that would impair operations such as OT boycotts , work to rule etc. The Union gets it on record that they have not put out anything encouraging the members to do any of that, but cites that this may be a reaction to the company's three year stonewalling at negotiations while USAIR mechanics sit at wages 20% below industry standards (Historically that's longer than most contracts last). That their members are old, but are forced to continue working because of the concessions they have given since 2002, their greatly diminished pensions and lack of retiree medical. That these old workers probably would rather not have to work 40 hours let alone more than that. that the company has promised that they would have a bright future at US but has not delivered. The Union claims that it represents the members, it doesn't tell the members what to do, the Union works for the members,  US is the employer not the IAM and the members are reacting to what US is doing, and they need to come to the table and restore some of what they took away then maybe they will win back the hearts of their employees and they may be willing to give even more than they have already to USAIR. 
Then what, the judge slaps them with a big dollar fine like they did to the APA, which they never paid?  
Real tired said:
There's no overtime ban, especially here in PIT.  There's plenty of guys willing to come in on their days off and race in the second they get the call to Get-R-Dun for time and a half.
What you saw was the company trying to publicly discredit us.  Just another in a planned attack against us in an attempt to stall, and make us accept a JCBA before we get a section 6 CBA. 
Real Tired
The IAM will never say that there is an Overtime ban, then they could be held responsible for the actions of the membership.
But the IAM is responsible for the actions of the membership when they roll over and give all what we the older mechanics fought and struck for in the past. I for one am hoping that you and all the others at USAirways will vote NOT to have this IAM/TWU alliance.
Lets send these industrial unions packing. It's all about dues and no matter what the unions leaders say, that IS A FACT.......
IT'S Not about the members.​
Real Tired
The IAM will never say that there is an Overtime ban, then they could be held responsible for the actions of the membership.
But the IAM is responsible for the actions of the membership when they roll over and give all what we the older mechanics fought and struck for in the past. I for one am hoping that you and all the others at USAirways will vote NOT to have this IAM/TWU alliance.
Lets send these industrial unions packing. It's all about dues and no matter what the unions leaders say, that IS A FACT.......
IT'S Not about the members.​
And let it be known that AMFA does not collect dues !....or do they?  Or do they collect donations?

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