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TWU ATD post IAM Alliance

Hey amfainmia, learn to read and comprehend.

There is NO mandatory overtime in the mechanic and related CBA, which includes stock clerks at US.

You cant be disciplined for refusing to work OT.

And wtf is your problem?

One's classification has nothing to do with someone's education, knowledge, or skill level.

So get off your elitist high horse.

I guess you conveniently forget that Kevin McCormick was not an aircraft mechanic nor even worked in the airline industry, he was a real estate manager, yet I never see you whine and complain about that, he even signed the NW M&R CBA for AMFA.

How does it feel to be a hypocrite.
mike33 said:
And let it be known that AMFA does not collect dues !....or do they?  Or do they collect donations?
Mike 33
"YES" Amfa collects dues as does any union but the difference is what they do with the money. AMFA put it towards things for the members. It doesn't take large Industrial union salaries, and the NEC is accountable to the members. Voted in unlike the TWU here at AA.
700UW said:
Hey amfainmia, learn to read and comprehend. There is NO mandatory overtime in the mechanic and related CBA, which includes stock clerks at US. You cant be disciplined for refusing to work OT. And wtf is your problem? One's classification has nothing to do with someone's education, knowledge, or skill level. So get off your elitist high horse. I guess you conveniently forget that Kevin McCormick was not an aircraft mechanic nor even worked in the airline industry, he was a real estate manager, yet I never see you whine and complain about that, he even signed the NW M&R CBA for AMFA. How does it feel to be a hypocrite.
If you read what I said it was about what is here at AA which you know nothing about.
You have never worked for the TWU or at AA but you want to tell us what is best for us.
How what we want to do is wrong, where do you get off. What does the IAM or TWU fear if we the mechanics leave?  the DUES. If we are elitist as you say then why can't you and others with like minds just let us go and fall on our face so when we fail you can say we told you so. 
That is what I am trying to change here at AA the removal of the stock clerks and ramp from the same union the mechanics are in. I never said anything about your education or skill did I? You hate the idea that mechanics want to independant from your class and craft.  Why do you still harp on AMFA if we want to go there we don't need your permission or approval. I would support you and your union against the company I just want you out of my class and craft. It's not which group at USAirway's M&R its class and craft as defined by the NMB at AA. 
You LOVE the IAM and what it stands for that is good for you but your rhetoric here on an AA site/thread seems it's falling on deaf ears. Just like O/S and others. The Industrial unions had their time it's time for a change. YOUR IAM and the TWU have failed the mechanics and we want out.
If we go our own way and fail you can LAUGH at us all you want. Just don't preach your bs here about how great the IAM is and what they are doing because from what I see they have failed the mechanics at US as well. OR they would not of filled out cards to rid US of the iAM. Pension and much more at US during your BK.
The only reason the IAM is still there because the thought of the IBT getting its hands on your IAM pension scared most people. FACT..... What is your Almighty IAM doing nothing US Mgmt is playing you, your just too blind to see it. NO Matter what the Dist. Lodge Pres tells you, you just fall in line like good little sheep.
I am Hoping that the US mechanics join us here at AA to remove both the IAM/TWU.
AMFA at the NEW AA, since US will be gone, so bye bye to your paint, your name and with the grace of GOD YOUR IAM >>>>>>>>and MY TWU.
Vote "NO" and send this IAM/TWU alliance to it's grave.
Funny you cant respond to question poised to you?
How come its ok for a real estate manager to negotiate your CBA?
He wasnt an AMT, he wasnt even an airline employee nor a member of AFMA, yes he negotiated and signed the AMFA/NW M&R CBA?
Come on Mr H.
And you REALLY need to comprehend what you read, I said at US, never said anything about the TWU and AA.
700UW said:
Funny you cant respond to question poised to you?
How come its ok for a real estate manager to negotiate your CBA?
He wasnt an AMT, he wasnt even an airline employee nor a member of AFMA, yes he negotiated and signed the AMFA/NW M&R CBA?
Come on Mr H.
And you REALLY need to comprehend what you read, I said at US, never said anything about the TWU and AA.
The TWU negotiates here at AA, WE don't care what happened at NWA. They fought the battle and lost. The IAM scabbed there. as well as the flight attendants and pilots which in the end got screwed as well. YOU also said that there is NO forced OT in the M&R CBA which includes stock clerks at US. NO forced O/T in most CBA but as I said at AA they have a way around that.  They in the M&R at AA as well but have NO say in our contract, NONE. What the NWA mechanics did was on them but they got an industry leading contract while the industrial unions got hosed. FACT....That is why we here at AA got money and the DL airlines guys got money back then as well.
BUt the IAM screwed the TWA guys while Carl Ichan was there.
THe IAM screwed the Cont guys while Lorenzo was there and before him.
The IAM screwed the UAL guys as well with the ESOP Failure, lost pension
and the closure of the indy base, as well as some of the SFO O/H base.
You talk about what plans the AMFA had at NWA, well I ask you then what was the IAM'S plan when they took us OUT on strike at Eastern.
IAM lost the mechanics at NWA.
IAM was at Alaska as well.
OLD news all of it, just like most of your BS. The IAM and the TWU need to go.
AMFA@AA&US For the Mechanics Class and craft. 2014 which includes auto/facilities/aircraft/utility NOT ramp/stores. They can remain IAM.
Or do you feel the IAM will just not have any power with out the elite mechanics?
NOT the M&R as you will bring up...
700UW said:
Funny you cant respond to question poised to you?
How come its ok for a real estate manager to negotiate your CBA?
He wasnt an AMT, he wasnt even an airline employee nor a member of AFMA, yes he negotiated and signed the AMFA/NW M&R CBA?
Come on Mr H.
And you REALLY need to comprehend what you read, I said at US, never said anything about the TWU and AA.
Get your info straight stock boy.
Mr. Olivio Vincenzo Delle Femine worked for American Airlines at New Yorks Laguardia Airport in 1959 as a Licensed Aircraft Technician. He left in 1965 to spend more efforts in promoting the craft (AMFA) that we to this day are fighting against industrial unionists like yourself. We never called ourselves elitists. You keep saying we are. Thanks for the compliment but we are not full of ourselves.
Again you spread lies about a person you never met. To this day he is still a licensed AMT. I personally met Mr. Delle-Femine. Keep talking kaka from your back side.
Another one who cant comprehend what he reads.

Kevin McCormick, did I say Delle?
He set up the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for the sole purpose of raiding other unions. The press has not asked him, as far as I can tell:
  • To explain his relationship with a management firm, McCormick Advisory Group, headquartered in Laconia, NH, and with a law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Peterson, based in Westchester County, NY, which has a long history of representing management in the airline industry.
  • to explain how The McCormick Group also founded the Professional Flight Attendants Association (PPFA), which successfully raided an AFL-CIO union at Northwest Airlines.
  • To disclose what the Seham law firm gets from AMFA and whether he knows that the Seham firm has long represented airline managements in opposing workers and their unions. According to a source inside the labor movement,  Martin Seham and/or Lee Seham have represented Varig Brazilian Airlines on a continuing basis; the Sperry Gyroscope Company against the Engineers Association; Pan American Airways against the Seafarers International Union of North America; Vantage Steamship Corporation against the National Maritime Union of America; Maritime Overseas Corporation against the Masters, Mates and Pilots and the International Longshoreman’s Association; and Jackson Engineering Company against the Marine and Shipbuilders Workers. And The Seham firm also has represented El Al Israeli Airlines, Air Lingus, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, TWA.  Mt. Vernon Tanker Company, Seatrain Lines, Inc., Delta Steamship Lines, Zapata Bulk Transportation, Inc., Wabash Transport, the Maritime Association, Airfreight Express Limited, A. Millner Company and the Owners Committee on Electric Rates.
Kevin McCormick is the owner of the McCormick Advisory Group, a real-estate management company from Laconia, New Hampshire. He and Delle go way back to the days when Delle was selling real estate. They are very good friends.

They are such good friends that while Delle was out trying to aid airlines in their divide and conquer strategy of weakening unions, Kevin took real good care of Delle. Kevin has provided Delle with housing, cash, and expenses for the last five years. Kevin even put him on his company’s payroll. We’re sure Kevin did this out of the kindness of his own heart, and the love of his friend expecting nothing in return.

It has to be just a coincidence that Kevin is now on amfa’s payroll. In a fraternity that continually praises how democratic they are, Kevin has been appointed to the sweetest job of all; National Administrator. There is no provision in the amfa constitution for a real estate manager, so Delle created the title of National Administrator because it sounds better than national real estate manager, but there actually is no provision in the amfa constitution for either position.

Kevin McCormick was never voted into his position, yet he is the man who handles all of amfa’s finances. Why does amfa have a National Treasurer if all the money goes to a real estate firm? And who is Kevin McCormick accountable to? He was never elected to any position. In fact, he isn’t even a member of any union.

Delle has amfa paying Kevin back to the tune of $12,000 per week! How could that be? He must be the world’s most overpaid administrator. But for that money amfa gets his superb negotiating skills. For some reason, Mr. McCormick has his signature on amfa’s contracts with Alaska and Mesaba airlines. Why is someone who was never elected negotiating contracts in a “democratic” fraternity? Is there any way for his role to be taken over by elected amfa members? Can he be removed from his position?

We urge you to ask your amfa representatives for these answers. There is no logical reason that you should have to pay Delle’s debts with your hard earned, recently raised, dues money. Kevin McCormick’s only role in amfa is to drain as much cash from YOU and put it into Delle’s, Lee Seham’s, and his own pocket. Delle’s past debts should be his own problem, not yours.
Again your hatred towards AMT's shines.
And you never ever turned a wrench on an aircraft and signed your name to it. Yea you know all about our craft and responsibilities.
OK this where you step in and call us elitists. :unsure:
Show me where I posted hatred?
I have done no such thing, and keep avoiding how a real estate agent negotiated for mechanics with AMFA at NW.
700UW said:
He set up the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for the sole purpose of raiding other unions. The press has not asked him, as far as I can tell:
  • To explain his relationship with a management firm, McCormick Advisory Group, headquartered in Laconia, NH, and with a law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Peterson, based in Westchester County, NY, which has a long history of representing management in the airline industry.
  • to explain how The McCormick Group also founded the Professional Flight Attendants Association (PPFA), which successfully raided an AFL-CIO union at Northwest Airlines.
  • To disclose what the Seham law firm gets from AMFA and whether he knows that the Seham firm has long represented airline managements in opposing workers and their unions. According to a source inside the labor movement,  Martin Seham and/or Lee Seham have represented Varig Brazilian Airlines on a continuing basis; the Sperry Gyroscope Company against the Engineers Association; Pan American Airways against the Seafarers International Union of North America; Vantage Steamship Corporation against the National Maritime Union of America; Maritime Overseas Corporation against the Masters, Mates and Pilots and the International Longshoreman’s Association; and Jackson Engineering Company against the Marine and Shipbuilders Workers. And The Seham firm also has represented El Al Israeli Airlines, Air Lingus, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, TWA.  Mt. Vernon Tanker Company, Seatrain Lines, Inc., Delta Steamship Lines, Zapata Bulk Transportation, Inc., Wabash Transport, the Maritime Association, Airfreight Express Limited, A. Millner Company and the Owners Committee on Electric Rates.
700 I respect you I do but this is where I have to part company. AMFA as much as you might hate them has not "raided" anyone we at NWA went to them!! The iam hosed us for the last time and thats why we went to them the IAM has no one to blame but themselves they (IAM) couldn't bring us back a decent contract in the best of times at NW and even die hard supporters of IAM voted against them. Even if the end result might have been a disaster with NWA sinking millions to break AMFA it still was overall the best for AMT's in the industry I am making a 6 figure salary at FX that would never had happened if AMFA never had been in the picture. IAM has no one to blame but themselves if they had treated the AMT's better they would still have them.

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