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Tulsa Union Leaders in the News

I believe it's time the NO VOTERS listen and follow the directions of the Line Presidents, Owens, McCormick, Peterson, Rojas, and Ruiz. The Tulsa local is officially a disgrace to the membership and the INTL is officially on ignore status. The INTL & AA will come back with a final LBO.....WE need to prepare ourselves for an even larger NO VOTE turnout to really send a message!!
Might have a hard time with that once reallity sets in. I can't wait to find out.
I remember you being pro TWU in the mid 80's. Didn't you run for office back then? As far as taking an oath... You took one when you joined the TWU, you are still a member of the TWU, right? You're not a kid anymore, surely you figured out by now that big boys lie and corruption is everywhere, from the church right up to the president (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Swaggart, etc.) Do you honestly think the AMFA would be any different? Do you honestly think the local union leadership would change just because a different union was voted in? I don't.

Yes I ran for E-Board then, but because each time I voiced my support for change of leadership, i.e. Wilson, Quish, ect. I was not elected. I ran for President upon charter of Local 567. Was beaten by Dan Cunnigham. If I walked around telling members what they want to hear, getting elected would be easy. The tough part, is tellling the truth and getting elected into an environment of liars and ignorance.

Stop trying to make our problems personal and about me.
Don't get the debate sidetracked and into religion.

If you don't like my ideas for change, then let's hear yours.

I am all ears!!!
Might have a hard time with that once reallity sets in. I can't wait to find out.

Reality is setting in. The membership voted NO to more concessions, yet the company will impose even further concessions by rejecting the contract. So, what is it going to take to get a concensual agreement, and what actions are the membership willing to take to show AA that WE will not accept the bottom of the industry standards? I think those questions have to be answered before WE engage with AA. The membership already spoke loud and clear that saving jobs in exchange for further erosion of our purchasing power will not fly. So, what's it going to take to move up the industry standard ladder??
... snip

. So, what's it going to take to move up the industry standard ladder??

Your "Industry Standard Ladder" does not exist. You can't climb what has been removed by both our "representation" and the company - it doesn't exist anymore.

Not trying to be a smart a$$ but - remaining in the air transport industry (especially AA/AMR's corner) would seem, at this point, to indicate that one has masochistic tendencies - ie, gets off on their own pain and suffering.

The solution is rather simple Get some professional assistance if need be and another job away from the industry even if it pays less. A realistic person also understands his/her sanity has value.

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Yes I ran for E-Board then, but because each time I voiced my support for change of leadership, i.e. Wilson, Quish, ect. I was not elected. I ran for President upon charter of Local 567. Was beaten by Dan Cunnigham. If I walked around telling members what they want to hear, getting elected would be easy. The tough part, is tellling the truth and getting elected into an environment of liars and ignorance.

Stop trying to make our problems personal and about me.
Don't get the debate sidetracked and into religion.

If you don't like my ideas for change, then let's hear yours.

I am all ears!!!
Not trying to make it personal any more than you and your buddies are in this thread. It's unfotunate the public, government, all companies are anti-union. So why even have one? I'm not afraid to work and I'm pretty good at what I do. Are you? 28 years is pretty good seniority btw.... Good for you.

Not trying to be a smart a$$ but - remaining in the air transport industry (especially AA/AMR's corner) would seem, at this point, to indicate that one has masochistic tendencies - ie, gets off on their own pain and suffering.

The solution is rather simple - some professional assistance, if need be, and another job away from the industry even if it pays less.

View attachment 9471
Not trying to make it personal any more than you and your buddies are in this thread. It's unfotunate the public, government, all companies are anti-union. So why even have one? I'm not afraid to work and I'm pretty good at what I do. Are you? 28 years is pretty good seniority btw.... Good for you.

After a forced donation over $12K to the TWU, and getting over 18 years of concessionary agreements....I'm also ready to go non-union. The mechanics at Delta are non-union, yet have enjoyed years of enhanced wages and benefits. And, as long as the mechanics stay non-union, Delta will continue to enhance the lives of the AMT. Btw, how many mechanics does Delta have compared to AA, and how much M&E work does Delta farm out, and then ask how much contract work does Delta bring in?

Why can't AA do the same???
After a forced donation over $12K to the TWU, and getting over 18 years of concessionary agreements....I'm also ready to go non-union. The mechanics at Delta are non-union, yet have enjoyed years of enhanced wages and benefits. And, as long as the mechanics stay non-union, Delta will continue to enhance the lives of the AMT. Btw, how many mechanics does Delta have compared to AA, and how much M&E work does Delta farm out, and then ask how much contract work does Delta bring in?

Why can't AA do the same???

I will suggest to you that there is a huge difference between mgmt at Delta compared to AA.
There would have to be major changes from the top on down! I doubt that it is possible to accomplish that task. Its all about the value of respect, and is food for thought.
Management recently slid a video in on one of the Business Review meetings from Delta. It was all about Delta bringing their work back in house and becoming a third party maintenance facility.
Management recently slid a video in on one of the Business Review meetings from Delta. It was all about Delta bringing their work back in house and becoming a third party maintenance facility.

Delta insourcing more work? That is good. But, will AA mgmt ever come clean with truthful data analysis on insourcing vs outsourcing? If you go to the BK court docket #2726, TWU lawyers make the argument about the complete lack of this data from the Co. I know you have read that info, but there is a huge number of members that are uninformed or misinformed.

Why can't our TWU informers and pundits give us the facts as stated in the court docket transcriptss? Maybe the co. would object.

Knowledge is power. Why don't the members take the time to read? Co. treats us like "mushrooms" because we let them? 37% of Fleet did not vote. Perhaps they deserve to be called mushroom people?
TWU did not take an official position on the contract vote. The union's international president, James C. Little, said some workers found the company's last, best offer to be a safer bet than "waiting on the court to make a decision."

"The members in bargaining units that voted `no' thought the proposals were not in their best interests," Little said. "We respect our members' decision regardless of how they voted."
I heard we will be given ballots once a month for the next 6 years to determine how many employees should be laid-off each month, and then what company should replace the building cleaners. From now on we will vote which markets to fly into,which to pull out of, and how many flights per day should be there. If we need to buy tooling or equipment, we will have employee voting first.

Each time an employee has an illness, we will vote if he/she receives sick time and if cost of the medical will be covered or not.

First week of each year work groups will vote on keeping or replacing their supervisor. Before Vacation can be taken, your work group will vote on how many days you can take and even if you can take your vacation or not.

Each Monday, we will be given a list to vote on who will be subjected to random drug test until such time that the required number have tested.

Every Friday, each work group will vote on hours of work for the following week.

Three days before each Federal Holiday, employees will vote on how many can take off with pay and how many must work.

Before any discipline action can be taken by management, a vote must be taken and 75% of the work force at that station must approve the action. If the less that 75% confirm, the Supervisor initiating the action will be terminated.

However, there will be no more voting at Union Membership Meetings, and no more elections for Officers of the Union.

It is believed that this involvement in all the business policies will create a worker friendly environment and each employee will feel that he/she is just as important as the next employee. In addition, as an added bonus for your input, management will provide private rooms for personal petting and coddling to insure you are happy.

Payrates will be just below required amount to qualify for food stamps, so employees with larger families will make more than those that are single.
There can be no doubt that there were enough "No" votes out of Tulsa to make the difference. We know that the lines were no 100% no, a lot of our own were willing to stick it to guys they've worked along side of for $39k, sad when UAL gave $75k.

As I watched the newsclips and heard that these guys are Union officials I have to think to myself "Do they know anything about Unionism?" This is what you end up with when you have a submissive Union with leaders that never fought for anything, they have no idea how gains were made. We havent struck since 1969 and anyone who has struck knows that when you do its all on the line, when you are released you have no contract. Every worker who ever went on strike had his contract terminated. Its always been that way. They act as if its not a normal possibility to have to take a stand against such threats, either in or out of BK. Sure the courts made it harder in BK because they took away our right to legally strike in response to unilateral abrogation but court decrees didnt stop Mike Quill or Eugene Debs. Its our fault for allowing it, in Europe all the unions would have united and shut down the country if they tried something like that, our leaders are too busy worrying about trying to get more dues payers to fund their six figure salaries to get together and take a stand. Its only when the dues revenue stream becomes threatened like in Wisconson and Ohio that they gear up and fight, then they preach unity and expect full support from everyone but when the courts take away what we need to improve our lives they tell us we need to not make any waves, "We dont want to put the President in a bad spot, its an election year", we need to vote in labor friendly politicians, "We'll get em next time'.

UAL did not give $75K for each employee that wanted to leave in BK in 2003. Get your facts straight. They did that almost eight years later after outsourcing all airframe overhaul.

All you do is complain about how screwed up everything is but you offer little in the way of viable solution other than let's go on strike, get locked in jail, or force the company in to liquidation. Since deregulation how many unions have been successful after going through a BK hearing? Try practically none. AS, UA, CO, NW, DL, HP, and US are all better off right after BK right? Wrong. UA just got back to $37.50 after seven plus years, NW was decimated, DL just back to $37, HP and US are finally passing us but we would be passed all of the ones I just mentioned had we voted yes on the July 2010 TA ("Vote no, there is more money on the table), and AS should be making bank now since their airline has even chased the mighty WN out of their backyard but AMFA did not deliver (they should be making UPS wages or better).

Can't wait for the day you finally deliver on any of your predictions.
UAL did not give $75K for each employee that wanted to leave in BK in 2003. Get your facts straight. They did that almost eight years later after outsourcing all airframe overhaul.

All you do is complain about how screwed up everything is but you offer little in the way of viable solution other than let's go on strike, get locked in jail, or force the company in to liquidation. Since deregulation how many unions have been successful after going through a BK hearing? Try practically none. AS, UA, CO, NW, DL, HP, and US are all better off right after BK right? Wrong. UA just got back to $37.50 after seven plus years, NW was decimated, DL just back to $37, HP and US are finally passing us but we would be passed all of the ones I just mentioned had we voted yes on the July 2010 TA ("Vote no, there is more money on the table), and AS should be making bank now since their airline has even chased the mighty WN out of their backyard but AMFA did not deliver (they should be making UPS wages or better).

Can't wait for the day you finally deliver on any of your predictions.

Interesting, for years you and other stooges have been claiming how great the TWU is compared to other Unions in the industry, Using claims of all heavy maintenance is in house, we still have our pensions. we have more than one maintenance base.

And yet when your own ass is being handed to you, you still attempt to deflect blame by pointing at others.
That crap is not going to fly anymore. The TWU is worthless and the truth is now upon us all.

I cant' wait for the day my Union Dues pay for representation instead of appointed cowards that lie and manipulate by running a secret society.

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