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Tulsa Union Leaders in the News

It always seems the media in Tulsa finds the guys that make us all look like idiots. Reporter should have asked Mullings if he was going to have to live under the contract had it passed. Cirri was at an "undisclosed location" and wasn't available to answer questions. Let everyone remember that when we needed our leadership to step up and make a statement, Mullings and McGill were whineing about how they hoped the POS would pass. If this doesn't make everyone want to throw the Totally Worthless Union out then what will? Oh, Mullings was the one that instead of working towards getting out the no voters, spent all his time slandering Bob Owens with that stuff that he didn't have the sack to sign his name to.
NONE $96,465 $3,740 $3,600 $103,805

Not much else needed to be said about Mullings after this LM-2 from the international. BTW...I thought the international wasn't taking a poistion on the contract. This guy clearly said he wanted a yes vote.
I guess it is too much to ask that a Line Mechanic take notice that without a substantial NO VOTE from Tulsa on this offer you would all be eating the crap right now. Much better to pigeon hole every TUL AMT into the stupid ass leader mentality.

What purpose does that sever you>?

Think about it and get back to me
Letter from Local 514 president Sam Cirri:

Brothers and Sister TWU Members,

As the LBO was to better the March 22 terms, we understand that AA implemented many concessions that were not acceptable. At this point, I, for one, am proud of the turnout of our membership in participating in the voting process. I would also like to add that, where some may feel satisfied with the results, others may be disappointed. This is true in all votes, regardless of what is at stake. Therefore, I ask you to please be considerate of each other's views.

It is vital that we move forward united. The path forward is laid out for us; our next step is the 1113 motion before the Bankruptcy Judge to abrogate the M&R and Stores agreements. If the Bankruptcy Judge rules in favor of American Airlines, M&R and Stores will be working under the March 22 terms.

For those groups who voted to accept the LBO, familiarize yourselves with the language, which is available at http://www.twu514.org.

In solidarity,

Sam Cirri

Wish he would have added "until we reach a new agreement".
The substantial no vote from TUL impressed me. Will we be able to see a complete breakdown of the voteing results? I would like to see how substantial it was.

There can be no doubt that there were enough "No" votes out of Tulsa to make the difference. We know that the lines were no 100% no, a lot of our own were willing to stick it to guys they've worked along side of for $39k, sad when UAL gave $75k.

As I watched the newsclips and heard that these guys are Union officials I have to think to myself "Do they know anything about Unionism?" This is what you end up with when you have a submissive Union with leaders that never fought for anything, they have no idea how gains were made. We havent struck since 1969 and anyone who has struck knows that when you do its all on the line, when you are released you have no contract. Every worker who ever went on strike had his contract terminated. Its always been that way. They act as if its not a normal possibility to have to take a stand against such threats, either in or out of BK. Sure the courts made it harder in BK because they took away our right to legally strike in response to unilateral abrogation but court decrees didnt stop Mike Quill or Eugene Debs. Its our fault for allowing it, in Europe all the unions would have united and shut down the country if they tried something like that, our leaders are too busy worrying about trying to get more dues payers to fund their six figure salaries to get together and take a stand. Its only when the dues revenue stream becomes threatened like in Wisconson and Ohio that they gear up and fight, then they preach unity and expect full support from everyone but when the courts take away what we need to improve our lives they tell us we need to not make any waves, "We dont want to put the President in a bad spot, its an election year", we need to vote in labor friendly politicians, "We'll get em next time'.
It always seems the media in Tulsa finds the guys that make us all look like idiots. Reporter should have asked Mullings if he was going to have to live under the contract had it passed. Cirri was at an "undisclosed location" and wasn't available to answer questions. Let everyone remember that when we needed our leadership to step up and make a statement, Mullings and McGill were whineing about how they hoped the POS would pass. If this doesn't make everyone want to throw the Totally Worthless Union out then what will? Oh, Mullings was the one that instead of working towards getting out the no voters, spent all his time slandering Bob Owens with that stuff that he didn't have the sack to sign his name to.

I dont have a problem with other elected officials slandering me but its improper for employees of the union to get involved in the political arena. Since the majority voted Yes, despite his best efforts, he should either support the decision or drop his six figure salary that we pay and go back on the floor. Who the hell does he think he is to say what we should settle for when he doesnt have to live under it?

Imagine the TWU laid off 20 people, people like Portia and Gwen from SWA but kept people like Rick Mullings? Sad, so sad.
I believe it's time the NO VOTERS listen and follow the directions of the Line Presidents, Owens, McCormick, Peterson, Rojas, and Ruiz. The Tulsa local is officially a disgrace to the membership and the INTL is officially on ignore status. The INTL & AA will come back with a final LBO.....WE need to prepare ourselves for an even larger NO VOTE turnout to really send a message!!
I cannot wait to see the next
aL nB nF sOffer

I mean the

almost LAST nearly BEST not FINAL sellout OFFER
Rick Mullings is nothing more than a unskilled Title 2 member.

He makes the skilled Title 2 members look bad, and then pretends to speak for me.

Like I said earlier, he is only employed at AA because his Father was a well respected Union Man, Title 1 AMT/Inspector. I knew Jim well, and Rick is not anything close. Rick brought nothing to the table when he hired on because he is skill-less. And now all he brings to the media is fear and concessions for jobs that will destroy the once proud Tulsa Maintenance Base, along with personal attacks on any individual advocating taking a stand against this destruction. And receives $100,000 + from our paychecks to destroy us? OMG

There is more than this one example that the change in the neputism policy at AA has cost the company millions and the union members lost respect at the bargaining table. Both sides have lost.

Meanwhile the guy worried about how he is going to tell his 8 year old son that he will have to do without video games is an elected TWU Local 514 Officer and married to a woman in AA's HR department.

Aint Tulsa Great?
So Dave, how many times have you ran for office for the membersip? What about you Buck? It's obvious you guys do care. So why not put your names in the hat? Frank? You guys seem to have all the answers so why not run?
So Dave, how many times have you ran for office for the membersip? What about you Buck? It's obvious you guys do care. So why not put your names in the hat? Frank? You guys seem to have all the answers so why not run?

I was denied the right to run by an objection subimtted by Greg Sewell. Election Board denied by right to run due to my AMFA Organizing effort.

Then one other issue...

..It would be impossible for me to take an oath of allegiance to something that I find to be unethical, corrupt, evil, and unwilling to be changed.
I believe it's time the NO VOTERS listen and follow the directions of the Line Presidents, Owens, McCormick, Peterson, Rojas, and Ruiz. The Tulsa local is officially a disgrace to the membership and the INTL is officially on ignore status. The INTL & AA will come back with a final LBO.....WE need to prepare ourselves for an even larger NO VOTE turnout to really send a message!!

Another last, Please no. No small adjustments to get enough to pass. Like F/A said rather be murdered than commit suicide.
No T/A = No Vote process.
Rick Mullings is nothing more than a unskilled Title 2 member.

He makes the skilled Title 2 members look bad, and then pretends to speak for me.

Like I said earlier, he is only employed at AA because his Father was a well respected Union Man, Title 1 AMT/Inspector. I knew Jim well, and Rick is not anything close. Rick brought nothing to the table when he hired on because he is skill-less. And now all he brings to the media is fear and concessions for jobs that will destroy the once proud Tulsa Maintenance Base, along with personal attacks on any individual advocating taking a stand against this destruction. And receives $100,000 + from our paychecks to destroy us? OMG

There is more than this one example that the change in the neputism policy at AA has cost the company millions and the union members lost respect at the bargaining table. Both sides have lost.

Meanwhile the guy worried about how he is going to tell his 8 year old son that he will have to do without video games is an elected TWU Local 514 Officer and married to a woman in AA's HR department.

Aint Tulsa Great?
Thanks for the information, that explains why Tulsa local went so low.
I believe it's time the NO VOTERS listen and follow the directions of the Line Presidents, Owens, McCormick, Peterson, Rojas, and Ruiz. The Tulsa local is officially a disgrace to the membership and the INTL is officially on ignore status. The INTL & AA will come back with a final LBO.....WE need to prepare ourselves for an even larger NO VOTE turnout to really send a message!!
Don't leave out Pike at 567, he was very vocal in the push for a No vote. Received info from our local yesterday about Cirri nominating Hewitt for an international job, anyone else see the nomination?
I was denied the right to run by an objection subimtted by Greg Sewell. Election Board denied by right to run due to my AMFA Organizing effort.

Then one other issue...

..It would be impossible for me to take an oath of allegiance to something that I find to be unethical, corrupt, evil, and unwilling to be changed.
I remember you being pro TWU in the mid 80's. Didn't you run for office back then? As far as taking an oath... You took one when you joined the TWU, you are still a member of the TWU, right? You're not a kid anymore, surely you figured out by now that big boys lie and corruption is everywhere, from the church right up to the president (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Swaggart, etc.) Do you honestly think the AMFA would be any different? Do you honestly think the local union leadership would change just because a different union was voted in? I don't.

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