RICK MULLINGSIt always seems the media in Tulsa finds the guys that make us all look like idiots. Reporter should have asked Mullings if he was going to have to live under the contract had it passed. Cirri was at an "undisclosed location" and wasn't available to answer questions. Let everyone remember that when we needed our leadership to step up and make a statement, Mullings and McGill were whineing about how they hoped the POS would pass. If this doesn't make everyone want to throw the Totally Worthless Union out then what will? Oh, Mullings was the one that instead of working towards getting out the no voters, spent all his time slandering Bob Owens with that stuff that he didn't have the sack to sign his name to.
NONE $96,465 $3,740 $3,600 $103,805
Not much else needed to be said about Mullings after this LM-2 from the international. BTW...I thought the international wasn't taking a poistion on the contract. This guy clearly said he wanted a yes vote.