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The "dvd" From Awa-former

You will get the same part of the stick that I reieved ... your paycheck is going to say US Airways. You too, will be proud of your past, but you will move on and be a important piece of our new company. I look forward to getting this all finished, so that we can concentrate on kicking some competitive butt.
You must have me confused with someone else. I did not work for HP.
Oh my word. After watching that video I was in shock and slightly sick to my stomach. WHAAAAAAAAH.....WHAH...WHAH. They paid postage for this? How silly indeed and a total waist of resources.
Hey, we're merger virgins. :shock: Are'nt all virgins afraid?
Believe it or not, we are now one US Airways. 2 Billion dollars raised to fund the new US..nobody saved anybody. We needed each other and we are merged. You and others can throw sec filings left and right but without the 49% funding to make this work, BOTH companies would be gone or in trouble, so this is a MERGER. DOH is the policy and anything else will only complicate things.

What is to happen if we were to merge now with Frontier? Talk about junior. So are the US West folks ready to slot their more junior Frontier force into the fold. Is US East to be puinshed again because of her longivity? This is why DOH is the best route. No windfall. It just keeps it clean. But change that policy and I promise you this airline will go down from EXTREME resentments. Sorry, people are human and to take away what has been given to others for a few will destroy this place.
I completley agree. But I have a huge giant red spot on my forehead from banging my head on the wall, trying to explain this very point.

PHX people are running with fear. They don't realize they have brewed up the perfect recipe for years and years of animosity. THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.
I completley agree. But I have a huge giant red spot on my forehead from banging my head on the wall, trying to explain this very point.

PHX people are running with fear. They don't realize they have brewed up the perfect recipe for years and years of animosity. THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.


What you have just written is EXACTLY the point that I have been trying to get people to see. Yes, you guys are virgins at this merger thing, but it amazes me that not one question has been asked of ANY of us US East folk about all the mergers we have gone through. Any problems in our past mergers were not labor issues ( although the PI gals were fiercly loyal to the speedbird and PSA to that damn smile ), but poor management decisions. Sure, we all complained about senior folk bumping us...I had 2 lil yrs at the time...but we didn't fall apart.

The US West f/a's need to go by the following statement...Be careful what you ask for. It may come back to bite you on the butt.

Thanks, PHX F/A, for being informed and informing others. BELIEVE me, in 5 years the US West f/a's will be shaking their heads at how they went in such panic mode and will be sitting in some slimmy hotel bar with a US East crew laughing about it saying WHAT WERE WE THINKING? I would be willing to bet on that.

For everyone, we employees do NOT own this company. This company owes you NOTHING...only a paycheck for services rendered. Cold, but true. What will be done will be done for ALL, not a small segment. Now let's work together!!
With ya PHX-F/A!!
IMO We (AWA) are virgins in more things than just mergers.
When we went through our bankruptcy We took a 10% pay cut, paid 5 bucks to travel and furloughed around 300 people, and by the time we came out we were already in a growth mode (new planes and CMH had started up.)...We have only been with AFA for 8 years or so and have only voted in one contract....20% of our work force have not even been here long enough to vote on a contract. I was at the informational picket we staged during the shareholders meeting and this new kid is running around saying how much fun he was having..(I would rather be having fun with a new contract and some more money in my pocket I told him).
We have never(and I hope never will) had a single fatality at this company, And we have had the chance to know everyone in our work group by way of only having one base.
As I look around the industry (excluding WN) I think we have been sitting on the golden egg, but never realized it!!
Here is my corny analogy
Remember the first time you were in line to ride a rollercoaster, you looked up and it looked scary as S**T..."I don't want to ride that...but you did..and by the 4th time you knew every up down twist and turn that was coming your way...We are going to have to drag some of our AWA peeps kicking and screaming onto this ride, but I think they will get the hang of it, and believe it or not we really are a great bunch of people..
My last post was my point of view...I am sure there will be others who do not see it that way and thats cool!!...I am just looking forward to working for an Airline that the others will be looking up at instead of down...
So just because something is not subjective, that makes it good?

A straight staple job (either stapling HP behind U or vice versa) is not subjective either. So aren't either of those alternatives just as valid as DOH? DOH isn't the "only" non-subjective way to do it.

A subjective set of rules is easier to administer, that is for sure. But it also can be seen as monolithic and as not adequately taking valid concerns into consideration.
Haven't we been through this before? The point is that we both have AFA, DOH is in the ByLaws, and it isn't going to change. The other point is, the "counter" is some unknown formula that is being proposed to integrate seniority to benefit one group without benefiting the other. It doesn't matter whether it is good, bad or ugly, it IS.
Haven't we been through this before?
1. Yes. So I don't know why y'all keep on bringing up your same points, over and over, while completely ignoring other legitimate points of view.

The point is that we both have AFA, DOH is in the ByLaws, and it isn't going to change.
2. Yes, and I have made that point myself, many times. (See #1, above.)

The other point is, the "counter" is some unknown formula that is being proposed to integrate seniority to benefit one group without benefiting the other.
3. This is where I disagree with you. The formulas being proposed are attempting to keep people in their same relative seniority to where they are now. By definition, relative seniority does not benefit one group over the other -- it maintains the status quo as much as possible. However, in this particular scenario (the merger of U and HP), strict DOH DOES benefit one group over the other.

Whom does strict DOH benefit? Ask yourself this: If DOH is used, when there is a layoff, which group will be disproportionately impacted, even though they weren't the ones in danger of immediate liquidation before the merger -- the ex-old-U or ex-HP F/As?

The OTHER group is the one who will unfairly benefit.
Been a little reluctant to come forward with my support of the constitution and bylaws of AFA, didn't want my post to make it the local union discussion board. Any level headed employee is going to realize that by changing the constitution and bylaws will only make labor matters worst. For now, AWA FA's are scared and uninformed. Many of them...not all, can't seem to understand the "merger" part of this transaction. When that AFA contract was votied in, everyone wanted "merger language" and they got it. Until it didn't benefit them. They will all come around, eventually, so please don't let the DVD or other posts, turn you against the AWA FA"s, they are really cool people that are fun to be around...most of the time. The junior folks see reserve as lifetime event..they are scared....the senior people think they may have to work a weekend or more than two days a week or actually spend the night away from home...the part timers and stay at home moms think they have to work more than 5 days a month...it's all fear, just hang in there US East, it will pass.
Yes it could be but that is procedure if we want to ensure our hire dates, I think the thing that people don't understand is that this is whats FAIR and FACTUAL and PLAYING BY THE RULES!!! We accrue seniority as our years pass and my question is -

You all need to play nice in the sandbox of life. Nobody ever said that this intergration of the work groups would be easy. However both sides in this issue are making valid points. US seniority and DOH this works for you because it screws the HP people. HP intergration works but it leaves some at US "bumped". From an outsider You all have to find some common ground and work to resolve this so we can move on.
The fact is that prior to this Merger the DOH or Senority issue was about to be mute. I dont think the unemployment office gives a hoot about either.

Dove tail seniority and move on we are now one company and we need to act as one.

Just my humble and personal opinion.
In response to the bulldog - The only way that dovetailing would be fair is if we displaced everyone to PHL PIT DCA LGA BOS CLT PHX - YOU see that is what people on the USWEST side tend not to understand - There is no bumping - Only if there is open slots can you transfer - Then it is in seniority order - And for folks to gain years of seniority and then remain in PHX with a fence won't happen - The unfortunate thing is that HP union reps didn't properly research the numbers or legite info. before they started making graphs etc., then they were laughed at for making such false accusations and false seniority statements regarding seniority on the east side. Unfortunately the tit bag that wants to stay at home on the weekend and be home at nights to tuck John Boy into bed and work only three days a week has to wake up and understand that those days are long gone and she is lucky that there isn't a commute tacked on to the front and end of her/ his trip... You could cry to me all day long and tell me how much you need to be with your kids/family and this is an inconvenience to your "quality of life" and I will only have one response - get a 9 to 5 because if you think for one sec anyone at any of these airlines are going to feel sorry well you don't quite understand we have all been there and done that and it isn't a reality to be the perfect "family man-woman" in this career - We have many people with children and families that commute and get little time but you learn to deal or leave and decide which is more important - We will all find out on Wed. if DOH will Prevail -

tit bag ???????
Sounds a little bit "derogatory" to me.
Let me guess humble is not in your vocabulary, and you no doubt have your "I told you sooo" song and dance all ready. DOH is fine with me but just take the attitude down a little.

tit bag ???????
Sounds a little bit "derogatory" to me.
Let me guess humble is not in your vocabulary, and you no doubt have your "I told you sooo" song and dance all ready. DOH is fine with me but just take it down a little.

Not deragatory - Just a fact- That is why when you go to an interview for an airline they ask if you can be away from home for up to 5 days... I am actually a very junior person - so junior I am barely hanging on to my job - I actually liked all of the HP folks I have met - I personally don't think it's a matter of "I TOLD YOU SO" It is a matter of obeying your constitution and bylaws. I hope to make many new friends out of this and think it broadens horizons on both ends and is good for all of us but the folks that thought of this as a "local" job should probably understand we on the east (not myself personally) have lived through many mergers and from those employees I have learned how it works and what to expect and I know what should and will happen through the voice of those that have experienced it from piedmont to trump and psa allegheny etc. . . The new CEO also has a role in this as well - you can't promise that wverything will be fine you can only promise the reality and move forward which is what we will all do and we will sit back in the future and realize we shouldn't have worried.

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