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From a US Airways pilot to a AWA pilot

Yes, because that always works so well and never leaves anyone feeling like a victim of the system!
Do you hear what you're saying? So, like we should dump the justice system of having a judge or jury decide on cases because one side won't like the result?
You'd dump a system whereby a contentious integration is solved by a neutral arbitrator in favor of a one-size-fits-all system which ignores the vagaries of each merger?

Let's get real: the only people who favor DOH in every merger are those who stand to benefit from it. I advocated ALPA Merger Policy, come what may, long before the Nicolau Award. And as it so happens, a DOH integration would've been fan-freaking-tastic for the TWA guys when AA bought us. Wonder why we didn't get it?
Ah="Justified" THEFT :up:

I believe that simple "one-liner", more than anything I've otherwise read; fully and truly summarizes the AWA position, moral stance/etc...at least as I've most often seen it posted hereabouts :lol:
How ironic your post is to me. I believe "justified" theft is allowing a pilot on furlough to jump ahead of over 1000 people on the seniority list when recalled or allowing a bottom reserve FO on the A320 in PHL bid a line holding CA position in PHX when the pilot group is merged. Either of those scenarios was the moral stance of the East MC during this integration.
Do you hear what you're saying? So, like we should dump the justice system of having a judge or jury decide on cases because one side won't like the result?
You'd dump a system whereby a contentious integration is solved by a neutral arbitrator in favor of a one-size-fits-all system which ignores the vagaries of each merger?
You are putting words in my mouth.

My comment was solely in response to a poster who said s/he would make arbitration the way to go in EVERY merger. I also thought it was ironic that we were talking about the endless whining of the ex-TW F/As, and the poster implied (to my reading) that an arbitrated decision would have stopped or prevented the whining -- when clearly that isn't the case, when you look at the U/HP pilot situation.

For ther record, instead of saying EVERY merger should always be arbitrated, I think it is far better to have the two groups negotiate and reach an agreement on their own. Only if the two groups can't work it out should it go to mediation or arbitration.

How you got from there to claiming I advocate we "dump the justice system," I have no idea.
Only if the two groups can't work it out should it go to mediation or arbitration.
That's what ALPA Merger Policy is.
How you got from there to my advocating we "dump the justice system" I have no idea.
Your comment, "Yes, because that always works so well and never leaves anyone feeling like a victim of the system!", implies that the system is flawed. How else should I have interpreted it?
That's what ALPA Merger Policy is.
Yes. I have no problem with the ALPA merger policy.

Your comment, "Yes, because that always works so well and never leaves anyone feeling like a victim of the system!", implies that the system is flawed. How else should I have interpreted it?
Um . . . in the context in which it was made, based on current events and on the other posts in the thread leading up to it?
After six years, they should have found another job. Heck, they could have gone back to school and picked up a couple of new degrees in some hot job field.
Could you forward your comments to the 1400 US furloughees?
I feel sorry for William Glynn.
But I think that blaming pilots at HP for his unhappiness is a bit of a stretch.
Obviously misdirected anger and frustration.
And the threats sound a bit loony as well.
More misplaced anger and frustration I guess.
I'm sure he may be a very nice man in his real life outside work.
If he put more focus on things that really matter like family, friends, good health, then maybe he wouldn't be so unhappy and angry.
Just my two cents.
I have lots of converstaions with lawyers and have never heard anything like that.

You can hardly expect to hear such whence communicating amongst yourselves, but 'tis a common theme for lawyers to bandy about when playing to an outside gallery...perhaps seeking sufficent sympathy so as to allow for their continued survival :lol:
If you say so, although I have never heard anything like that even before I became a lawyer, either.

Maybe you just hang out with strange people.
I think all discussions are over. This has been hashed out again and again. We know where we stand and where you stand. This 'gift" from St. Nic will never come down the chimney. The east will never let it happen. So its done ,over, finished, two separate lists. Thats the way it will be.




Most all of the west pilots are reasonable. We were amazed that your sides stance in mediation/arbitration was quite unreasonable to us, and you were unwilling to move off of it. Most of us also sincerely hope that the outcome if implemented does not change your ability to capture east attrition. Check your PM if you care to discuss the matter reasonably. I am certain we will find common ground.
Pi brat,

Think of it this way:

There's an America West pilot walking behind a little old lady in the airport. As the old lady walks along a wad of hundred dollar bills falls out of her purse. The America West pilot picks up the wad and studies it. He thinks to himself - gosh I need to give this money back, after all, she's just a little old lady and this could be a lot of her savings.

He looks at the wad of bills again, he thinks hot rendezvous with the mistress at Lake Havasu -- this [wad of money]sure could buy some really hot new Victoria's Secret for the honey. He's torn. Should he run up and hand the old lady her money back? Or should he keep it. He tknows taking this money is taking advantage of something that's not his. After a moment he starts to run towards the old lady, but then, he stops and puts the money in his pocket and walks away. He mumbles she's old and won't miss it anyway.


So Eye are saying that AAA pilots are a bunch of 'little old ladies' that are being taken advantage of by us westies?
Can I ask a dumb question?
Why didn't the west agree to the normal and customary seniority procedures used in previous mergers?
Everyone who ever worked in the airline industry knows seniority is most sacred and must be earned over time.
I realize the west has little seniority but with a prosperous airline they can be sure that their seniority will greatly improve over time.

Why would the westies put themselves in a box and do otherwise? Just doesn't make sense.

Can I ask a dumb question?
Why didn't the west agree to the normal and customary seniority procedures used in previous mergers?
Ummmm, they did. (Very dumb question.)

They tried to negotiate with East. East refused to compromise. They both went to binding arbitration per ALPA policy. The arbitrator ruled. That IS the normal and customary procedure.

So I have a dumb question for you, Tim. Since when has it been acceptable to try to overturn a legally binding arbitration through threats and intimidation?