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AWA MEC Chairman's Message

Now, now, I'm sure Capt. Stephan and his fellow bastions of propriety are busy insuring that all flight pay loss that the company is paying for is promptly returned.

What are you laughing at??
What are you laughing at??

Umm...actually at YOU :lol:

"that the company is paying" Within the context of the current strife...that's naturally also my first priority to fret over. Pass the Koolaide...that's gotta' be some truly "good stuff" that you're drinking out there.
700UW said: “Just remember Pollack gave up the pension without even letting the membership vote on it."

USA320Pilot comments: I have to correct the inaccurate statement above. The MEC Chairman and other MEC Officers have no vote on a resolution or contractual issue. The only people who can vote are MEC Representatives. In the case of the DB pension the RC4 participated in this too.

AWA320 Pilot said: “Look partner, our careers on the west are now stagnant as a result of this merger. We will not allow you and the east to place YOUR burdens on our backs!!â€

USA320Pilot comments: I have to correct the inaccurate statement above. During the May 8-9 JNC – Company talks AWA Vice chairman Mitch Vasin was talking to US Airways president Scott Kirby, other management personal, and JNC members. Vasin was talking about how the merger has harmed the AWA pilots and Kirby said without the merger and financing US Airways’ consultant Joth Luth of the Deabury Group brought to the merger AWA would have filed bankruptcy.

Kirby then said that he was placed in charge of a program called “Project Zanzibarâ€, which was a formal reorganization and 15% downsizing of the company’s ASM’s. Thus, without the merger the AWA pilots would not have had to worry about stagnation, but instead would have likely had furloughs, pay cuts, and other contract loses according to Kirby.

In regard to AWA stagnation, it’s going to be much worse with the stand-off between the East and West pilots and could get ugly very fast, but that is the AWA pilots choice for not abiding my the EC’s resolution.


USA320Pilot comments: I have to correct the inaccurate statement above. The MEC Chairman and other MEC Officers have no vote on a resolution or contractual issue. The only people who can vote are MEC Representatives. In the case of the DB pension the RC4 participated in this too.

Please name the "RC4". I think you got your "eras" all screwed up. For instance, neither Baker nor Tosi could ever be described as part of the "RC4". Who were the RC4?

If you are gonna spew before morons, at least get your facts straight.

AWA320 Pilot said: “Look partner, our careers on the west are now stagnant as a result of this merger. We will not allow you and the east to place YOUR burdens on our backs!!”

Your careers were stagnant before the "merger". It is only after the "merger" that HP started hiring.
If you are gonna spew before morons, at least get your facts straight.
Your careers were stagnant before the "merger". It is only after the "merger" that HP started hiring.
Please work on your facts before the aforementioned spewing. The West was interviewing and hiring up until the merger was announced. Sorry I don't participate in the name calling. Have a good day.

Ussnark said: "Please name the "RC4". I think you got your "eras" all screwed up. For instance, neither Baker nor Tosi could ever be described as part of the "RC4". Who were the RC4?"

USA320Pilot comments: USSnark, if my memory serves me correctly, John Brookman, Doug Mowrey/John Crocker, and Dan Von Bargen were on the MEC, but the "roll call" majority was shifting during this time. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly the MEC power shif officially happenend on March 1, 2004. My point is that members of the so called RC4 were on the MEC at the time.



If you are gonna spew before morons, at least get your facts straight.
Your careers were stagnant before the "merger". It is only after the "merger" that HP started hiring.

WHAT?????????? We (HP) started hiring only after the merger??? What the hell are you talking about?? Hey man, crack cocaine kills!! We were hiring 30 plus a month BEFORE THE MERGER!! News flash we haven't hired as a result of job and career saving on the east. We had a pool of pilots waiting for class dates before AWA went into the charity business of saving careers on the east and here is my personal favorite, recalling pilots who otherwise would have NEVER seen the inside of a USAirways cockpit again. So get on somewhere with that BS!!! You got saved by AWA plain and simple.

Ussnark said: "Please name the "RC4". I think you got your "eras" all screwed up. For instance, neither Baker nor Tosi could ever be described as part of the "RC4". Who were the RC4?"

USA320Pilot comments: USSnark, if my memory serves me correctly, John Brookman, Doug Mowrey/John Crocker, and Dan Von Bargen were on the MEC, but the "roll call" majority was shifting during this time. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly the MEC power shif officially happenend on March 1, 2004. My point is that members of the so called RC4 were on the MEC at the time.



Wrong, sir!

Doug Mowery and Mike Tosi were the reps in PHL. Baker was the F/O rep in PIT. Don't know the Capt. Rep. Could have been Brookman. He and Mowery were the only two of four that actually cared about pilots.

Tosi was giveaway king in PHL, rewarded with 1.7 mil house in FLL and a job with the NMB at $170,000 per year, courtesy Glass. Baker in PIT. Hardly the RC4 you spew. Not.on.the.MEC.

All per an attorney you know, since quit the executive suite.

As usual, you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

You have caused so much damage to our pilot group with your wrongful statements, there has to be a reckoning with you. Get ready.

I am not wrong and I was at many of those meetings. Was Mike there, yea, before he retired, but there were members of the RC4 there too, which was my only point. How aobut Bill Mckee and Frank Kelly. As I nidcated, the power shift happened on March 1, 2004.

By the way, does it make you feel tough to hide behind a PC and insult others? Personally, I believe that lacks courage.


By the way, does it make you feel tough to hide behind a PC and insult others? Personally, I believe that lacks courage.

How many times have you spewed this line, in one form or another? How many times have similarly targeted persons then complained you sent them PM's demanding their e-mail addresses, company ID number and other personal information?

What is my point? That you appear to be a broken record. I'll do you a favor and keep my "I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night" opinion of your mental stability to myself. There, who said I can't be generous.
USA320Pilot comments: I have to correct the inaccurate statement above…In the case of the DB pension the RC4 participated in this too.
You are lying again.

The pension was given away in March of 2003. The “RC4†as you call them, were swept into office in March 2004. I think it had something to do with the building anger in PIT and PHL about the pension give-away by your friends on the MEC, Pollock, Tosi, Baker, Scola.
USA320Pilot comments: ...if my memory serves me correctly, John Brookman, Doug Mowrey/John Crocker, and Dan Von Bargen were on the MEC…My point is that members of the so called RC4 were on the MEC at the time.
You are lying again.

Mike Tosi and Timmy Baker - friends of management and defendants in a lawsuit against ALPA - were the PIT and PHL reps in March 2003 when they voted to give away the pension. The new PIT and PHL reps were elected by a landslide in March 2004. You know, the ones you tried to get recalled.

Mowery made a motion to put the pension giveback out to the pilots for a vote. Pollock ruled it out of order. Your friends on the MEC, Tosi, Scola, Newman, Belz, and Baker all voted with Pollock.
I am not wrong and I was at many of those meetings. Was Mike there, yea, before he retired, but there were members of the RC4 there too, which was my only point. How aobut Bill Mckee and Frank Kelly.
You are lying again.

If you were at ANY meetings you would know that Dan Scola (who expensed his home satellite dish to Council 90 CLT) and Lyle “Alfred E.†Newman were the CLT reps who clamored to give away the pension.

If you were at ANY meetings you would remember that they were promoting management's lie that if the pension wasn't given back, US Airways wouldn’t have the money to buy more RJ’s for feed.

If you were at ANY meetings you would know that McKee and Kelly were voted out by the CLT pilots in 2002 because they advocated taking a stand against a scheming, lying management team. But you know how fighting management goes over in CLT…

Some pilots just don't have the character to stand up to a scheming, lying management team. Remember, you were the one who said that the "RC4" scared you.
By the way, does it make you feel tough to hide behind a PC and insult others? Personally, I believe that lacks courage.
Lacks courage? What about a pilot who RUNS away when a member of your so-called “RC4†approaches him to take him to task? Not once, but twice. You see, I was at many of those meetings, too. (I took notes.) I have to laugh when I think of someone almost knocking a Flight Attendant down to get out of the room when approached by a member of your “RC4.â€

Lacks courage? What about a pilot who floods management with e-mails begging them to bypass his union and propose anything they want, just so he can keep his job. (I have copies of those e-mails, too.)

Lacks courage? How about a "union" pilot that had lunch with Dave Siegel trying to ingratiate himself? There’s a real union guy!

Now speaking of hiding behind a computer, I guess I’ll be recieving one of your patented PMs calling me names and signed off with a quote you lifted out of your “Famous Quotes†book. You know, the one you bought because you were told you would look more intelligent if you quoted famous people.

Remember what happened in DC. I was there. You don’t want everyone here to get the gory details, do you?

Even if you tell a lie enough times...it still won't become the truth

You, sir, are the embodiment of all that is wrong with this profession.
Q1. Where do you get the faintest idea that the company and ALPA are on the east's side?

I said the AWA MEC Leadership thinks it is right about everything - I never said anyone was siding with the other.

I am not sure who we are frustrated with more, the company or the AAA MEC.

Were ALPA NOT to follow their final and binding policy, it would likely result in potential lawsuits

Gotta go fly, can't get to the rest of your post.
Hey man, crack cocaine kills!!

You got saved by AWA plain and simple.

Those statements DO fit well together AWA320.

If you actually, even for a brief moment, believe that AWA was in sustainable shape without this "merger"....I'd suggest putting the pipe down for awhile.

Yes do tell.

Hey 320, guess you better apologize for you posting false information once again!

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