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From an AWA pilot

As usual, you are wrong but I'd love to hear the contorted explanation of how the higher cost group would get the new flying.....



Management, within rather wide limits, can assign costs to whichever part of the operation they wish. They can (and do) rinse, lather, and repeat the numbers with a surprising amount of latitude.

It is the yield that is important. If the yield for a given investment is higher in the east than the west, assuming sane management, that is where the investment will go.

Disclaimer: I make no claims as to the sanity of Tempe.
It is the yield that is important. If the yield for a given investment is higher in the east than the west, assuming sane management, that is where the investment will go.
No doubt, but that yield from the eastern part of the system is the same no matter which pilot group does the flying. So a couple of questions:

How much of the combined operation can either pilot group operate given the planes and bodies?

Would the company rather give that flying to the lower or higher cost group?

Does the live in this world all the time or does reality factor in occasionally?


Anybody ever notice that all the East bases (except for PIT) are on or near the Rt 95, the main cocaine supply route on the East Coast? The and his boys should have no problems getting hold of some Grade A Peruvian marching powder.

Sniffy Jiffy would explain most of their posts, especially the paranoia, mood swings, irrational behavior, inability to be coherent, and threats of violence.

Coincidence?....I think not! B)
No doubt, but that yield from the eastern part of the system is the same no matter which pilot group does the flying. So a couple of questions:

How much of the combined operation can either pilot group operate given the planes and bodies?

Would the company rather give that flying to the lower or higher cost group?


Sorry to disagree but the yield can easily be differentiated. Which clobbers questions 2 and 3.

Anybody ever notice that all the East bases (except for PIT) are on or near the Rt 95, the main cocaine supply route on the East Coast? The and his boys should have no problems getting hold of some Grade A Peruvian marching powder.

Sniffy Jiffy would explain most of their posts, especially the paranoia, mood swings, irrational behavior, inability to be coherent, and threats of violence.

Coincidence?....I think not! B)

Actually, CLT is not even close to Rt 95. but, not to dispel your fantasy, according to the drug people, most of the good stuff comes up from PHX in hefty trash bags, a big revenue producer for A&W.

and btw, is it true using really good cocaine brings out zits?
Let me speak to you in your own tounge:

surprise and disgust ("Dude.").

Oh, come on, you can do better than that. (BTW, It's spelled "tongue")

Do yourself (and us) a favor. Pick up some cool lingo here

Appropriately enough, today's word is "Askhole: Someone who asks many stupid, pointless, obnoxious questions". Whoever puts that site together must know our Uncle Fester and your Chippy.

and btw, is it true using really good cocaine brings out zits?

Nah, that's steroids. Just ask Barry "Asterisk" Bonds. 😛
Ah, but pay is not the only part or cost of a pilot's contract.

Furthermore, there is not a pilot on this website who knows how to cost account the CBA.

Regardless, the one option the East pilots have that nobody can do anything about is not agree to a joint contract.

How many year's can that last? :up: :up: :up:

BoeingBoy, how many planes and at what is the cost to fly these aircraft from the Western part of the system to the East just to repositon crews? The answer? You do not know.

Again, if nothing else the US Airways pilots can sit on LOA 93 for a very long time, if that is what they elect to do. Meanwhile, the West pilots will reamin stagnant, the company will continue to suffer, and the fighting will continue. :up:


"...Per Doug Parker reaching out to Jack Stephas" - That is such a load of crap. You should be stoned for starting that kind of rumor as it only gives false hope to the honest east guys.


An East pay raise and vacation increase, per Doug Parker reaching out to Jack Stephas, would begin to nuetralize the "whip saw" issue.


Cactus Callsign,

Cactus Callsign said: "Per Doug Parker reaching out to Jack Stephas" - That is such a load of crap. You should be stoned for starting that kind of rumor as it only gives false hope to the honest east guys."

USA320Pilot comments: No, it's not a rumor, it's a fact. An MEC Official told me that directly.

By the way, what do you think of the first post in this topic and the author's comments about the risks to the AWA pilot's? After reading this, and then having the US Airways MEC and Legal Counsel read this, I was told they were interested in the comments and the thought process of the AWA MEC.

By the way, what do you think of the option of the East pilots simply not agreeing to a new joint contract, if that is the option they elect?


Yes, that is what you have told us over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN. We get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We doon't give a rats ### how long you live under LOA 93, that's up to the east pilot group.

Now, beyond that, do you have anything meaningful to tell us? If not, shut your pie hole cuz you're starting to get on my nerves.

Again, if nothing else the US Airways pilots can sit on LOA 93 for a very long time, if that is what they elect to do. Meanwhile, the West pilots will reamin stagnant, the company will continue to suffer, and the fighting will continue. :up:


So what DP is reaching out to Mr. Encumbered PLEASE Jack Steffan do you know what side you dress on. Do not let the likes of these people who have vested kuu-doos coming there way have at you. I saw there parade of fools. All of us want to be somebody and USAirways was as good as anywhere else but forget about it these are the clowns of the circus. Be weary they sucked your faces off this time there is really nothing left.
Anybody ever notice that all the East bases (except for PIT) are on or near the Rt 95, the main cocaine supply route on the East Coast? The Chipster and his boys should have no problems getting hold of some Grade A Peruvian marching powder.

Sniffy Jiffy would explain most of their posts, especially the paranoia, mood swings, irrational behavior, inability to be coherent, and threats of violence.

Coincidence?....I think not! cool.gif
Let me speak to you in your own tounge:

surprise and disgust ("Dude.").

What, that was damn funny. This board is vicarious entertainment for me. Keep it up.
Ah, but pay is not the only part or cost of a pilot's contract.
And I haven't seen any East pilot offer non-pay concessions to offset any pay/vacation increases. Are you now proposing "cost neutral" pay/vacation increases for the East pilots?

Furthermore, there is not a pilot on this website who knows how to cost account the CBA.
Don't have to - the BTS has already collected the data. It just has to be mined.

Regardless, the one option the East pilots have that nobody can do anything about is not agree to a joint contract.
And live under LOA 93. Wait, live under LOA 93 except for pay. That's not it - live under LOA 93 except for pay/vacation.....that's the ticket.....for today.

BoeingBoy, how many planes and at what is the cost to fly these aircraft from the Western part of the system to the East just to repositon crews? The answer? You do not know.
Don't need to know because it isn't necessary. Nothing to prevent a West pilot base in BOS, LGA, PHL, DCA, CLT, PIT.

Again, if nothing else the US Airways pilots can sit on LOA 93 for a very long time, if that is what they elect to do.
Giving up on the raise/extra vacation so soon.....

Meanwhile, the West pilots will reamin stagnant, the company will continue to suffer, and the fighting will continue.
Meanwhile, airplanes start coming next year that the company can do with as it pleases, crew bases could pop up most anywhere, one pilot group could grow, the other could shrink.......

The next person that discloses a person's identity will have a 7 day vacation. Final warning!

AWA320 is already in the cornfield for 7 days.

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