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AWA MEC Chairman's Message

Unfortunately ETOPS, if you work for the west the CV580 Etops is the ONLY Etops other than HI you'll be doing for quite a while 😀

Stephen is on drugs just like the rest of the old geezers at USAir. he and his thugs walked away from Joint Negotiations with the AW pilot group, using the excuse Kirby wasn't going to be there. Kirby wasn't and most of the other sessions either But "Smilin' Jack" and his minions we're wth there hands out looking for their cut. It wasn't the other way around. This guy has one big problem with reality and the truth, He has done caused more harm to the USAir pilot group than any one person or event ever could. And the funny thing is the pilots have yet to recall him.Go figure.
Stephen is on drugs just like the rest of the old geezers at USAir. he and his thugs walked away from Joint Negotiations with the AW pilot group, using the excuse Kirby wasn't going to be there. Kirby wasn't and most of the other sessions either But "Smilin' Jack" and his minions we're wth there hands out looking for their cut. It wasn't the other way around. This guy has one big problem with reality and the truth, He has done caused more harm to the USAir pilot group than any one person or event ever could. And the funny thing is the pilots have yet to recall him.Go figure.

Why would they recall someone they support? :blink:
I would believe Bill Pollack and his GAG like 320 did far more harm than anyone.

Just remember Pollack gave up the pension without even letting the membership vote on it.
Stephen is on drugs just like the rest of the old geezers at USAir. he and his thugs walked away from Joint Negotiations with the AW pilot group, using the excuse Kirby wasn't going to be there. Kirby wasn't and most of the other sessions either But "Smilin' Jack" and his minions we're wth there hands out looking for their cut. It wasn't the other way around. This guy has one big problem with reality and the truth, He has done caused more harm to the USAir pilot group than any one person or event ever could. And the funny thing is the pilots have yet to recall him.Go figure.

Wow! Stephen and drugs, "old geezers", impressive. You missed your true calling in life. How has the NY Times gotten by without you.

How about answering my question. How are millions transfered from west to east by the change in the age 60 rule?
Now that the AWA MEC Chairman has stated in a message to the West pilots that he will NOT negotiate with the East MEC per the Executive Council’s May 24th Resolution, I can only wonder how that is going to be received by the Council at their June meeting.

A320 Driver B)

See and read what you want to see and read!! The EC stated to have Prater use all resources to negotiate with respect to JOINT CONTRACT. I would rather watch this place burn to the ground than give you one damn thing in the seniority case!!!! Time came and went you get what you get, so I'll bring the gasoline and matches...
See and read what you want to see and read!! The EC stated to have Prater use all resources to negotiate with respect to JOINT CONTRACT. I would rather watch this place burn to the ground than give you one damn thing in the seniority case!!!! Time came and went you get what you get, so I'll bring the gasoline and matches...

Then go on to section VI talks and you won't be giving the East one damn thing. The problem is you want what isn't rightfully yours and you are angry the East is fighting the screwed up policy that put the lotto ticket in your hand. If there wasn't anything in it for you, you wouldn't care now would you?
Then go on to section VI talks and you won't be giving the East one damn thing. The problem is you want what isn't rightfully yours and you are angry the East is fighting the screwed up policy that put the lotto ticket in your hand. If there wasn't anything in it for you, you wouldn't care now would you?

Look partner, our careers on the west are now stagnant as a result of this merger. We will not allow you and the east to place YOUR burdens on our backs!! No sir, not gonna happen!! Now don't get me wrong because I don't hate any of you but by the same token I just ain't gonna give you anything else. We have given all we can are are willing to give. You people have the nerve to now come to this pilot group and make demands! "either you give us a deal or else" WHAT DEAL? From where we sit you have nothing to deal with!! BTW a deal would mean that there is something in this for our pilots, WHAT???

I stand by my previous that it's now the principle of the thing. We would rather watch this entire operation burn to the ground then give one inch after the fact. BINDING ARBITRATION you chose you agreed to the terms now live with the results.

Still got the matches gas and marshmellows...
Look partner, our careers on the west are now stagnant as a result of this merger. We will not allow you and the east to place YOUR burdens on our backs!! No sir, not gonna happen!! Now don't get me wrong because I don't hate any of you but by the same token I just ain't gonna give you anything else. We have given all we can are are willing to give. You people have the nerve to now come to this pilot group and make demands! "either you give us a deal or else" WHAT DEAL? From where we sit you have nothing to deal with!! BTW a deal would mean that there is something in this for our pilots, WHAT???

I stand by my previous that it's now the principle of the thing. We would rather watch this entire operation burn to the ground then give one inch after the fact. BINDING ARBITRATION you chose you agreed to the terms now live with the results.

Still got the matches gas and marshmellows...

Huh, a west pilot ready to burn the place to the ground.
If it's that or give you folks something outside of an already arbitrated and decided case then the answer is hell yes!! It's the principle of the muthafker now!!!!!

See guys, what did I tell you. Certain people from both sides can get emotional. If west had been stapled, Mr AWA320 would have been screaming "burn it down!"
See guys, what did I tell you. Certain people from both sides can get emotional. If west had been stapled, Mr AWA320 would have been screaming "burn it down!"

Yeah, i'll be your little psyc experiment 😛 Of course it's emotional on both sides of the country.
See guys, what did I tell you. Certain people from both sides can get emotional. If west had been stapled, Mr AWA320 would have been screaming "burn it down!"

So, the psycho would burn it down whether he got the award or not.

Okay, I just called 911. They asked if he worked for PI. I said I don't know but I think he is a root beer HP type. They said he would be out of fizz in 2.3 minutes, call back.

Wow, PI and HP drama queens. What a combo. Love my future.
Yeah, i'll be your little psyc experiment 😛 Of course it's emotional on both sides of the country.

I'm not really trying to pick on you 320. When I first posted on here I said that if things went the other way you would see the same reaction from the west guys. I was told that I would not, that they would accept things and move on. Nothing has really happened with overturning the decision and you are about to bust a gut, so I'm guessing that if you had been stapled, your reaction would be much the same as some east guys.
The US Airways MEC stands ready and willing to “explore consensual approaches that promote career protection and mutual success, and achieve an acceptable single collective bargaining agreement that improves pay, benefits, work rules and job security for both pilot groupsâ€￾ in accordance with the Executive Council’s May 24th Resolution. We look forward to productive discussion with the AWA MEC to achieve the stated objectives.


Captain Jack Stephan,
US Airways MEC Chairman
The US Airways MEC after having exhausted all avenues outside of ALPA standard procedures and protocol, and ignoring our previous commitments in order to assuage our constituency while making us look good and tough, now stands ready to resubmit to an Executive Council resolution that we asked for but have no intention of following.

To date, nearly two weeks after that resolution neither the president of ALPA nor any officer of the US Airways MEC has bothered to pick up the telephone or send an e-mail message to the America West MEC in order to start exploring possible scenarios. While they may "look forward to productive discussion" I seriously doubt they could bring themselves to initiate such discussion despite the resolution passed at the EC.

You know both sides on this can come up with some pretty weird stuff! But for the life of me I have never seen an elected leader of men act with so little disregard to established practices and common sense no matter what one thinks of the arbitration. I've been on the inside and seen how good and reasonable people work and put their heads together in order to try and get something done. But this Jack Stephan character puts the hat on myopia, disconnect, ignorance, intolerance, disrespect of structure, rules, regulations, procedure and process and seems to be leading his union into a muddled pit of paranoia with the banner of unity and solidarity slowly sinking above his head in tatters.

I used to admire the east pilots for knowing when to take their wins and when to cut their losses. In all my years I have never seen a group self destruct like this one is doing. It is truly amazing to watch!

QUOTE(Pi brat @ Jun 1 2007, 12:38 PM)

"Huh, a west pilot ready to burn the place to the ground"

QUOTE(AWA320 @ Jun 1 2007, 03:26 PM)

"Look partner, our careers on the west are now stagnant as a result of this merger."

"I stand by my previous that it's now the principle of the thing."

Ummm...WHICH is it AWA320?..The "stagnation"...or "the principle"?

It's the principle of the muthafker now!!!!!

Ah yes..The time honored "principle" of wanting one's hands to be given full and free access to go shoulders deep into someone else's cookie jar. I naturally respect your Noble Goal and High Ideals :lol:

[quote name='AWA320'
"Still got the matches gas and marshmellows..."

ROTFLMAO: Knock yourself out

This is quite refreshing, and may bode well for some progress in mutual understanding, if not admiration. It seems that a very vocal west guy has personally perceived frustration from the unholy "stagnation" of a FULL TWO YEARS...can you easties even IMAGINE such a total CATASTROPHE? as TWO FULL YEARS? of not retrograde seniority losses, not losing your left seat for years/forever/etc...but merely "stagnation"? Nontheless? = He avows that he's willing to "burn"/etc...over "the principle"...unless he's naturally allowed to immediately leapfrog over actual decades of effort and sacrifice that've been invested by others...wihout which sacrifices...this "combined" operation, most likely, wouldn't even exist today...on EITHER coast.

Words simply fail me here.

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