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reserves f/a's are sitting in phl

Reserves receive all DH pay above guarantee; blockholders do not receive DH pay above what a trip is worth.

Depending on where the vaction is awarded for a blockholder, it ususally drops a trip. For example, if a blockholder has vacation that drops out a 3 day, the most the f/a can get for that 3-day trip is 12 hours. A 3-day trip is normally worth a min. of 15 hours. This leaves the blockholder behind time by 3 hours which has to be made up.

Reserve guarantee goes up Jan. 1 2006 to 73 hours.

You guys should all know this. But, somehow your posts only tell half a story or one that is distorted.
Bull, I guess letting the company take our seniority away sort of pushed it alittle too far for alot of us. I would compare it to taking away the bidsheet completely. Reserve was fine until the loss of seniority. Especially to a 17 year reserve. If they ever put Pref Bid in, then a lineholder can bid around vacation and won't have to worry about losing any of that precious time. You'll probably get no sympathy on that one, sorry.

The only way the reserves will turn into lineholders is through growth of the airline, or retirements.

The issue is that the company had no growth for over 5 years, and there were no line creations, just more productivity enhancements to further erode the jobs.

I do know that where you are based can determine whether you stay reserve or a blockholder.
Something really needs to be done about the reserve system. It's just inhumane to have people on reserve for years and years.

I've never understood why US Airways always has reserves flying on what is supposed to be their days off. When can people make appointments for the dentist, doctor or other personal needs?

It just doesn't make sense to me. Why have days scheduled off and then have to fly them in order to make time?

And the vacation thing does really and truly stink. I'm finding it more work to take my few vacation days.

The Reserve systm in the East is the most ridiculous thing ever put in place! I would like to see the REAL Benefits of the system when all I come across are people that were hard working, dedicated employees that are prohibited from working (that miserable LTO system) and when they are called to work, do as little as possible.....can you blame them? Many are struggling financially and should not have to forfeit contractual days off to utilize the Trade Board and be away from their families just to pick up time....and in many bases there is LIMITED time available. Reserve vacation is also unfair and needs to be paid ABOVE the guarantee> THIS IS EARNED TIME.....and the fools in management wonder why people call in sick. Cindi Simone and her cronnies are morons, then again SHE couldn't get hired on as a F/A, she had to resort to "other" stints to prove her worth :lol:

The only way the reserves will turn into lineholders is through growth of the airline, or retirements.

The issue is that the company had no growth for over 5 years, and there were no line creations, just more productivity enhancements to further erode the jobs.

I do know that where you are based can determine whether you stay reserve or a blockholder.
This is true...if you sit RSV and don't fly you make more $$$ I flew 42+00 hrs this month...that means I made 85.00 $ and some...I make more than a MESA capt...how can one #### about RSV it's the best deal in town...no touch no legal issues no bidding or AIL to deal with...I don't know about you but 85.00 an hour to answer the phone an't a bad thing...when life gives you leamons make lemonaid...
You should do stand-up comedy. That's the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. LOL :lol:
This is true...if you sit RSV and don't fly you make more $$$ I flew 42+00 hrs this month...that means I made 85.00 $ and some...I make more than a MESA capt...how can one #### about RSV it's the best deal in town...no touch no legal issues no bidding or AIL to deal with...I don't know about you but 85.00 an hour to answer the phone an't a bad thing...when life gives you leamons make lemonaid...
Why stop there with the lemonaid......lemon meringue pie, lemon poundcake, grilled fish with You guessed it,LEMONS! This time balancing system makes no sense and I don't blame the reserves at all in utilizing (and abusing it) to THEIR advantage. It takes Two to Tango :up:
MOST that know a bit of what were going through feel horrible about it.

Do they really??? Will they give up their block every other month (or even twice a year)if they feel sooo bad. Hardly!!! We are on our own with this one. Time for new union blood for a "new" airline.
Reserves receive all DH pay above guarantee; blockholders do not receive DH pay above what a trip is worth.

Depending on where the vaction is awarded for a blockholder, it ususally drops a trip. For example, if a blockholder has vacation that drops out a 3 day, the most the f/a can get for that 3-day trip is 12 hours. A 3-day trip is normally worth a min. of 15 hours. This leaves the blockholder behind time by 3 hours which has to be made up.

Reserve guarantee goes up Jan. 1 2006 to 73 hours.

You guys should all know this. But, somehow your posts only tell half a story or one that is distorted.

Why do you always have to down play what the reserves are going through??? As usual you always protect the BH!!

I am not trying to be obnoxious here, but what can we do now to change the reserve system? I've said before I think a rotating reserve would be a good idea.

The blockholders lost a great deal of flexibility when the AIL was pretty much decimated. The reserves, in my opinion got really screwed with the whole half-done PREF bidding.

I know there's got to be a more humane and productive way to manage the reserves. What can we work out and who can we take it to? Can the AFA reserve committee bring anything to the company? Can Mike Flores?

If I am correct, Bull is our ex MEC. I flew with her when I was based in PIT, matter of fact, she did my IOE flights. I honestly believe most of these people do not realize what is going on. They talk a good game, but have never played it, at least not for 17 years. Bull, maybe you could answer this for me. Here in Clt, as you know, our LEC went on to become our new MEC, so that put Ann as our new LEC and Glenda as our new VP LEC, which left the SEC position open. I asked Glenda when we were going to fill the SEC slot and she told me that they would leave it open and just do the job(my take was-we don't want any new blood in here). Now, isn't that a paid position? Who is getting the money for that slot? Are they just splitting the money, because it is allocated, right? Also, these two don't seem to want to return any calls from reserves. Now they have asked for a reserve to come in and just deal with reserves(so much for just doing the other job) and not get any pay for it. I was disapponted that Mike did that to you up there. I don't know the whole story, so I won't hash on that. It seems down here, we are just where we were before during the Hearn period. It is so sad. Let me know your thoughts on any of this. Thanks. JB.
Why stop there with the lemonaid......lemon meringue pie, lemon poundcake, grilled fish with You guessed it,LEMONS! This time balancing system makes no sense and I don't blame the reserves at all in utilizing (and abusing it) to THEIR advantage. It takes Two to Tango :up:
Astro, you not catching on here. We just want to come to work and do our jobs(on our scheduled days on). I believe our union should have submitted from our rank and file for diffrent options, instead of this LTO system. All this has created is a group of F/A's who are trying not to fly on company time(days on duty). That was one of the reasons they changed they system, to make people go back to work. As you can tell, it didn't happen, because they never put Pref Bid. in. Sure, it is easy to abuse the system, but that doesn't solve they problem. We still have too many F/A's on they property. The company doesn't want a bunch of people who avg. about 37 flight hours a month on days on, when they should be flying 85-95 hours. Again, too much free time given away.

I am not trying to be obnoxious here, but what can we do now to change the reserve system? I've said before I think a rotating reserve would be a good idea.

I know there's got to be a more humane and productive way to manage the reserves. What can we work out and who can we take it to? Can the AFA reserve committee bring anything to the company? Can Mike Flores?


Dea, remember, rotating reserve would mean people who are a lot more senior and who have been off reserve for years might have to start serving the occasional reserve. It's hard to pinpoint a time when a person would be totally clear of reserves. At DFW last Spring, I heard that reserve went up to 19 years for one month. It's generally around 17 years there all the time. At STL (my base), people who have 8 years are completely off reserve.

This partly due to the fact that there is hardly anyone left at DFW who has less than 10 years. When I got DFW right out of training in 2000, DFW had just opened for new hires for the first time since 1989 or 1990.

I know that I love the rotating reserve at AA. (During reserve months, I get trips that I won't LIVE long enough to hold during my line months.) However, it's been in place for years. If the f/as were voting on it today, I doubt seriously it would pass. I hear people with 5 years complaining about reserve.

I am not trying to be obnoxious here, but what can we do now to change the reserve system? I've said before I think a rotating reserve would be a good idea.

The blockholders lost a great deal of flexibility when the AIL was pretty much decimated. The reserves, in my opinion got really screwed with the whole half-done PREF bidding.

I know there's got to be a more humane and productive way to manage the reserves. What can we work out and who can we take it to? Can the AFA reserve committee bring anything to the company? Can Mike Flores?



I will be honest, I don't know what the fix is. Nobody else in the industry is on reserve this long!! I agree that we should start with at least rotating reserve. But, according to Teddy, that can't happen as neither east/nor west have it in their contracts now. I think ANYTHING can be done. They had things changed during non section 6 negos. I am sure that the west would not mind rotating reserve either. At least we would have a life every other month.
One thing that needs to be done is get rid of the AIL. It is stupid to leave all that open time to support it. Every trip should be put into a block and you wouldn't need 20% reserve...call offs will lessen...moral will certainly improve. We ARE PRISONERS of the company!!!!!
Cindi Simone is the one who did this in the first place. Mike, our reserve chair, is the one to contact.