Not claiming to have the facts. Just pointing out that another board member HAS NONE. So now you are going to add to your LA hate list that she is solely responsible for all that is wrong with the reserve system? Pathetic, yet not surprising.
When a union official, council 70 (thank you, I am corrected) president, _averages_ 160 hours per month pay, you don't think that tends to take away work from potential reserves, making a few BHs into RES?
I'd say your response is pathetic, ignorant and, since ignorance repeated can only be described as stupid, um, stupid.
You don't have the facts, your attitude implies you don't care to have the facts, so, fact off, mr. hula skirt man, or, should I just call you, tutu.
If by hate list you include all the anti-employee actions LA has engendered, let me add a few. I hear new ones every single time I fly. and BTW, I would call the list: Document the Atrocities, and it is a l-o-o-n-n-g list. Each item is not enough to get one fired, but, together, they all add up.
Personally, I think the worst is calling up management and telling them to fire a FA. Another, told to me by a person offended, was, "you have used up your monthly dues, call me next month". She had that on speakerphone and her roommates heard it. It gets better as you go along.
AFA has denied due process, by their own Constitution and Bylaws.
So, what have you heard, tutu?
Disclaimer: She admitted to spreading vile and untrue rumors about me, for which she has yet to apologize. Up until that time, I did not even know who she was, that she was the spawn of a scab. I could have cared less, except...........she chose to make an issue of a made up lie about me.