I could never see our precious AFA allowing a rotating rsv system. Thant would put some BH's back on rsv. Bh's need to be protected, need to be taken care of. I think some of our union officers need to be taken care of. Maybe we should show them the love they have shown us.I still say that AA has the BEST reserve system of all. We are one-on-one-off for the first 3 years, then you only have to serve reserve 3 times/year until you have enough seniority to be off reserve completely.
Off reserve varies from base to base. For instance at SLT (St. Louis, don't ask), reserve for November only goes to 8 years. In the Summer it went up to 11 years. So, we have people who are only serving reserve one or two months per year. I have almost 5 years, and I only have to serve reserve 3 times/year.
At the more senior bases (DFW, ORD, LAX) reserve may go as high as 20+ years some months, but remember it's still only for a maximum of 3 times per year.
Anytime I feel like complaining about reserve, I only have to read about some of the stuff you guys have to put up with. Makes me realize how lucky I am.
Oh, I meant to mention also that when someone puts a trip out on our drop/trade board (we call it HIBOARD), it's strictly first-come-first-served. No one can restrict who picks up their trip.