Thank You.......You all have worked hard as well and we appreciate it as do the passengers!!!! Happy HolidaysTheLazarusman said:Are you fu@king kidding me? Are you listening to the vile crap you're spewing? What makes you any less deserving of punishment than the men and women you're directing your scathing comments at? You cannot tell me you're going to punish the all for what the few did. If they did play hookey, then fire their a$$e$; but don't make generalizations about them all. It makes you no better than the guilty ones. :down:
And for those of you who did show up today, many of you for the fifth,sixth, or seventh day in a row, this ramp rat would like to say thank you and God Bless to you and your families this holiday season.
The Lazarusman
FSA Lead
USAirways DFW