When I'm ready to I will.
Personaly speaking I hope you are stranded and miss your holiday celebrations since you co-workers have caused so many of the people you seem to forget actually pay your salaries to miss their celebrations. Perhaps if you spend the day explaining to YOUR friends and loved ones why you can't be there, you will gain a fuller appreciation of exactly who pays you.
They are called CUSTOMERS! Perhaps you've heard of them, they sit in the seats on the big airplanes and sometimes they pay $800+ to be a on a specific flight to attend a once in a lifetime event.
Keep on screwing the customers and your precious C.H.A.O.S Flyers & Ribbons Along with the CBA will be about as usefull as Charmin and not nearly as soft when you use it.
I had a lovely flight home today with one of the nicest most attentive and professional flight crews I have even riden with.