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PHL Reserve F/A's...it's time to ACT!

OK, all these flight attendants are going back on reserve. For me on reserve with my 40ish hours for the month, where are we going with this? This is such utter BULL$h!t that I can hardly stand it. Something has to change NOW. It's just frustrating....who do you vent to? NOTHING seems to make a difference. Call the UNION...HA! Thats a joke. We are gonna be even MORE broke than we are NOW. I just DON'T understand how this is. All these years on reserve. We are the laughing stock of other airlines. Through BK's and still UA and DL make more than us I bet. I don't want them to make the blockholders trip options totally restrictive as I would like those options as well but it seems we are just NEVER going to get there to enjoy it too. This reserve system even for a year or two is WRONG in so many ways. I just don't see this negotiating BS going anywhere. Problems are on the horizon.

I have to say it doesn't come as a big suprise that there are no VPLOA for Dec. Lets face it many people do call in sick during the holidays. For once it seems like the company is looking forward and trying to be prepared in advance. As far and the reserve and scheduling system I put the blame at our union's door. They only seem to take care of one group at this company and it isn't the reserves!
Some will think differently but this system DOES revolve around the blockholder. TRUE, the blockholder should be the primary position then the reserves filling in for irregular ops and sick calls. Well this just isn't the case. You are on reserve as a career here. Everyone or mostly everyone is p!ssed off because of this FAR that hampers a reserves ability to pick up ETB trips. The system is flawed when you have to pick up time on your days off to make up for what was taken away in the first place. I hope the company/union come to an agreement for the blockholders dropping trips. The ETB was to rid the options. Well if you can't drop a trip then what? The contract was negotiated for a b/h to do so. While I am NO fan of this reserve system and think blockholders STILL have MUCH flexibility if YOU were a blockholder would you want to lose any of that flexibility? PROBABLY NOT! There is the problem. How do you get a vote for something when most are blockholders and will not give up anything they have to save a reserve. It's not gonna happen.
The contract was negotiated for a b/h to do so. While I am NO fan of this reserve system and think blockholders STILL have MUCH flexibility if YOU were a blockholder would you want to lose any of that flexibility? PROBABLY NOT! There is the problem. How do you get a vote for something when most are blockholders and will not give up anything they have to save a reserve. It's not gonna happen.

Well, there is the concept of thinking of someone else other than yourself. :lol: But, then if the senior f/as at US are anything like the seniors at AA, that ain't gonna happen.

And, the company wins in any situation where they can keep a workgroup's attention and animosity focussed on each other rather than on the issues that matter. So, why should the company care that the reserve system is screwed up?
Thats just it. The company DOES NOT care about the reserve system. They certainly don't care about a reserves financial hardship. They don't want a reserve to time out. They pay a flat 73 to everyone cut and dry. Reserves can hardly p/u ETB...so what. They will find a way for the blockholder to STILL drop and this FAR that is new (to reserves) will affect them very little if at all. So all will continue regardless of how many reserves call and complain and picket until the cows come home. I still say make your voice heard but don't expect much. 🙁
Delta in NON UNION! Could that be the reason why they do what they do?

Unions are slaves to the seniority system for reasons known only to them. Perhaps PITbull could shed some light???????


Delta FAs love it every time AFA makes a run at unionizing them. The company throws them bones to keep the union out. The FAs are, as a result, compensated pretty well.

and BTW, with Delta, it is a seniority system. Seems a craft does not have to be unionized to adopt a seniortiy system.
Not claiming to have the facts. Just pointing out that another board member HAS NONE. So now you are going to add to your LA hate list that she is solely responsible for all that is wrong with the reserve system? Pathetic, yet not surprising.

Hey tutu!

No one has "blamed" you for the reserve system. What they do blame you for is you telling someone (on reserve) that their dues are used up and therefore, hang up. It is your crappy insensitive attitude to the 40% of the FAs literally stuck on reserve, with no future.

Then, to twist the blade in every reserve, you fly 160/220 hours per month, basically stealing time from the system, denying pay to reserves, forcing them to accept less than a living wage. and "minimum guarantee" is just that, basically, with government support, one can barely scrape by.

_You_, our lazy rep, is the problem. I am surprised the company has not hired you, despite your entreaties to go management. But, then, maybe, even they can sense what a disaster you would be.
Hey tutu!

No one has "blamed" you for the reserve system. What they do blame you for is you telling someone (on reserve) that their dues are used up and therefore, hang up. It is your crappy insensitive attitude to the 40% of the FAs literally stuck on reserve, with no future.

Then, to twist the blade in every reserve, you fly 160/220 hours per month, basically stealing time from the system, denying pay to reserves, forcing them to accept less than a living wage. and "minimum guarantee" is just that, basically, with government support, one can barely scrape by.

_You_, our lazy rep, is the problem. I am surprised the company has not hired you, despite your entreaties to go management. But, then, maybe, even they can sense what a disaster you would be.

First off, you don't know who you are responding to moron.

Second, what do you mean "our rep". Last I checked AFA doesn't represent pilots.

As for the rest of your babble, it's kind of you to type while hoochey babbles since she has a hard time putting a sentence togehter.