"Rescheduling the airline every day" was a phrase of Wolf's, I believe. Please, don't start quoting him! I think better of you than that!
It would be fairly easy to automate the AIL system with today's technology. People get to arrange their schedules for what works best for them and then you have happier flight attendants.
Time balancing doesn't seem to be working so well, does it? Making people fly the weekends isn't working so well either. It's taking time from the reserves. And believe it or not, many people don't mind working weekends due to child care/elder care or school scheduling.
We need to have some flexibility with our schedules. Everyone has preferences that work best for them. I don't mind working weekends as a rule. Sometimes, I do have a family function or special occasion and then I would like to be off. I have one special holiday a year I like to have off, otherwise, I fly them. (and no, you smart alecks, it's not Halloween so I can attend my coven meeting!)
We do have a very senior work force. Soon, most of us will be gone. I figure I have a few more good years left in me.
Don't be so short-sighted. Let's focus on expanding our operations, decreasing the reserve lines, improving the secondary blocks and maintaining the little flexibility we have now.
A rotating reserve would seem to me to be the best fix for now.