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Question, Foreign Maintenance

Buck said:

No amount of negotiating is going to get you pay that makes a job uncompetitve. Look at NWA, SWA.

What I am trying to get thru to you, is that not all jobs are worth the same. By insisting they are you are eliminating workers, who would be better compensated at AA, and have advancement opportunities, than if they went to work for an MRO. I also want to repeat my long stnading question, when you get tires mounted do you insist that the person doing it is a fully training car mechanic? Or do you settle for someone who is skill trained?

Have a nice eveneing, and don't bother replying, I am taking a break from this nonsens BB. After all there are the neo-cons to watch 😀
j7915 said:
Why should they pay attention to a handful of mechs, uncoordinated from any other group. All the A&Ps together don't have the funds nor the manpower to help turn elections.

Well there are more A&Ps out there than there are TWU members.

As far as the TWU what is their total COPE from the ATD? Not much, I used to get the reports. Of those that did give 50 cents a month was the most common contribution. Many of those who were giving are not even aware of what COPE is but since its only 50 cents they dont bother looking into it.

Now we know why the TWU was so paranoid about the new LM-2s.

There is no way that COPE contributions pay for Peggy's salary, all the sweaters hats, shirts and mailings the TWU does for COPE. As far as the AFL-CIO the last few rounds of elections several major unions backed candidates other than the "official" AFL-CIO candidate. They couldnt hold it together then, they did nothing last year, what makes you think, after all that has happened that the average union member has more confidence in their appointed leaders now than then?
j7915 said:
No amount of negotiating is going to get you pay that makes a job uncompetitve. Look at NWA, SWA.

What I am trying to get thru to you, is that not all jobs are worth the same. By insisting they are you are eliminating workers, who would be better compensated at AA, and have advancement opportunities, than if they went to work for an MRO. I also want to repeat my long stnading question, when you get tires mounted do you insist that the person doing it is a fully training car mechanic? Or do you settle for someone who is skill trained?

Have a nice eveneing, and don't bother replying, I am taking a break from this nonsens BB. After all there are the neo-cons to watch 😀

What ever happened to the TWU motto of "A loaf of bread costs him the same as you?"

Wait till Gary Yingst gets a hold of you, he will tell you that you are anti-union!

The point is that as union men we accept the fact that not every single task we accomplish requires the same degree of skill, also that not every worker is as skilled as the next but if its our work, and we should try to claim as much as possible, we get the same pay. Otherwise with everyone at different pay rates how would you ever get unity?

This is one of the reasons why mechanics must get out of the TWU and into their own union, because there will always be friction between us an other classifications, especially when the union that represents you could care less about your profession. I am an A&P, I need a union that is going to try and maximize the value of my liscences, the TWU has never done that, in fact they have done the opposite, trading away jobs to other classifications and creating subclasses of unliscenced mechanics that do work that an A&P used to do might be great for the company($ saved) and for the TWU(more dues) but it hurts the profession by narrowing the opportunities for A&Ps to find employment. In fact the TWU is largely responsible for the hardships that other airlines face. Those airlines were keeping their work in house, done by A&Ps at A&P rates while the TWU has been giving the company discounted labor plus the ability to contract out whatever they could not do cheaper in house since at least 1995, not to mention that the TWU was the first to agree to B-scale and twelve year progressions.

The union should fight for the jobs and not pit one group against the other by taking away from one group and giving it to another.

The fact is we do not get unions to get us just any job at any rate, we could do that without unions, we get unions to maximize our pay and benifits. When a union fails to do that and instead hides behind "giving concessions to protect jobs" they have ceased to be a union.

Claiming that we are giving concessions for jobs while at the same time rolling back job protection clauses is nothing less than a lie. This union had other motives.
j7915 said:
No amount of negotiating is going to get you pay that makes a job uncompetitve. Look at NWA, SWA.

What I am trying to get thru to you, is that not all jobs are worth the same.

I guess we could say that since QA sits in their chairs at TUL more than any other mechanics that they should receive less pay? Could it be that you will defend your compensation based on your responsibility? Just as the OSM has the responsibility for the work he signs for. The majority of those OSM's who the TWU RIF'd have A&P licenses, if they give up their compensation so should you.

By insisting they are you are eliminating workers, who would be better compensated at AA, and have advancement opportunities, than if they went to work for an MRO.

And what was gained by selling out fellow union members? The TWU has no room for advancement. All they do is concede pay, benefits and work rules to bring more dues payers on board.

I also want to repeat my long stnading question, when you get tires mounted do you insist that the person doing it is a fully training car mechanic? Or do you settle for someone who is skill trained?

I would use either a fully trained car mechanic or settle for someone who is skill trained. I am sure that a fully trained car mechanic knows how to pick the tires for my vehicle and even explain why I should use his knowledge, the same as the skill trained worker.

Go ahead and take your break, thanks answering the gun question.

Better to watch the neo-cons than to run with the hypocritical yellow dogs.

Have a nice eveneing, and don't bother replying, I am taking a break from this nonsens BB. After all there are the neo-cons to watch 😀
777GUY said:
I am in Europe (its the world wide web, get it?!) and yes I am a full time A&P.

What station do you work at? Also what was your pay/benefit cut last year?
What station do you work at? Also what was your pay/benefit cut last year?

What pay scale are you paid on?

What are your wages and benefits?

I can convert the Dollar if necessay....
Rusty said:
Excuse me for the assumption 777GUY. The "I work there." threw me off!!! If I were talking to a person in Europe, I would have said "I work here" meaning the USA so again forgive me. I see no reason for the "get it?" summation. Why such a defensive answer?

My apologies Rusty. That didn't sound too good!
777GUY said:
My apologies Rusty. That didn't sound too good!

Are you going to answer the questions on pay and benifit cuts?

Last year we had a mechanic from London here at JFK.

He told us that they did not take a pay cut, you see most of their contractual items, even though they are not union, are protected by Brittish Law.

Over there workers are protected not only from greedy corporations but also from sellout company unions like the TWU.

Brittian has the least amount of protective labor laws in Europe, but they still have more than we do. So the AA employees of Europe did not take the cuts that we did, yet they still have their jobs. Maybe we had to give more to make up for what they didnt give up!

By the way, the work they do is considered "in house".
Bob Owens said:
Are you going to answer the questions on pay and benifit cuts?
Last year we had a mechanic from London here at JFK.

He told us that they did not take a pay cut, you see most of their contractual items, even though they are not union, are protected by Brittish Law.

Over there workers are protected not only from greedy corporations but also from sellout company unions like the TWU.

Brittian has the least amount of protective labor laws in Europe, but they still have more than we do. So the AA employees of Europe did not take the cuts that we did, yet they still have their jobs. Maybe we had to give more to make up for what they didnt give up!

By the way, the work they do is considered "in house".

It is not for me to go into details of my compensation on a public website, that is my business and nobody elses. I can tell you though, that we DID recieve a considerable pay cut.

We don't have union representation in Europe and it would appear that it is a good thing, if you read through all the AMFA/TWU squabbling on this forum.

We are all in this together, working for the same company,with the same problems, whatever side of the Atlantic you are on.
777GUY said:
It is not for me to go into details of my compensation on a public website, that is my business and nobody elses. I can tell you though, that we DID recieve a considerable pay cut.

We don't have union representation in Europe and it would appear that it is a good thing, if you read through all the AMFA/TWU squabbling on this forum.

We are all in this together, working for the same company,with the same problems, whatever side of the Atlantic you are on.

How can we all be in this together when you did not take the same pay cuts as we did here in the U.S.? No one asked for details as to your taxes, deductions, etc. Here at AA in the U.S. we took a 28% cut in pay and benefits that will last for 5 years. (One has gone by.) We do not have any snap back clauses and have so far received 1.5% raise since the first day of concessions. This 1.5% equaled about 48 cents. We lost half our holidays and 7 sick days. When we call in sick the first two consecutive days of each occurance we get half a days pay. We got all this without voting.

If you wish to remain behind an alias and not offer true information as to how "we are all in this together" on a public BB you can continue to enjoy your pay and benefits while those who wish to protect our profession do so.

There is no AMFA/twu squabbling on this BB. What there is here is twu supporting cowards that can not accept the fact that the twu is a socialistic industrial union. These same alias posting cowards can not answer why the twu international positions are not voted on by the full membership.

Be glad you do not belong to the twu.
777GUY said:
It is not for me to go into details of my compensation on a public website, that is my business and nobody elses. I can tell you though, that we DID recieve a considerable pay cut.

We don't have union representation in Europe and it would appear that it is a good thing, if you read through all the AMFA/TWU squabbling on this forum.

We are all in this together, working for the same company,with the same problems, whatever side of the Atlantic you are on.
Did you take a 17.5% paycut? Did you lose most of your benefits like 5 days of VC, 5 days of sicktime, 2 days of half-pay sicktime, ID time reduced from 70 days to 10, 1,2,3 cent shift differential, and many more, I will stop there. :angry:

Yes, you are lucky you don't have the twu company union. You most likely did not take what we in the States did. You post like your a company/management friendly kind of person, we have many in the twu like this.

They think the company is they're friend. As long as I do what I'm told, I work hard as possible, the company will take care of me. THESE PEOPLE ARE BLIND, AND THEY COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG!!

You did hear of the big fall-out last year with cAArty? Our management takes care of themselves very well. They could care less about you and your family. Your a robot with a tool box. Your just a working stiff that is to be exploited as much as possible when the need arises.

The twu is just along for the ride. The twu has expanded 3 fold in the recent years. We are the "stack 'em deep and sell 'em cheap" twu union members. The twu International has afforded themselves hefty payraises, an office on Broadway in New York City, parties, and automobiles, while the membership has taken the beating of our careers. They sit back with the company and laugh all the way to the bank.

Good luck with your career 777Guy, and feel lucky your protected from what we have had to deal with in the USA at the hands of AA and the twu.
I read the Europe jetnet all the time, you did not take a pay or benefit cut. Nice try on being from Europe, but your grammar says otherwise, U.S. Furthermore, with the timezones, most of your post are well past midnight, what's up with that. Somehow I suspect you reside in KC or Tulsa, but good try anyway.
Isn't it amazing....you guys are so damn skeptical and unbelieving of anyone that posts here that isn't an obvious delle bootlicker. Are you sure that guy isn't Connell....HAHAHA...you all suck.
Nightwatch said:
Isn't it amazing....you guys are so damn skeptical and unbelieving of anyone that posts here that isn't an obvious delle bootlicker. Are you sure that guy isn't Connell....HAHAHA...you all suck.

Skeptical? What? A person posts from behind the cloak of an alias and is questioned about his/her claims, which they will not provide, and people are skeptical?

nw, why doesn't this person simply post his/her name? You are not skeptical. You simply swallow everything the twu tells you. Just like the good little sheep that you are.
OK Ken, the reason I do not use my name here should be obvious. It is no secret that MAS and other AA entities read here. I will not open myself up for any unwarranted hearing due to something I inadvertently post. I have spoken with a MAS Special Investigator, in fact I'm looking at her card now, and she brought this board to my attention.

I realize that the company would have a difficult time going after anyone here, but why fuel the fire?

Coward, not. I would just as soon speak face to face than to type, but that is not realistic, at least not currently.

Am I a sheep Ken? I research the TWU and AMFA almost daily, keeping track of our current condition and where this job might be heading. I spend more time on my PC than I care to admit, but I do it to learn. I do not speak to any TWU reps about their progress, I try and research my own, it's not that I do not trust them, but I'd rather keep the politically correct answers out of my schooling, if ya catch my drift.

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