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Outsourcing Maintenance

<_< ---- Time! You must be from Tulsa! There's one thing you have forgotten! 20K less for you, is still more than we were making for TWA! And if you'de get off your dead ass, maybe we could get reed of that Company Union and get that 20K back!!! :angry:

How about let's get AMFA to negotiate our next contract? That lasted for 5 years at NWA. Can I jump ship, retire before the chicken come home and eliminate the wonderful contract Delle and McC would peddle?

Or maybe we get the IBT. I'll vote for the contract they negotiated at AMFA's poster boy SWA, which the "new and grateful" AMFA members voted to extend.
How about let's get AMFA to negotiate our next contract? That lasted for 5 years at NWA. Can I jump ship, retire before the chicken come home and eliminate the wonderful contract Delle and McC would peddle?

Or maybe we get the IBT. I'll vote for the contract they negotiated at AMFA's poster boy SWA, which the "new and grateful" AMFA members voted to extend.

How about if we get a chance to vote without being able to change a person's vote from YES to NO to Yes to NO, etc?

How about if we are lied to... again... we actually get to have a FULL REVOTE?

Or maybe... just maybe... when we get more concessions jammed down our throats we get a SNAPBACK clause?
<_< ----Time! Well excuse me! But you know what they say about Oklahomens, and ex New Yorkers! 😛 What's this I hear about a posible raid by the Teamsters? Your thoughts? MIA? You must know my Buddy aafsc??? 😛
May have bumped into him but dont think I know him
No mention of a teamster raid here in MIA.
I am so tired of giving back with the twu I'd be more than willing to get raped by someone else just as long as the twu is gone. :up:

???All that work????? Are you kidding me??? You get paid to perform 8 hours of work are you not??? Let me see...prior to working "harder", what an average day was like for an AMT....get to work, hit the clock....walk to work area (15-20 min, you went the long way)....take at least 30-45 minutes to set up your work area.....work 2 hours (if lucky)....take a 30min+++break, work another hour or so.....oh look time for an hour lunch (contractually only 30 min but we can do that), back to work area the long way again....work an hour or so.....oh boy I'm tired, another 30 min++++ break....almost time to clean up area, goody.....work another hour or so (or at least look busy)....well what do you know it's an hour before quitting time I guess I'll start winding it up for the next guy to take over.....15 minutes later....well it's time to clean up my mess (you were so "messy" it takes about 45 minutes)......time to clock out and go home (and once again you take the long way to the clock). Yep, you worked a good 8 hours and boy are you tired!!

You gotta love this job :up:
May have bumped into him but dont think I know him
No mention of a teamster raid here in MIA.
I am so tired of giving back with the twu I'd be more than willing to get raped by someone else just as long as the twu is gone. :up:
You gotta love this job :up:
<_< Time ---- From someone who has been raped sooo may times when someone yells "BOHICA", we automatically bend over and grab our ankles! It would be nice to come out on top, just once!!!! 😉
<_< Time ---- From someone who has been raped sooo may times when someone yells "BOHICA", we automatically bend over and grab our ankles! It would be nice to come out on top, just once!!!! 😉

We did come out on top once but without further ratification it was taken away from us. :down:
It will be a long time before we come out on top again. B)
We did come out on top once but without further ratification it was taken away from us. :down:
It will be a long time before we come out on top again. B)
<_< ----Friend! By then I'll be long gone!!! 😛 There is one thing to keep an eye on! That's the Michigan Seniority law suit! It's supposed to go to the Jury on Oct.2ed! 🙄
<_< ----Time! Well excuse me! But you know what they say about Oklahomens, and ex New Yorkers! 😛 What's this I hear about a posible raid by the Teamsters? Your thoughts? MIA? You must know my Buddy aafsc??? 😛
A raid by the Teamsters would be a great move for all of us.After all as our friend from Tulsa already brought up the Teamsters have negotiated the best paying contracts in the industry.They would certainly be better than the TWU with AA managements boy Jim Little.

Over 9600 mechanics already filled out cards for AMFA, the only reason why mechanics are still in the TWU is because of collusion between the TWU, AA and the NMB. So the Teamsters already have a lock with the mechanics, anyone who filled out an AMFA card would fill out a Teamster card.

Fleet service never had an option, there was no viable independant union out there to take them on and unlike Maintenance the majority of Fleet workers are not in low cost areas like MCI or TUL. Fleet workers have seen an even greater loss of earnings than mechanics and the TWU can not claim that they saved any Fleet jobs. A Teamster drive through Fleet service would be a breeze.

With one vote the TWU would lose half their ATD.Ironically our departure would also be the best thing to happen to the TWU as a union. With AA gone Local 100 wouold be more powerful within the union and they could finally rout out all the corrupt dead wood that AA Locals have helped keep in power.
the Teamsters already have a lock with the mechanics, anyone who filled out an AMFA card would fill out a Teamster card.

Actually, far more would fill out a Teamsters card. Many mechanics were leery of AMFA due to its small organizational structure. Many mechanics were leery of AMFA because they feared being in a different union than the rampers would leave us abandoned if we struck. Strength in numbers, I believe is the train of thought. I was a very active promoter and collector of signed cards, so I have a very good handle on this. I spent a lot of time discussing this with mechs who were not exactly pro-AMFA. Of course, what I say only applies to line stations. Shop and overhaul is another story. but I would suspect that a fair number of them are are astute enough to see beyond the blind TWU loyalty that is all too common there.

Whether they were correct is neither here nor there, but I believe most of those doubters would vote Teamsters. I don't believe AA would eat them alive the way NWA ate AMFA.
Whether they were correct is neither here nor there, but I believe most of those doubters would vote Teamsters. I don't believe AA would eat them alive the way NWA ate AMFA.

I think you're correct on both counts...
Well somebody better locate a ring leader in Tulsa.

Most Tulsa AMFA Organizers I know, have spent enough personal financing and paid time off trying to save the stooges from themselves. Many are now working their own small businesses or second jobs. Many will soon leave the industry to the "I'm lucky to have job, Brother" cowards of the Tulsa Maintenance Base.

I will sign any card to get a vote to remove TWU, but I refuse to spend more time and personal resources trying to make warriors out of cowards.

Anyone collecting cards, just send me a PM and I will get one to sign.

TEAMSTERS sounds good to me!

I would even be willing to pay double the monthly union dues, to just have a union that empowers the membership and rids us of dictators.
TEAMSTERS sounds good to me!

I would even be willing to pay double the monthly union dues, to just have a union that empowers the membership and rids us of dictators.

I'm not sure the Teamsters are all that good, but certainly better than the TWU if judged by the pay and benefits they have won for their members.
<_< ------Only rumors Friends! Let's see if anything comes of it. But it sounds like things are ripe for a change! 😉
AA has been ripe to dump the twu for years, but Tulsa and MCI were and are the problem. We were very close to a vote, AMFA had the cards, the only way the twu and AA could stop the vote was to lie to the NMB. No surprise there.

Get the cards for the IBT out of Tulsa and MCI, and the line and AFW will be there.
Name: God wont forget
Date: Monday July 03, 2006
Time: 03:50:49 PM

11 months on strike with NO end in sight. Yes sir, the power of AMFA certainly has been demonstrated to the industry. So too the myth of "Strength in Skill", and "Craft Union" philosophy. Shot down in a flaming ball is an understatement for the 10,000 jobs AMFA lost at NWA. Apologies to every IAM supporter and former officer/official wont save the disgrace that amfa organizers/supporters brought upon themselves, for how can the loss of 10,000 jobs be explained to the 10,000 families who depended on them? Shame, shame, shame, shame, shame, shame and humiliation are mere symptoms for the disease these AMFA fools carry. God will judge them for crimes to his children and carnage hewn.

Incase God is busy, we'll help him out by putting Jim Young's name on the top of his list.

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